Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Are We Kicking Against the Pricks (KJV)?

 As I begin this next Blog Post, it is 3 days before the 2022 Mid Term Elections on Nov. 8th. Many believe this is the most important election of this generation. Perhaps it is, and even in light of what I may share further in this post, indeed every common-sense citizen needs to vote and for the most biblical and constitutional candidate running.

As I have likely shared in Blog Posts in the past, I have not been a typical "Two-Party" voter. I did not vote Republican or Democrat in 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016. I did vote for Donald Trump in 2020 because I believe he proved himself and set out to do what he said he would. I didn't agree with him on some things included how he handled the so-called COVID-19 Pandemic. But considering what he seemed to be up against (I keep in my mind the remote possibility that even his presidency was a hoax), he is probably the best President in history and most certainly in this generation. I do not think he lost the 2020 Presidential Election for various reasons, not excluding the social media censorship, and the Feds going after some that were in the non-insurrection rally and protest on 1/6/21, as well as certain Trump supporters. 

This Tuesday (11/8/22), I am faced with the Two Party/Lesser of Two Evils dilemma because the Democrats are just so far to the Left, whacked out and evil, I just can't bare to see any of them at any level of Government get in or back in. Even the current Governor of my State of Alabama is not a true Republican until it gets near election time, and likely a RINO (Republican In Name Only). Because Republican Leadership will not endorse real Republicans and those they perceive as "MAGA" Republicans, and the RINOs that exists in the Republican Party, even if the Republicans gain a majority or super majority, all we would be doing is delaying the inevitable. And I'm not referring here to Rapture Time/End of Last Days stuff. If the Lord tarries/delays His return, it is going to take much more than Mid Term and General Elections to keep our Constitutional freedoms. Every patriotic citizen needs to constantly stay on their State's Senators and/or Representatives to use the 10th Amendment principle of Nullification of all unconstitutional laws, acts and presidential executive orders- because indeed the Federal Government could become or already is a lost cause. Plus, no more gun restrictions or control! And since "they" were able to get away with the 2020 Presidential Election, why wouldn't "they" think "they" can get away with all future ones? You don't really believe "they" won't try again, do you?

Again, vote Nov. 8th (2022), and pray and vote the right way. Keep in mind though, that, as to use the term Jesus used about the Saul/Apostle Paul, we may be "kicking against the pricks" (KJV Bible terminology) due to possible judgment from God and the Left's lust for power to remain in White House. I wouldn't even be surprised if there isn't a major "false flag" event to postpone (and possibly eliminate) the Mid Term Election Tuesday. 

Enough rambling again for this post. Please prayerfully consider, and share this post far and wide. Thanks,

Bret, aka Pester Brat