Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Thursday, November 25, 2021

National Debt Update 11/25/2021

 According to the National Debt on this date at 6:28 PM is over 28 Trillion 987 Billion Dollars. That, my friends comes out to over 229 Thousand Dollars per Taxpayer and 87 Thousand Dollars per citizen. It's not looking good with the 1.2 Trillion Dollar so-called Infrastructure bill recently passed and the 3.5 Trillion Dollar Build Back Better bill they're trying to pass. What are we doing to our children and grandchildren if we even make it until they get older if we don't do anything about this?

~ Pester Brat

Sunday, September 12, 2021

From Nine Eleven to Afghanistan Pull Out

As everyone knows, yesterday was the 20th Anniversary of what we have called "Nine Eleven." The September 11th, 2001 attack on our country that including the destruction of the World Trade Center towers. It was a tragedy we should never forget. I was in SE Florida at the time working for a bank at the drive-thru when the attack occurred. 

A lot has happened during those 20 years. 7+ more years for President George W. Bush, 8 years of President Barack Hussein Obama, 4 years of President Donald J. Trump, and as of the date of this post, 8 months of "alleged" President Joseph R. Biden. 

In response to the attack we got the Patriot Act that included the Department of Homeland Security. While there have been other violations here and there in the past, the Patriot Act was a huge constitutional violation invading privacy rights in the name of safety and security.

During the Obama Administration, we were given the Affordable Care Act, aka Obama Care, that further violated the Constitution by requiring citizens to have Health Insurance or be fined, and more. It was also during this administration that there was a big increase in "false tolerance" and "race baiting." Since President Obama was a the first African American and un-self admitted Muslim POTUS (but his mother was white), with the help of the lamestream media, people who opposed Obama's views were wrongly and stupidly considered racists. The false tolerance including not taking action against certain Muslims that resulted in the shooting and murder at Ft. Hood in Texas, and more. Mr. Barack HUSSEIN Obama also helped Iran by allowing them produce ingredients that could be used for nuclear weapons. More could be said, but suffice it to say that those that wanted the first black POTUS could have done much better. I believe that until Nov. 2020, Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama being our first black POTUS and First Lady was the greatest hoax ever at that time.

Then, since so many citizens were fed up, we got a guy for POTUS that many considered wrong for the position because of his past lifestyle, and he being to direct and not having much if any tact. He was a business man that ran as a Republican even though he was really more of an independent and outsider. He was the first POTUS to use Twitter and many people thought he sent many mean tweets. He falsely impeached, and was constantly under attack by most Democrats and the RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). Because of that and all that he accomplished in spite of them, he is probably the greatest POTUS of them all. This writer didn't vote for him in 2016 (I didn't vote for HWC either), but I did vote for him in 2020. When you look numerous factors and the 2016 General Election, I believe that Donald J. Trump actually won the 2020 Election. As of the date of this posts, I believe various audits are proving this. Whether the election will be overturned remains to be seen, but because of a serious situation with our current POTUS, it's even more reason why it should be. But more of that in a few minutes of writing and reading. Since millions of Americans believed that Trump really won the 2020 General Election both by electoral college votes and the popular vote, there was a large protest on Jan. 6th 2021 at the Capitol- the day of certification. It was said that some "Trump Supporters" illegally went into the Capitol and that there was an attack. I believe it was a false flag event and that it was possible that Antifa members were posing as Trump Supporters. But even if it wasn't, it has been proven that people were allowed into the Capitol and much of it was relatively peaceful. I think the Democrats, RINOs and Lamestream Media blew it out of proportion, and that it was not an attack on the Capitol and our Nation.

We now move on to our current POTUS- Joseph R. Biden. Not only do I think he should not be POTUS because he really lost the 2020 General Election. He also should not be POTUS because he is obviously unfit to be POTUS and Commander-in-Chief. It is obvious, and Physicians that have observed him have said that the man has Dementia or some sort of mental impairment. Yet practically nothing is being done about it. I don't think we should make fun of him, and the situation is serious. Who is running our country? It is not Mr. Biden! How could his wife allow him to even run for PUTUS and allow this charade to go on? Joseph R. Biden should be and should have been removed!!! They have botched (if it really wasn't deliberate) the southern border security so that not just a few of them that want asylum are crossing the southern border, but criminals, gang members and terrorists as well. That's dangerous. More recently, and interestingly just days before the 20th Anniversary of Nine Eleven, they botched the pull out of Afghanistan that costs numerous lives including 13 Marines and left billions of dollars of weaponry and equipment. And they plan on letting thousands of refugees to come over here, who won't be vetted. That's also dangerous, and yet they want to ban more guns. A few days before the date of this post, while standing next to his wife Jill while she was speaking, he abruptly leaves her side to go somewhere according to Fox News. Come to find out that he heard the Ice Cream Truck and went to get an Ice Cream Cone. Then about a week ago, because enough Americans are not voluntarily getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, the POTUS issued an unconstitutional Executive Order (if it is intended to apply to non Federal Employees it's unconstitutional) that all employers that have more than 100 employees is mandate that their employees get the vaccine. Regardless of what you think of the vaccine, every American should be quite concerned about this Federal Government overreach and violation of the constitution and be contacting their federal and state senators and representatives. I'm thankful that seemingly my State has language in a recent vaccine passport ban nullification bill that recently passed preventing that from happening in our State. What about your State? Better contact your reps!!! 

So since Joseph R. Biden is not fit to be POTUS, and the various audits have shown that he did not win the 2020 General Election, he should be removed along with VPOTUS Kamala Harris, and Donald Trump and Mike Pence should be reinstated. Make it so, engage, and get 'er done!

So yes, much has happened in the 20 years since that tragic event. Much more that I have not listed in this blog post. We have gotten soft on Al-Quaida, ISIS, the Taliban, and rest of radical Islam. Their goal is to take over our country by population if they don't do it by force before that happens, while non Muslim citizens are only having 1.something kids average per family. We need to ask ourselves if we really think that the peace loving we-just-want-to-live-the-American-dream Muslims would help try to stop that if it even gets that far. We have Muslims holding elected office in the Federal Government whose beliefs contradict the U.S. Constitution. How can they even be there??? We need to do some serious rearranging of our thinking and priorities, don't we?

~ Pester Brat ~


Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Generic Outline for a Typical La-Fayette Meeting Place Meetings

We're counting down the days until our first meeting. Here is an generic outline of a typical meeting. Hope you'll join us the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 PM at the Crossville Community Center. 

1. Welcome and Opening Prayer

2. Pledge of Allegiance (if a flag is available)

3. National Anthem and/or Patriotic Song (together or a singer)

4. 2nd Amendmentations :-)

5. Scripture Reading (usually something relevant to the purpose of our meetings)

6. Christian Song (together or a singer)

7. Notable Quotables (from former presidents or founding fathers)

8. Reading of the 10th Amendment

9. News We Can Use

10. Guest Speaker (Hopefully Coming Soon) or Pester Brat's Message

11.   Patriotic Song

12. It's Constitutional Watson

13.   Economy 101

14.    Q & A

15. Prayer for our Nation and Closing Prayer

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Introducing The La-Fayette Meeting Place

 As those that have been following and reading know, the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots (sometimes shortened to Concerned Constitutional Patriots) has had a national presence on the internet for almost a decade.

After we settled down and I partially retired in Lamar County Alabama, I started developing a conviction to do something on a local level. And not just for us, but as an example and hopefully just a beginning for others to do the same thing in counties, cities and towns around the country. 

The La-Fayette Meeting Place is short for The Lamar County- Fayette County Meeting Place. As we know Lafayette is a common name and many places around our country bear that name. Interestingly, we lived in Lafayette Louisiana for 18 months previous to here. And I saw an old map of Alabama that showed Lamar and Fayette Counties as one, called Lafayette. The La-Fayette Meeting Place is the location and meeting name for the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots: The Lamar County/Fayette County Chapter. Perhaps one day it'll grow so we can split it into 2 or more chapters. 

It is modeled after a church service, and if allowed, will technically be a church, but biblically it is not. No Pastors, Elders or Deacons. No Bible sermons. There will be some praying, scripture reading and Christian music along with patriotic music, readings from the constitution, our country's founding fathers, and news that affects us. In other words, it will be unapologetically Christian (but non denominational) and constitutional, but the purpose is to inform about unconstitutional and economical issues, and major news, and encourage one another through music and getting to know each other. 

My goal is for our meeting times to not interfere with Sunday and Wednesday Church services, yet be at a time for most people to come. I know that between Church, football, school, and more, there will not be a perfect day and time. Even though I live in Vernon and know more people here, I want to try to be somewhat centrally located for Lamar and Fayette Counties, and it be easy to get to. 

So to start off we will meet once a month on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm at the Crossville Community Center. If you can't come but believe in what I'm trying to do, please spread the word, and if you're a praying person, pray for this.

If you have any questions, you can reply to the posts in the various Facebook groups and posts, Private Message me on either my personal account (BretM Lovitz) or Pester Brat, or you can email me at  

We need to do this more than ever before. There is so much going on that's further eroding our freedom, economy, and country. Let's make this endeavor happen!

Thank you, I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible.

~Bret Lovitz, aka Pester Brat~

P.S. If you are reading this and are not local, I hope that you will consider doing this in your own county, city, or town. 

National Debt Update

 As of the date of this post, out national debt according to is over 28 trillion 672 billion dollars.

That comes to over 86,000 per citizen and over 227,000 per taxpayer.

What we're doing to our children and grandchildren is unconscionable! While one major political party seems to spend more than the other, both parties are culpable. 

Is it too late to do anything about it? What cab be done? Is voting the right people in the only remedy if we even could? There are other remedies, but most people would not be willing to do it. 

Wake up people, before it's too late. 

~ Pester Brat ~

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Oh Where or Where Did the Truckers Go, Oh Where Oh Where Did They Go?

I have never been a truck driver to earn a living. I tried to back one up once years ago when the regular yard driver was busy. And I have rented  numerous 20-26 foot trucks to move from one state to another due to new jobs. My brother has been a fleet manager, and one of our grown children has just become a tractor trailer driver for his employer. 

It is an important job. While there has been concern about there being enough tractor trailer drivers for a few years now, we have seen during the last year or so during the manufactured crisis due to the COVID-19 just how important they are. 

During the last week of the date of this blog post, there have been some articles about the consequences of a "trucker shortage." You know that many in the Lamestream Media can't pass up a chance for fearmongering. 

But the concern itself is real, and applies to other employment categories as well. We could point to numerous reasons for the problem, but it is not my intention to get into that in this blog post. From the human perspective it could cause some serious problems down the road that could be gradual and progressive. We as parents and grandparents should be encouraging and guiding our children and grandchildren to become truck drivers. Companies should be doing more to get people to become truck drivers. And the government needs to stop burdening these companies with to much taxes and regulations.

Lastly, us Christians would do well to include this issue in our prayers.

~ Pester Brat

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

2nd Amendmentations 3:24

 Okay, so I like catchy titles. Is this one catchy enough? The first two parts of the title are pretty obvious I reckon. The "3:24" just represents today's date because there was a hearing today about the numerous anti-2nd Amendment bills. JRB and company are on it, aren't they? I did catch a news clip showing Ted Cruz saying that every time there's a tragic shooting, more gun control is proposed by the Left. 

Do they think we're all stupid? Are they all stupid? Not all of us are. Sadly there are many leftists that either are that stupid or just haven't thought things through. And not all of Congress are either. They know it's not the gun, gun free zone, and background checks. A lot of them are hypocrites about it anyway.

They have an agenda. And if a growing number of citizens keep falling for it, history may repeat itself. Don't fall for it! Let's stand our ground. If this nonsense passes, tell your state senators and representatives you expect it to not be enforced and want immediate nullification. Tell them now, don't wait to see if anything passes. Tell them you want constitutional carry/ permit-less concealed carry and that it's no longer an option. And not just them, tell your Governor, Commissioner(s), Mayor, Sheriff, and Chief of Police. If that doesn't work, they can't take what you don't have. It's just what we believe for those that do have!

But when it's all said and done, it's a good thing that this world is not the home of born again Christians. However, this is not an excuse for passivity and doing nothing. What about our children and grandchildren if the Lord tarries?

~ Pester Brat ~

You're Once, Twice, Three Time a....Racist?

Oh, I'm sorry. That's "lady" not "racist" right? Who was it that sung that? Lionel Ritchie? I wonder what he thinks about all of the racism, race baiting, white privilege, and BLM? I haven't come across any quotes from him about this stuff. If you have, feel free to share. Am I insinuating that he is a racist? Not at all. The title of this song he sang just happened to come to mind while thinking about this issue and a title, so hopefully it's catchy enough for you to read this blog post :-). 

So who's a racist? White people? Black people? Hispanic people? Asian people? Trump supporters? BLM? White Supremist Groups? How about no one? Or maybe it's everyone! 

Folks, whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Independent, we are being played...scammed. Divide and conquer is likely the strategy of 'powers that be,' whether you want to call them Bilderbergers, Deep State, Illuminati, or something else. 

Look, we all have some racism in us whether we realize it or not. It's part and parcel of our sin nature that is not completely done way with until we receive our resurrected bodies. Yet we have grown as a society, and I don't think it is near as bad as the Lamestream Media is making it out to be. Yes there is white on black crime. The last time I checked there are white and black people in this country, so sadly it will happen. That doesn't mean it is racially motivated. Most of the time it probably isn't. There is also black on white crime, black on black crime, white on white crime, and more. The death of George Floyd, while a tragedy, has never been proven to be racially motivated. It may have been, and it may not have been. Yes we should continue to work towards eliminating any injustice that remains in our "justice" system. As an old neighbor from my school days just said, "we all bleed red." And as I've said numerous times, the cross of Christ is the great equalizer and we were all created in the image of God. But this white privilege, white guilt, reparations, and defunding the police stuff is nonsense! Even a growing number of black citizens and elected officials agree. 

So let's work together to correct and learn from our mistakes, grow, and reform where it's needed. Because the problems at the southern border, second amendment issues, and the bad economy, doesn't care what color we are. That and all this race baiting and racially biased reporting by most of the media is falling right into the Deep State's hands.

Remember, God is no respecter of persons. To Him be the glory!

~ Pester Brat ~

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

EIP 3: Another Stimulus

 So nice of our federal government to do us a huge favor and give us a few crumbs from a table they don't even own anymore. I haven't posted much at all in recent years, but if you're reading my blog posts you can tell that "I'm ba-aaack" :-). 

I still have not fully decided about former (many believe he still should be) POTUS Trump's motives in his role in dealing with the supposed COVID-19 pandemic. It seems like in the very beginning he didn't believe it warranted doing what they ended up doing, but then shortly after acted perhaps due to pressure because of the WHO and CDC. But it still rightly wasn't mandated. However most of the States wrongly did mandate various unconstitutional restrictions as we all know.

In my opinion, the only people that should have gotten or get a stimulus check are people who were working and lost jobs or hours because of the state government restrictions. Those of us that didn't lose hours or jobs shouldn't have gotten or get one. Now, I guess, as one person mentioned to me on social media, that makes me a hypocrite. I didn't cut up or send back my checks. Should I do it on principle? Will it make a difference? 

What I do recommend though is that as much as possible we (especially those of us that were still working) use the stimulus money to pay off or down on things that would matter in a major economic collapse: This EIP will bring the national debt up to about 30 Trillion Dollars! Mortgage, vehicle loan, property tax, generator, stock up on water and short and long shelf life food if you can't live off of the land. Use that money wisely. 

Just food for thought.

~ Pester Brat ~

Defundopolis: Defund What?

 As most if not all of us know, ever since the tragic death of George Floyd (yes it was still tragic regardless of the motives racially or otherwise), there has been this movement to defund various police departments. I think most states, counties, cities and towns have enough sense not to do that or even reduce funding. But I still have mixed feelings about it...

Don't get me wrong, I respect our police officers. Often they are our relatives and next door neighbors (not in my case though). If I was in a situation where I was able to help one in trouble, I would try to. As I mentioned in a blog post on 3/1/2021, I'm concerned how many of them would follow through with unconstitutional orders from their chiefs/sheriffs on up. They don't get to those in trouble just in the "nick of time" as portrayed in many dramatic cop shows and movies, so we should be prepared to protect our family if necessary. And sometimes we hear or read about police officers that realize that and that citizens indeed should open or conceal carry guns (to many thats? :-)). But for the most part police just clean up messes and investigate.

Some have said that there never should have been police. But in this day and age I think statistics have shown that the mere existence of police helps keep "some" crime down. Besides, we can't just have people parking anywhere they want and drive as fast as they want, right? ;-) But you know what keeps crime down even more? Would-be evil doers wondering whether the person they are about ready to rob, rape, hurt or kill, is carrying a gun. Statistics have proven that works. Interesting that this defunding the police movement is going on and there is 5,000 National Guard folks around the capitol. People smarter than me have said that a national police force historically leads to a tyrannical totalitarian government. But that would never happen in our country, would it?

What should be defunded is the federal government. Both parties want a big government. Come on man ;-) just look at what's been happening. Maybe DJT, TC and JH are sincere but most are probably in it together. Until we some how some way defund them so that the national deficit is eliminated and we can begin reducing the national debt, it ain't gonna be a pretty picture. Trump didn't do it, so you can bet your bottom dollar Biden won't. 

By the way, when the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus hits, our (yes our) national debt will be right around 30 Trillion Dollars. We need to stop that, eliminate departments, close most military bases, and stop the perpetual wars and interventionism. 

Thanks for reading. Please consider.

~ Pester Brat ~

Joseph R. Biden

He's been in politics a long time. He ran for President in the past and is now the 46th President of the United States, aka POTUS. I am certainly no fan of him being our President. I do not believe he won the electoral college or the popular vote. I did not vote for him because of where he stands on various issues AND his failing health. 

I haven't watched the lamestream media news for years unless Fox News was showing something one of them said. As they do with other newsworthy items I'm assuming that news channels such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS did not share Joe Biden's cognitive issues. But they knew. Kamala Harris knew. Nancy Pelosi knew. Joe's wife Jill knew. Susan Rice knew. What is their plan? How many Republicans knew? Mitch McConnell? Lindsay Graham? Of course they did, that's a given. But did they do enough about it? Are all or most of both major Parties in this together? Yet how many readers of this blog post knew and voted for Joe Biden anyway? If so, shame on you!

My prayer life isn't as it should be generally, but our prayers are also supposed to be for our leaders. Do we pray for Joseph R. Biden and this whole situation? I don't like the way people like Sean Hannity and others mock Joe Biden's cognitive problem (by the way, I don't watch Fox News anymore)- stick with the issues!

We don't know how much longer JRB will be President (and I'm not referring to death, that could happen to any of them). It could be months, 2-3 years, or his whole term. But he is not fit to be POTUS. We do know that if he is removed or steps down that Kamala Harris will become POTUS and Nancy Pelosi VPOTUS. 

Whether it's what's already happened while Joe is POTUS or if Kamala becomes POTUS and it continues or gets worse, what's should we be doing as Constitutionalists and Christians? Pray hard my friends!

~ Pester Brat ~

Monday, March 1, 2021

My COVID-19 Vitamin Regimen

Part of Pester Brat Dot Com is sharing information about vitamins and getting ready to start a vitamin business and share plan (more about the business and share plan later). I have shared my regimen a couple of times previously (I used to have a separate website). This regimen is also to help prevent COVID-19. Out of genuine concern and principle, I have no intention of getting the COVID-19 vaccine and I haven't had a flu vaccine in over a decade. I was exposed to COVID-19 three times at my previous employer and again recently through my wife's employer, and thankfully to the Lord I have not gotten it. If you don't want to just do this that of course is your right. If you get the vaccine you don't have to worry about me, right?

Well, for whatever it's worth, here's what I have been doing daily since COVID-19 last year:

1. 3,000-10,000mg of Liquid Liposomal Vitamin C.

2. 15,000-20,000iu of Vitamin D3.

3. 400iu of Natural Vitamin E.

4. 25,000iu of Vitamin A.

5. 45mg of Zinc (about 15mg of it in the multi-vitamin).

6. Mega Multi-Vitamin that has Natural E and Natural B-12.

7. 5,000iu of Natural Vitamin B-12

8. 5mg of Melatonin (at night of course).

There are others that I take sporadically, and I just added Magnesium about a week before this blog post.  

Thanks and Blessings,

~ Pester Brat ~

10 Reasons Why People Should Own and Carry a Gun- Revised

This is revised and modified from a blog post about 5 years ago. Most of it is the same...

10 Reasons Why People Should Own and Carry a Gun

Greetings and salutations from the U.S. Occupied state of Alabama (sorry, I just like saying that). Wow, there sure has been a lot going on even since COVID-19 hit. Violence everywhere. Economy getting worse. Gas prices in my area have gone up about 60 cents a gallon since Biden took over. While I have always believed gun ownership is biblical and constitutional, I never thought I would be where I am today with the Second Amendment. But perhaps some of you are like me and cannot do everything I talk about due to finances. I also was laid off and out of work and lost income in the past. When things like that happen you often need to sell things you have.

Having said all of that though, below are 10 reasons why I believe people should own and carry a gun. I know some may not believe in that, and I know some may need to learn how to shoot and practice if you get or have a gun. But here are my reasons for you to prayerfully consider doing so if you're better off than me ;-).

1. Race baiting and violence. There is a lot of violence going on between whites, blacks and hispanics. But sadly the "lamestream" media is focusing on the white on black violence. Former President Obama made it worse by commenting on just the white on black violence. Add to him, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpten, and it makes it even worse. Things got much worse after the tragic death of George Floyd in 2020.

2. Antifa, the name of which is an oxymoron, has pledged to come to a city, town and rural area near you to wreak violence and havoc. 

The Biden Administration reversed some actions by former President Donald Trump so that terrorists could come in disguised as middle east refugees. 

4. The Biden Administration reversed some actions by former President Donald Trump so that terrorists have been crossing the unprotected southern border with illegal immigrants again.

5. Many of the illegal immigrants that are crossing the southern border are criminals or gang members.

6. To help protect our police officers, even more-so with the so called defunding the police movement.
7. Even though Open Carry of guns is legal in many states, many citizens are not aware of that right, haven't thought through the issue, and are fearful assuming the person is a "bad guy." Police officers feel obligated to check out complaints of citizens that Open Carry and some of those police officers unlawfully and unconstitutionally disarm or arrest the few but growing number of people that Open Carry. If more citizens would Open Carry then the public would gradually get used to it and accept it.

8. Violence in general. Statistics have proven over and over again that those counties, cities or states that allow Open Carry or Concealed Carry without a permit, have much lower gun related crimes and violence.

9. If/when there is a major economic collapse you won't have access to or have the money to purchase guns and ammunition. There will be chaos, mayhem and violence after such an event occurs so that you may need to protect your family and property from those who would become lawless and unconstitutional.

10. Number 9 would also apply in the event of an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) event as the result of extreme solar flares that some experts say our world is due for at any time, or an enemy attack.

As a Christian, I believe that God is ultimately the one who protects His people. He certainly can do it without our use of guns. But throughout God's word the Bible we see that He ordains the means as well as the end. We also know this from experience. God doesn't need doctors and surgeries but uses them. He could get me a job while I do no searching, but He uses my searching. My hope and prayer is that I never have to shoot someone if I ever get in better financial shape and get a gun. But these reasons and perhaps some I have overlooked for now are good reasons why you may want to not only own a gun, but also open or conceal carry a gun. God's word permits it, and it is certainly constitutional. 

~ Pester Brat

Military, Cops, Constitution and a New Presidential Administration

Last year was the most unique year in our country's history, don't you think? We dealt with the COVID-19, the death of George Floyd, and a controversial general election, with the consequences that's continuing into this year.

I have never been in the military with the Draft having stopped just a couple of years before I turned 18 (I'm telling my age now, huh?). I have never been a police officer or a constitutional scholar or attorney. And the only time I was an elected official was when I was a full time union business agent for 2 three year terms in the late eighties and early nineties. 

I didn't vote Republican or Democrat in the 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 general elections. That means I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2016, but I did vote for him in 2020 based on the issues and his revealed positions and accomplishments. Based on what I have read and listened to, I do believe that there was much fraud in the 2020 general election and that Donald J. Trump really won, but that's not the primary purpose for this blog post.

I have the utmost respect for our veterans, those that currently serve in the military, and police officers at state, county and city levels. I believe in the constitution that under God and His word is the supreme law of the land that we are to submit to biblically. And we have a new President and Administration that sadly has already shown in just 40 days that they have no problem violating the constitution repeatedly.

So here's the 10 million dollar question: Will our military (yes military, think about this) and police refuse to obey unconstitutional orders? Or will they follow unconstitutional orders because they either mistakenly think they're supposed to or do it out of fear of being kicked out of the service or off the force or worse? Maybe you're thinking that would never be a problem in our country? If so, really? With all that's going on including that the Biden Administration wants to consider Trump Supporters domestic terrorists? With the Leftists wanting to censor and remove Fox News, NewsMax, and OANN? With You Tube, Google, Twitter and Facebook silencing and censoring conservatives?

If you are active military or police, please start preparing your mind and for the consequences of sooner or later having to disobey unconstitutional orders. If you're a praying person, start praying about it now and ask the Lord to give you the courage to do it. If you're not active military or police but know people who are, start talking to them about this. We need to reach out to our local sheriffs and police chiefs to see where they stand and encourage them to only follow constitutional orders from the state and federal government. But first, where do you stand?

~ Pester Brat ~

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Jan. 2015 - Feb, 2021

 Hey there, hi there, ho there. I haven't posted in a while again. Recently moved back to another state.

In Jan. 2015 the National Debt was 18.1 Trillion Dollars. Today it is almost 27.9 Trillion Dollars. That's during 4 years of Donald Trump with much better economic policies. What do you think is going to happen now? 

Pester Brat