Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Pester Brat's Basic Economic Recovery Plan- Modified

Came across this in my computer files from 9 years ago. Even more necessary now due to the national debt that has almost doubled. Slightly modified to get with the times ;-). 

Pester Brat's Basic Economic Recovery Plan

Many experts believe that the economy is past saving. Many Christians believe that our suffering economy will lead to a one world currency and government and is therefore something we should just let unfold as part of God's plan without trying to do something about it. 

I believe that God is sovereign, and that man is responsible, and that until we know what His revealed will is for our country at this time, that we should do what we can by God's grace to repair our failing economy. I claim no expertise in this area. I am just trying to use my experience in manufacturing, supervision, labor relations, banking, local government employment, and a church pastor, along with a little common sense, to try to do what we can to avoid a major economic collapse before the Lord's return. This may seem simplistic, and this would involve a "waking up" of many citizens to hold our elected officials accountable. 

1. Repentance of nationally condoned and accepted sins of abortion, homosexuality, and more.

2. Such repentance including professing Christian Churches (judgment begins with the house of God) repenting of having leaders and members with homosexual lifestyles, and more.

3. Greatly reduce government spending by eliminating the annual deficit that would include such things as eliminating Departments (Energy and Education for example), eliminating or greatly reducing all social programs, closing most if not all of the over 700 military bases worldwide, and generally just greatly reducing the size of the U.S. Government.

4. Major overhaul of the IRS and income taxes. This may involve going to a "fair tax" or "flat tax" and eliminating the IRS altogether, and both the federal government and state governments eliminating all double/multiple taxation. Just reduce if not eliminate federal income tax (you do not that didn't start until the early 20th century, right?)

5. Term Limits for Senators and Representatives in Congress. 

6. Reduce or eliminate the tax burden of small businesses. 

7. Encourage big businesses and perhaps offer tax incentives to them to return manufacturing to the United States and provide more jobs to Americans.

8. Fully utilizing the 10th Amendment principle of State Nullification of all unconstitutional acts.

9. Stop the Biden Administration's open border/catch and release policies and return to a common- sense constitutional immigration policy. In the meantime, states support Texas for doing what the federal government is not. 

10. Return to a constitutional form of money and end the unconstitutional Federal Reserve.

Have any more suggestions? Don't think this is enough or will work? What about details of the suggestions mentioned above? Let's discuss this. We're losing our country- our constitutional republic. Wake up folks!

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