Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

West Alabama and Northport Gazettes 5/31/23

 The Battle of the C's

Please bear with me this week as I deal with a hard subject that will also be part informercial. The "C's" in the title of this week's column represents two things: The C in Cancer and the C in Vitamin C . 

12 years ago this column writer was diagnosed with a non aggressive form of Prostate Cancer. My father died in 1980 of Colon Cancer that had metasticized. My oldest daughter had a battle with a type of Cancer about 16 years ago. And less than a month ago, a close relative of hers died of Cancer.

Cancer is a most dreadful disease that is sometimes used as an illustration of sin, and along with all other causes of death, is a result of our sin cursed world. I'm sure all of my readers know someone that either lost or won a tough battle with one of the forms of Cancer, if not you yourself. The American Cancer Society and other groups tell us they are still working diligently for a cure. But are they? Is it possible that there are cures already out there?

My diagnosis in 2011 caused me to do a lot of research. Sadly I did not like what I found about the Pharmaceutical Industry and some medical associations and societies. It seems that it's all about the mighty dollar for such groups. Just the day before I completed this article I came across a social media meme that said "the people who profit from you being sick, are not trying to heal you." 

Look, we aren't going to live for ever on this side of glory, but are there things we can do to help with the Cancer Battle that perhaps Big Pharma and the medical associations and societies don't want us to know about? My heart aches for the many people that won't think outside the mainstream medical box. Well by God's grace, I did, and I believe there are numerous natural, not as natural, and low risk medicinal, alternatives. I'm only going to talk to you about Vitamin C in this column. If you want to know about some more, email me and let me know.

Did you know that studies have shown that Intravenous Vitamin C can kill cancer cells? Research it for yourself. By the way, the FDA won't approve it in our country. Why do you think that is? But this is not the Vitamin C I'm talking about. And it's not the regular Vitamin C. This is Liquid Liposomal Vitamin C. This kind of Vitamin C allows up to 90% of it to be absorbed as opposed to about 20% in regular pill form, so that it can be mega-dosed at an amount equivalent to intravenous. One study I read about says it is as good if not better that intravenous. 

So read between the lines. Do your own research as there are numerous articles on the internet about it. I'm certainly no doctor. But I have taken 30,000+ mg numerous times over the years with no problems. If you take about 3,000 mg or more in pill form it'll probably send you to the toilet. I sell this stuff as a ministry, not a business currently. It's good for what I mentioned above, preventative maintenance, or as a superior alternative to the regular stuff. Email me if you would like more information. I'm sick and tired of what Big Pharma and medical associations are doing to people. Are you?

Pester Brat is a former pastor, not a doctor, cancer fighter, husband, father, and grandfather, that loves the Lord and people. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble, and email him at

Monday, May 29, 2023

West Alabama & Northport Gazettes 5/10/23

[I forgot to post this one :-)]

A Suggested or Sample Prayer

Prayer is a wonderful privilege for the Christian. The Bible says much about prayer. We have the example prayer given by Jesus that we see in Matt. 6. It says that we can pray anytime anywhere in and out of Church. It also says that God doesn't hear the prayers of sinners, which means each and every person that doesn't have their sins covered and paid for by Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. But it's a direct line if you will, to Almighty God who created all people, and redeemed those who are born again unto faith in the Person and work of Christ. 

This is about a specific kind of prayer, that if you agree with, you may want to do. Not necessarily word for word. I'm not a good example of a "prayer warrior." The Bible also says we should pray for our leaders. This is just a prayer that has come to my mind off and on, and in Church. So here it is to be used as God sees fit:

"Lord, I thank You and praise You for who You are, and all that You have done, are doing, and will do. Thank you for Your Son Jesus Christ, and Lord Jesus for You dying on the cross and rising again to pay the penalty of my sins and for all who will believe in You. Lord, please forgive me of my sins and where I fall short.

Lord, I pray for our country and leaders- our President, Vice President, Senators, Representatives, Governors, Commissioners, Mayors, and the rest of our elected officials at the federal, state, county, and city levels. Please bless our efforts to keep our constitutional republic, and intervene and change the hearts and save those that are not saved, and restrain as much evil as You will because of Your grace and mercy through Your Son Jesus Christ. I know our sins are grievous Lord, and that we deserve Your judgment rather than Your grace, mercy, kindness, and protection. Lord, while some people seem to believe that You should destroy us as You did Sodom and Gomorrah or apologize to them, and we do deserve it; when Abraham asked that You not destroy them if there was 100 righteous people, You said You wouldn't if there was 100, and further said You would not destroy them if there was even 10 righteous people when Abraham kept lowering the number. And yet, even though there was not 10 righteous people, in Your wonderful kindness and mercy, you still delivered Lot and his family. 

Lord, by Your grace and Your grace alone through You Son Jesus Christ, there is a remnant of Your people in the United States. As seen in Your Word, I know that You are not obligated to treat each nation the same. And while there are many more "declared righteous" people because of the righteousness of Christ put on their account through His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection, I know that we also have a much bigger population. But I ask that you may be pleased to not judge and destroy the United States of America because of Your wonderful grace and mercy, and for the sake of Your people, and convict the hearts of Your people to be busy about Your business and proclaim the gospel, that's the only means Your Holy Spirit uses to change hearts.

Thank you Lord. In Jesus' precious Name I pray, amen."

Email me about how you would pray for our country. I'd love to hear from you about this or anything else. 

Pester Brat is just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone. He loves the Lord, His people, and all people. He also loves his family and country which is why he does what he does. Email him at with questions and comments, and connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble.  

Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Redskins vs. The Commanders and the Silent majority

 Oh wait, they are the same professional football team- I think. 

I was born in 1958, and my father got me interested in professional football and the Washington Redskins at a young age. I stayed a devout Redskins fan until I started moving around in the late 1990s at such time I didn't see them on television much and didn't have as much time to watch them even if they were. 

I'm still a "Redskins" fan and have a couple of t-shirts and a hat to help show it. Today, my wife and I were at one of our grocery stores in town and I was wearing one of my Redskins t-shirts, when another customer in line at the check-out had an interesting discussion with me. In a nutshell, he did not have a problem with my shirt. 

Perhaps there is a silent majority and sleeping giant that is waking up to the nonsense going on in our country. I sure hope so! Whether it's when the owner of the Washington Redskins gave into pressure by almost all non Native Americans in 2020 to get rid of the Redskins name, Uncle Ben's Rice getting rid of "Uncle" and the picture, Aunt Jemima's Syrup getting rid of the name and picture, and more, I would like to think that there are a lot of people that are sick and tired of the intolerant people pushing the faulty view of tolerance and feminizing of AmeriKa. But too many have been too quiet about it. Many more need to wake up and speak up about how it's affecting society including the military and our children. 

I realize that it goes deeper than this particular issue, but my interaction today with a man I hadn't met made me think about this and I wanted to share it. Again, wake up and speak up. Let companies know how you feel about the various issues and let's show them that it's going to hit their profits. Communicate with elected officials at all levels, be willing to protest, and perhaps more. But above all, trust in the Lord and pray!

~ Pester Brat

Friday, May 12, 2023

West Alabama Gazette and Northport Gazette 5/24/23

 Know Your Enemies

We live in some trying and uneasy times. The Bible speaks it would be like this in the last days, and it's really nothing new. But who are our enemies? All they all foreign? Are they global? How about domestic? How about all of the above and more? While there appears to be numerous threats and enemies, the one overarching agenda is to bring down the USA so that they can usher in their one world order that even former president George Herbert Walker Bush mentioned. It's much more difficult to bring 3rd world countries up than to bring us down. Some seem to think that a one world order means the return of Christ so we should just let it happen and not do anything to try and stop the destruction of our country. Really?

So who are what are our enemies? Well, we know we have China, Russia, North Korea, and ISIS and other radical Muslim Groups. Is that all? Do we really think that a segment of our country often referred to as Leftists and Liberals are not our enemy? They think they want a socialist country. Most don't even know what it is. I'll tell you what. If you are a rich Leftist or Liberal Socialist Democrat (can anyone say Bernie Sanders?), how about you lead by example and donate your wealth and income down to the average wage earner. You can deposit it in my Pester Brat Dot Com bank account (Not me! My Outreach's account). I'll use that moola to make just enough to do what I'm doing full time, get back on TV and radio, and advertise. Come on. Prove to us you really believe in socialism. True leftists and Liberals hate Christians, Constitutionists, MAGA folks, and Conservatives. They want us to agree with their various sinful lifestyles, and embrace an idiotic socialistic utopia- and some of them are running our country right now. They are our enemies too!

But our greatest enemy is ourselves! We have sinful natures and actions. No one person is inherently better than another. No one deserves to go to Heaven, no one deserves to be saved, and no one deserved to have Jesus Christ die on the cross and rise again to pay the penalty of born again believers' sins. While we should do everything we can in a Christian, peaceful, and constitutional way to protect this Constitutional Republic God gave us, it is only the new birth and the gospel that will change lives. Because sin is at the root of all the problems we are dealing with. Be sure you are trusting in the sacrifice and resurrection of the God-man Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. 

So those are our enemies. And I didn't even discuss the real Deep State. It's good to know who enemies as we remember the 4 P's: PRAY, PLAN, PREPARE, [and be] PROACTIVE.  

Pester Brat is a husband, father, grandfather, son and brother, that loves the Lord and this constitutional republic that He gave us. Email him at with questions and comments, and connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble. Look for the recording of the thrice annual online patriot service this month on his Pester Brat and Bret Pester-Brat Facebook pages.  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

West Alabama Gazette and Northport Gazette 5/3/23

 Goodbye USA, Hello USSA (United Socialist States of America)?

Please bear with my folly as I'm a little self-serving this week. As you may have read, I'm a former pastor, radio talk show host, and a local television talk show host. I'm certainly no Tucker Carson, who recently parted ways with Fox News. The fact that I can't afford to put together good quality podcasts and recordings aside, that's not what my piddly ole videos and newspaper column is about. I'm not trying to entertain anybody. And I'm not just trying to whine about what's going on in the country and world like the various news show hosts do. Yes, we do need to be informed, but we also need to act and share how we can change the direction of our country. I don't think any of them are doing that. WE'RE LOSING OUR COUNTRY, FOLKS! And please spare me any "holier than thou- we shouldn't do anything since this world is not our home" :-). It's possible, maybe even probable, that the Lord will not return before things get really bad in our country. Were the framers of the constitution and founding fathers wrong for starting the USA? Are we ready to apologize to our children and grandchildren for our lack of necessary and appropriate action? 

Whether personally or as the Founder and Director of the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots (FCCP), I have had and still have the desire to stick my neck out to help citizens in our country, county and state regarding the dangerous economical and constitutional issues facing us. And I believe I have a pulse on them so to speak, to do it. I'm semi-retired from weekend and shift work and just work Monday through Friday during the day (some of you know where ;-)). I'm trying to get to a point so I don't have to work a job and be more fully devoted to the FCCP.

Do you really think a $32 TRILLION national debt is just going to go away? Do you really think we shouldn't be concerned with the criminals and terrorists crossing the southern border? Do you really think that we shouldn't be concerned about the stolen 2020 election (you do know there was supposedly about 20 million more votes than there was registered voters, just for starters)? Do you really think that was a real insurrection on Jan. 6th 2021? Why in the world do you think they had the National Guard protecting the Capitol for months and tried to intimidate citizens saying the protest on Jan. 6th was an insurrection? Do you not know that President Joe Biden has a cognitive disorder and is unfit to be president and commander-in-chief? Why aren't even the Republicans as a body trying to do something about it? I could go on and on, but there's not enough space. We have to let all of our elected officials know we mean business. Firm but peaceful! Constant communication and protests. Not the looting and rioting that we have seen in recent years ;-). 

We need to unify as cities, towns and communities. We also need more unity in the body of Christ (more about that coming soon). We need to work towards self-sufficiency as a state, counties, cities, towns, communities, churches and families. Because again, it is likely going to get real bad if we take a stand, or we'll become a socialistic society if we don't. 

Look for my thrice annual live online constitutional patriot meeting 10 AM Saturday May 13th through my local Facebook page (Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz). It will also be recorded. Questions or comments? Email me at or meet me at Calvary Baptist Church in Vernon.