Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Monday, June 15, 2020

Protests, Racism, Riots, Police, and Ignoramuses

WOW! What fun we are having huh? Who would have thunk it!

One thing after another, and during an election year at that!

Let me try to be as short and to the point as possible. Most people don't like to read long articles, especially mine, lol.

What the police officer did to George Floyd was bad and wrong...

The protests that followed there and around the country are fine and constitutional. We should have been doing the same over murder in the womb, the national debt and the economy, unconstitutional gun restrictions, property taxes, and perhaps more...

Riots and looting are bad and wrong...

Police are good...

Defunding or abolishing police is bad...

Racism is wrong- in all directions...

Of course racism still exists. Sadly, as long as there will be sin there will be racism. But I don't think it is as bad as we're led to believe. And like with the COVID-19 fiasco, we can put much of the blame for that on the lamestream media which sadly includes much of Fox News. In my experience, and the experience of others I've seen mentioned on Social Media, I don't think racism is near as bad as it has been in the past. But the "REAL" Deep State (not the new meaning from this term that the media hijacked) wants to keep us divided. "Divide and Conquer" is likely one of their mottos. And George Soros will likely not rest until we destroy ourselves.

With God's enablement, we need to rise above the constant racist accusations. There are black, brown, white, red and yellow Americans here. There will be white on black, black on white, black on black, white on white, brown on black, white on brown, etc., etc,. etc., crime. Some of it will be racially motivated unfortunately. But most of it probably isn't. But ultimately it is only the gospel as laid on the hearts by the Holy Spirit that will change hearts and lives. In the mean time we try to do the right thing. History, experience and education will help.

We were all created in the image of God, and the cross of Christ is the great equalizer!

~ Pester Brat ~

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