Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Friday, July 31, 2020

National Debt Update and Increases

Greetings Citizens of the Divided STATES of AmeriKa.

While we're dealing with the various issues facing us, our National Debt continues to escalate due to dealing with the alleged COVID-19 Pandemic. Of course the recent substantial increases are due to the socialistic "stimulus" packages. As I've share over the last few years, here are the more recent amounts:

Sept. 2017- 20.2 Trillion Dollars
May 2018-  21.2 Trillion Dollars
Jan.  2019-  21.9 Trillion Dollars
Aug. 2019-  22.5 Trillion Dollars.....

April 22, 2020- 24.5 Trillion Dollars!

July 31, 2020- 26.585 Trillion Dollars!!! This comes to over 80 Thousand Dollars per citizen and 213 Thousand per taxpayer and the Federal Government is looking at another "stimulus package."

Paying attention? Head still in the sand? So sure the Lord will come back before a major economic collapse?

Wake up and wise up sheep and goats.

Pray, plan, and prepare for a major economic collapse as if you couldn't go to the store to get enough or what you need, and stay in your rental or mortgaged home, and more.

~ Pester Brat~

Monday, June 15, 2020

Protests, Racism, Riots, Police, and Ignoramuses

WOW! What fun we are having huh? Who would have thunk it!

One thing after another, and during an election year at that!

Let me try to be as short and to the point as possible. Most people don't like to read long articles, especially mine, lol.

What the police officer did to George Floyd was bad and wrong...

The protests that followed there and around the country are fine and constitutional. We should have been doing the same over murder in the womb, the national debt and the economy, unconstitutional gun restrictions, property taxes, and perhaps more...

Riots and looting are bad and wrong...

Police are good...

Defunding or abolishing police is bad...

Racism is wrong- in all directions...

Of course racism still exists. Sadly, as long as there will be sin there will be racism. But I don't think it is as bad as we're led to believe. And like with the COVID-19 fiasco, we can put much of the blame for that on the lamestream media which sadly includes much of Fox News. In my experience, and the experience of others I've seen mentioned on Social Media, I don't think racism is near as bad as it has been in the past. But the "REAL" Deep State (not the new meaning from this term that the media hijacked) wants to keep us divided. "Divide and Conquer" is likely one of their mottos. And George Soros will likely not rest until we destroy ourselves.

With God's enablement, we need to rise above the constant racist accusations. There are black, brown, white, red and yellow Americans here. There will be white on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, brown on black, white on brown, etc., etc,. etc., crime. Some of it will be racially motivated unfortunately. But most of it probably isn't. But ultimately it is only the gospel as laid on the hearts by the Holy Spirit that will change hearts and lives. In the mean time we try to do the right thing. History, experience and education will help.

We were all created in the image of God, and the cross of Christ is the great equalizer!

~ Pester Brat ~

Monday, April 27, 2020

What If They Are Lying To Us?

A somewhat personal situation is prompting me to share this Blog Post today. I say "somewhat personal" because why it doesn't involve me or my wife, it does involve another family member. I do believe that the seriousness of the spread of the virus as it affects how easy it is for the person getting it, how many are getting it, and how much it affects them, are blown way out of portion. Then I found out about this...

Another member of our family living in another state was told by his employer in March that he and 12 others had to self quarantine because they were in contact with a co-worker that had COVID-19. So he and they did just that. He didn't have any symptoms and went back to work without being tested.

Last week the state's department of heath and human services contacted him and requested he get an anti-body test. Nothing was said to him on whether it had anything to do with what happened a month earlier. Two days ago he called us and said the state's department of health called him and told him that the test revealed that he had COVID-19 at sometime since last November. They have four children ages 5, 3, 2 and 4 months. They and his wife have been and are fine. Other family members including my wife and I, and friends, have been in contact with them, some of them elderly. My wife and I are considered essential workers and of course have been in contact with most of our co-workers. We've had no symptoms and my employer has been doing temperature checks for 2 weeks. 

I'm not saying the virus doesn't exist at all, and that we shouldn't take precautions. But I do believe that the Deep State/Bilderbergers/CFR/or what ever you want to call them (not just the Democrats though) are trying to take advantage of what ever level of seriousness this virus is and do what they have been wanting to do- bring down the U.S. economy to put us on a level playing field with the rest of the world, damage the effectiveness of the constitution even more, and gain more control. And right now it looks like they are succeeding. 

Those of us that are Christians know the end of the story. But does that mean we are supposed to lay down and let it all happen? We need to get out heads out of our butts and the sand and do something before it's too late, if it isn't already.

Take it or leave it, for what it's worth.

Thanks for reading. Please share if you agree.

~Pester Brat~

Thursday, April 23, 2020

"They Are Only Guidelines Anyway"

The quote in the title of this post, or something close to it, comes from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean." 

The Pirates had a code, but to justify not following it at times, they would say they were only guidelines anyway.

Is that what the federal and state constitutions are, just guidelines? Are they "evolving" documents? No, they are the law of the land, and any other laws, orders, and mandates that violate them are not valid laws. But I digress :-)...

The Federal Government issued guidelines in March 2020 to deal with the spread of COVID-19. They were rightly called guidelines so as arguably not to violate the U.S. Constitution. But whether or not it was the intent, such guidelines did lead to unconstitutional actions by the most of the States. Guidelines may be wise and good, but they do not have to be followed- especially if it violates the constitution and/or could do even more harm to citizens because of an already teetering economy. 

Not only are state and city governments violating the constitution, but many businesses are as well. I'm privileged to be one of the many "essential workers." I haven't been concerned about loss of income or my business for which I am thankful. But do various businesses of various sizes have a right to violate the constitution? It's their business to be sure, but we still live in a Constitutional Republic don't we? Sadly while the specific actions may be new, the all too common "Gun Free Zones" are constitutional violations as well, and even more unwise now during this tragic crisis. Mandatory temperature checks and wearing of masks are still unconstitutional and makes many people wonder if they will try to make a new vaccine for COVID-19 mandatory as well. I sure hope not, and it's crazy that we even have to be concerned about that happening in the good ole US of A.

Look, if you want to wear a mask, go for it, but you don't have to worry about someone who doesn't. If you want to be vaccinated, great, then you don't have to worry about those who don't- not to discount alternative means that the mainstream fear-mongering pro-vaccine media won't talk about. If you want to stay at home and avoid restaurants, parks, weddings and funerals, more power to you, you don't have to worry about those who don't. The Governor from South Dakota correctly echoed our country's founding father(s) that we should not sacrifice liberty for safety constitutionally.

All of this said, and I'm not even really getting too much into inflated COVID-19 numbers, the severity of the virus, whether or not "Shelter in Place" was even the right way to handle COVID-19, trying to get people to snitch on others and tracking with drones and other means, lives being in much more danger due what this is doing to our already weak economy, and more. 

Issue guidelines, make recommendations, advertise, etc. But mandates that we're already seeing are unconstitutional. The U.S. Constitution was put together by the United "States" to restrict the Federal Government not citizens. If the Federal Government violates it, the individual states are to resist and nullify. If various States violate it, then the Federal Government is to intervene to protect her citizens. If corporations violate it, then the State(s) they operate in first, then the Federal Government if the State doesn't act, should intervene to protect citizens' constitutional rights.

Let's everyone get back to work before there is more severe permanent damage to our economy. 

'Nuff said in this post :-). Please consider and share.

~ Pester Brat ~

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Stimulus and National Debt

Greetings, Pester Brat here  :-).

Have you received your stimulus money yet?

Your $1,200 added about $4,000 to your share of the National Debt as a citizen and $10,000 as a tax payer. The National Debt is now over 24.5 Trillion Dollars and it's not finished going up directly due to the first stimulus package let alone the 2nd one that's waiting for House approval.

If the unconstitutional stay at home orders continue much longer it can kill so many more people than the COVID-19 will.

Wake up folks!

~ Pester Brat~

Pester Brat Dot Com

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Is It Going Down?

Those of you who have been following this Outreach and reading my Blog Posts know that I have been warning and encouraging about the future of our economy for years. I have offered scenarios about what could happen, that while they don't specifically mention the means such as the so-called CoVid19 Pandemic, they do talk about about a future major economic collapse and possible consequences. It's getting real folks

So, are you paying attention yet?

Have you been praying, planning and preparing?

Have you been more proactive with your elected officials?

We now have mainstream sources talking about the concern of a major economic collapse if we continue with the Stay At Home orders for 3 months are longer.

President Trump keeps repeating that the cure cannot be worse than the problem. Is this his subtle way of warning us not to do something on a federal level and warning states that are doing it about continuing too long?

It's probable that a major economic collapse will affect food producers so that they won't be able to keep up or continue. Look at what's already happening now? If this happens there will likely be many times more deaths than what is taking place with "CoVid19." To borrow the term, should we not take "lesser of evils?"

I'm not even getting into the unconstitutional actions that are taking place, in this Blog Post.

Keep praying. Trust in the Lord but remember He ordains the means as well as the end! This is showing us even more how fragile our economy is. Even if we get through this by the grace of God, the affect on the economy and national debt will be devastating. And if it isn't too late and we do get through this, I hope it will wake many more people up. Shame on us for what we're doing to our children and grandchildren if the Lord delivers us and tarries His coming.

*** Pester Brat ***

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Negative Interest Rates?

Happy New Year- 3 months later :-). This is my first Blog Post of the year. I do most of my posts directly on Facebook.

I recently heard mainstream media (someone on Fox News in this case) mention negative interest rates by the Federal Reserve as a possibility again. I have posted about negative interest rates in the past on this Blog. Because of this possibility I don't have interest bearing accounts, just checking accounts. I recommend that everyone move their money from interest bearing accounts. I don't know that there is way to know how negative interest rates would be applied and whether it could be applied to non interest bearing accounts or not. If anyone reading this does know, please share.

Don't let the good that President Trump is doing lull you into thinking everything is okay. Remember the National Debt and that the Federal Reserve is not a government entity or agency. We're not out of the woods yet and may not ever be. So much more has to be done. If President Trump is that daring person to do it, we must encourage him to do everything that needs to be done to reduce government spending, eliminate the national deficit, and begin reducing the national debt.

~ Pester Brat ~