Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Teach Those Youngins

Teach them what? Who should teach them? Well, the disaster of the public school system aside, I am referring to some specific things in this blog post. A couple of them may be a given, if you are a Christian. Things are looking pretty bad with our country, especially economically and constitutionally. Those who are saved and knows some bible, know this is not our finally abode. It's our temporary home. But this world and country is our home for now. Generally speaking, it seems like it will be up to our senior patriots to "get things done" so to speak, and I'm even concerned about most of them/us. We need to teach our children and grandchildren some things, if we haven't already. In light of all that's happening, this is what I recommend we teach them:

1. Teach them about the U.S. Constitution, and as much as possible, the original intent. I think there is a book out called Original Intent if it is still in print or you can find one. Teach them about the balance and tension between the U.S. Constitution and States & individual rights that the 9th and 10th Amendments talk about including the principle of Nullification. Teach them about the Declaration of Independence and include the Alter and Abolish When the Government Becomes Destructive language. Perhaps we adults need to learn about the latter first, huh?

2. Tech them about the 2nd Amendment, it's true purpose, and absurdity that disarming Americans would help with the tragic shooting deaths. Be sure to teach them the history of certain countries or empires that disarmed their citizens and what happened.

3. Teach them about the country's economics. Taxes and where they come from ;-), spending, the national deficit, the national debt, inflation, recession, and whatever else you think is relative or important.

4. Teach them that our country is not the same as when Dad or Grandpa was young, and is becoming a different country. Talk about specific things that have changed and we have lost.

5. Teach them about the possibility of having to live without electricity and the ability to be able to go to the store to get whatever you need or want, and that we may have to live off the land. Teach them that if there is a major economic collapse, which is imminent, that the result would be devastating and likely lead to mass starvation and death or socialism. Be sure to teach them about the evils of socialism and communism. 

6. But most of all, teach them the Gospel and God's word. Teach them that while we should do what we can as Christian citizens, it could be that God has a different plan for the USA. After all, our country is not specifically mentioned in any end times Scripture if you indeed hold to a futurist view. So, first and foremost we want our children and grandchildren saved, even if we weren't facing these particular problems. Of course salvation is only through the perfect life, sufficient sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This is not intended as an exhaustive list. If you have something you would like to add, please do. We're in this together, and we need more people in this together. Thanks for reading and considering. Please share if you agree. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

If I Was Mayor or Police Chief or County Commissioner or Sheriff or a State Rep, and a Christian. :-)

 I have been doing my level best to serve the Lord, people, and our country, through the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots and the local Chapter La-Fayette Meeting Place. I am nobody special and not any better than anyone else. I just believe I have a pulse on much of what's going on in our country and world by the grace of God. I have been a pastor, and a television and radio talk show host. I'm a husband, father, and grandfather, that loves the Lord and people. 

For those that don't know, there is a lot going on in our country threatening our constitutional freedoms and way of life. It's not about doom and gloom or fearmongering. It's not just about this President and Administration, although they are making things much worse much faster. We cannot continue to have huge national deficits that greatly increase the national debt (Have you seen that lately? We are not really a democracy, but a constitutional republic- if we can keep it. And it's not about leaving the Lord and His hopeful future return out of things, regardless of the timing of the dead in Christ rising first followed by the rapture of the Church. God's word teaches us that He is sovereign and we are responsible. It teaches us that He ordained all things to come to pass but also the means (praying, acting) as well as the end.

With everything I see going on in our country, as a Christian, if I was the Mayor or Police Chief or a County Commissioner or County Sheriff or a State Rep, I would be greatly encouraging the following:

1. If you are not in a bible-believing, grace embracing Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, get in one.

2. Pray for our country, leaders, churches, and communities.

3. Work together to make our families, communities, towns, cities, counties, and state, self-sufficient. Things are not looking good when it comes to the economy, food supply, gasoline, and energy. This includes stocking up on food, water, and other necessities. 

4. If you don't own guns, get them. And if/when you do open carry much more. Beginning 1/1/23 we can conceal carry without a permit. Terrorists and criminals are crossing the southern border, and Yellowhammer News just report that many have been flown into our state (about 91,000).

5. Above all, realize that we are all sinners deserving of Hell for eternity, but that Jesus Christ died and rose again to pay the penalty of sins for those that have repentant faith in Him, who He is, and all that He did. 

~ Pester Brat/Bret Lovitz

Monday, July 11, 2022

Levels of Self-Sufficiency

Most of us probably take for granted how well we've had it when it comes to food on the table, beverages to drink, gasoline in the tank, and more. I'm not referring to the poor vs. well off, although between welfare and SNAP, the poor in our communities probably have. But for this blog post, I'm referring to being able to get what we need or want from the grocery store and local gas station.

If you are paying attention, this began to change during the recent so-called pandemic. Add to that truck-driver and other worker shortages, the effects of Russian bans due to the Ukrainian war, the current presidential administration trying to use this to force the Green New Deal nonsense on us, illegal aliens and criminals and terrorists crossing the southern border, and shutting down our energy independence that the previous administration returned us to, things are not looking good and it will likely get much worse.

We should all be working toward self-sufficiency---NOW!

Self-sufficiency as a State...

Self-sufficiency as a County...

Self-sufficiency as a City or Town...

Self-sufficiency as a local Church...

Self-sufficiency as a Community...

Self-sufficiency as a family, both as a unit and broader.

And I'm not leaving the Lord out of this. Things could very well get real bad for our country before Jesus returns. God used Joseph to warn the Egyptian Pharoah to prepare for bad times. I believe the figurative handwriting is on the wall, and if you are paying attention, I think you would agree. 

Pray, plan and prepare to be self-sufficient at the above mentioned levels.

~ Pester Brat

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Movies to Watch

Any movie buffs or goers out there? While I have cut back a lot the last few years, I still consider myself to be a moderate movie buff. My wife would probably tell you I am :-). I enjoy anything from Hallmark to most of the main comic book movies to all of the Star Trek and Star Wars movies. I also have some faves that aren't in the above specific categories. Some of them I think are good to consider in light of what our country is going through in challenging some of our constitutional freedoms, and these are the regular Hollywood action/dramas. If you have some you think would be good to watch, feel free to chime in. Here are just a few that came to mind for me to post about:

1. The Patriot (Mel Gibson version).

2. Braveheart.

3. Gods and Generals.

4. Gladiator. 

5. Independence Day.    

Friday, July 1, 2022

SCOTUS On a Roll?

 Greetings Citizens:

As of the date of this blog post, the U.S. Supreme Court has made 3 major decisions, and seemingly victories for conservatives and constitutional freedom. Is this a set-back for the real Deep State? Perhaps, perhaps not. If it is a set-back, in my opinion it will only be temporary. But more about why later.

The first apparent victory is over the long hard-fought battle on abortion and the horrible decision the SCOTUS made in January 1973. The war on this is not over by any means. Today's SCOTUS didn't ban abortion, or better, murder in the mother's womb. They just said that it belongs to the Individual States. So depending on what State you live in, it could still be legal. The POTUS has already said he will do what he can to find a way around the SCOTUS' decision. And certain corporations and states are offering to pay for people to come to "abortion states" for an abortion if it's illegal in their state. Sad state of affairs indeed. 

The second apparent victory is that of a school coach who was told he couldn't pray at sporting events. SCOTUS said that was unconstitutional and that it is allowed.

The third one I don't know as much about but seems to involve the EPA saying certain companies cannot pollute the air a certain amount or something. That too was ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS. 

I mentioned "temporary set-back" earlier in this post. The Deep State as they manipulate our leaders, will do everything they can to get around these, especially abortion. Look, they don't care about a so-called woman's right to choose. For them it's about population control, greed, and power. So whether they find another way around it or not (even if it's still immoral and unconstitutional), they may still succeed by destroying our economy and other constitutional freedoms. Please pay attention and get involved. Pray, plan and prepare for what could happen before the Lord's return. And stay on your U.S. and State Senators and representatives, and remember the principle of State Nullification.

~ Pester Brat