Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Friday, July 3, 2015

"The Breath of Gabriel" by Patti Kay

The more our nation turns away from God and becomes more secular and corrupt within, the more we pull away and abandon Israel without. Just in the past year Isis has risen like a scourge across Syria and Iraq.... Vladimir Putin has invaded the state of Crimea in the sovereign nation of the Ukraine.... Israel was engaged in an all out war with Hamas.... China has created man made islands they are militarizing in international waters that they claim as their territory by usurp. Our President aligns himself with Iran and aids their race towards achieving nuclear arms while openly snubbing Israel. This is the certain and dangerous path to a total nuclearized Middle East. Here in our own country lawlessness has taken over the streets in many cities under the guise of "hands up, don't shoot". In many places, the police have just given up causing crime rates to soar. Con men and opportunists stir the pot on all sides thus sewing the seeds of division the likes of which we have not seen since the eve of the Civil War. Our first amendment rights are in dire jeopardy as social media outlets and internet search engines begin to hire people and install new software to ferret out dissenters to the new morally bankrupt social order. Why should we care about that when our own government violates our freedom and 4th Amendment rights through illegal acts such as the NDAA? Others celebrate the perversion of marriage as handed down in the new law of the land from the judiciary- not the legislature- thus rendering the very constitutional bedrock of our nation null an void. We see it celebrated in the streets where half naked revelers spit on the clergy and make a mockery of God in displays of crucifixion effigies and the hijacking of God's rainbow symbol. Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0. The liberal media is the new mother and father of our children; shaping their minds through the addiction to innovative gadgetry- to think and believe as they chose- while real parents slave in jobs to pay ever increasing debts and taxes to a bloated feckless government that promotes sloth amongst those made psychologically crippled by the false notion that they are owed something merely because they exist. Christians are being persecuted far and wide- beheaded over there and silenced over here. People of good faith cower inside themselves afraid to speak out or speak up for fear of reprisals on the job and in social circles. There are far worse things in this world than being offended and we do not have to look far to see these assaults forming to the right and to the left of us with each news cycle. We bow to what we think, to what we desire, and use those things to create who we would like God to be- without ever considering the one true God who created us or who God really is and what He wants and what He has ordained through divine law. False prophets draw those folks in like sheep selling their books and peddling their lies while people are lured into thinking they can have it all if they just follow the trickery of positive psychology- never mind God. The hour is getting late my friends and I truly do not care who may be angered by this message. I am deeply disgusted by all of this and I know many of you are as well. Some have ears to hear, others, well.... their hearts are hardened beyond hope. The truth is just that- the truth- and so often times the truth hurts. It would be easier if I never said any of this and just kept my mouth shut and just put up pictures of flowers and puppies and other meaningless crap. Why bother? Why put myself out there?Well, that's just not me to keep it all inside. If I wake up tomorrow and have no more friends here that will have to be okay too. Sometimes things just have to be said and a person has to take a stand for what they believe in their heart. If you haven't yet...... I urge you to come to Christ and repent before Gabriel draws his breath to sound the horn. God loves you and so do I.

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