Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I'm Pissed Off, Aren't You?

I'm pissed off, aren't you? Is that language unbecoming a Christian? There's probably some readers that are laughing that I would think that. There was a time when I didn't use the word "pissed" and would say "ticked" instead :-). Perhaps some of you prefer I use the latter word instead. :-)

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just one of a handful of people that are pissed off. Let's face it, the internet and social media does expand our friends and acquaintances, so in light of that it doesn't seem like many are pissed off like me.

Is it wrong to be pissed off? Is it wrong to apply "be ye angry and sin not..." to this? Well, for what it's worth, and to leave it to the Lord to use as He sees fit if at all, below is what I'm pissed off about. It is not in order of importance, but just as it comes to my mind again or for the first time.

I'm pissed off about the recent Supreme Court decision on homosexual and lesbian marriage.

I'm pissed off about "they" wanting to force all ordained ministers to perform wedding ceremonies for homosexuals and lesbians.

I'm pissed off about "they" wanting to take away tax exempt status from churches that will not perform weddings for homosexuals and lesbians.

I'm pissed off that so many churches have and will not give up 501c3 status.

I'm pissed off that there are so-called Christian Churches that are for same sex marriages, have homosexual or lesbian pastors and ministers, and even allow homosexuals and lesbians to be church members.

I'm pissed off about the number of babies that have been and continued to be murdered in the womb.

I'm pissed off about the harvesting, sale, and marketing of murdered baby parts.

I'm pissed off about those people who seem to be more concerned about trees, whales, and animals, than unborn babies.

I'm pissed off that so many people that claim to be a Christian, either support the right of women to murder their unborn baby, or are silent if they don't support it because of so-called political correctness.

I'm pissed off about so many that push tolerance when they are self deceived to see they are being intolerant while pushing such tolerance.

I'm pissed off that so many people, including professing Christians, can't see the difference between biblical tolerance and worldly unbiblical tolerance.

I'm pissed off about President Barack HUSSEIN Obama and just about everything he's done.

I'm pissed off that Presidents and their administrations have made unconstitutional executive orders since they do not constitutionally apply to non federal workers, and that more citizens do not realize that such executive orders are unconstitutional.

I'm pissed off that more people are not aware of the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and how that applies to State Sovereignty, as well as the individual states themselves not taking advantage of States Rights.

I'm pissed off that so many people are so gullible to watch, listen to, read, and believe the mainstream media such as ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, The CW, CNN, MSNBC, etc., and not see their bias and how many things they do not report.

I'm pissed off that so many people are deceived into thinking that most Republicans would make a difference.

I'm pissed off about people, especially Christians, that believe in voting for the lesser of two evils and who they think has the best chance of winning.

I'm pissed off about what the unethical actions the GOP did to Ron Paul in the 2012 primary to keep him out and how many Christian Republicans seemed to ignore that.

I'm pissed off about the liberal politicians that want to take guns away from law abiding citizens.

I'm pissed off that liberals are so ignorant to not see how stupid Gun Free Zones, Businesses, Recruitment Centers, Etc. are, and that "bad guys" don't obey such restrictions.

I'm pissed off that more states will not drop the numerous gun restrictions that infringe on the 2nd Amendment including allowing Open Carry, and Concealed Carry with a permit.

I'm pissed off that more Christians don't see that if we are to apply Rom. 13 and 1Pet.2 to our government today, that it means that the U.S. Constitution is "our authority" that we are to obey unless it contradicts God's word, not those that make unconstitutional laws.

I'm pissed off about our National Debt that is over 18 Trillion 300 Billion Dollars that comes out to over 55,000 Dollars per person and 120,000 Dollars per taxpayer, not including unfunded liabilities, and that our federally elected officials are not doing anything about it.

I'm pissed off about the likely future our children and grandchildren will face if the Lord tarries His return for the Church, and the apathy of so many parents and grandparents.

I'm pissed off that so many Christians are so dogmatic about a Pre-tribulational rapture of the Church following Resurrection 1A :-).

I'm pissed off that more people have not joined the Fellowship of Concerned Christian Constitutional Patriots :-).

I'm pissed off at myself that I haven't said and done more.

I'm pissed off about my own pride, lack of trust in the Lord, and SIN.

I'm pissed off about how many churches, including so called evangelical churches, have watered down and compromised the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm pissed off about how many so called evangelical churches do not have sufficient discipleship and/or biblical church accountability and correction.

I'm pissed off about how many Christians, including reformed/sovereign grace Christians, that say they hold to mankind's sin nature or being totally depraved, yet act like the federal government would never do certain and various evil things.

I'm pissed off that so many things are dismissed as Conspiracy Theories, even though some of them have been proven to be true such as Drones and FEMA Centers.

I'm pissed off about the power, greed, and deception of Big Pharma, the FDA, the AMA, the AHA, the ACS, that results in all kinds of toxic chemicals and GMOs being put in foods, withholding various treatments for cancer and auto immune diseases if they cannot patent it and make money off of it, or if it will cost them money.

I'm pissed off about the many people that are so quick to dismiss alternative treatments and solutions, and to accept radiation and chemotherapy.

I'm pissed off that more people haven't thought through and/or prepared for the consequences of an economic collapse, and what they would do to get food, water, other essentials, where they would live, how they would protect themselves, etc. should this happen and before the Lord's return.

I'm pissed off that so many churches will not do more to inform and help for this possible scenario.

I'm pissed off about the racism that exists in our country, and those promoting it such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, President Barack Hussein Obama, and more.

I'm pissed off that many people actually think a person is a racist if they disagree with Obama's views and actions, but not if a person agrees with his views and actions just because of his skin color.

I'm pissed off with White Supremacists, Black Panthers, and the like.

I'm pissed off about Affirmative Action.

I'm pissed off that it is very difficult for a white man in his mid to late 50s to get a job.

I'm pissed off that feminists are so blind that they support radical Muslims considering what they think about women.

I'm pissed off that radical Muslims want to kill Christians, Jews, and other infidels.

I'm pissed off that most if not all non radical Muslims will not speak out against the actions and comments of radical Muslims.

I'm pissed off that so many people are so deceived in thinking that the federal government is really that stupid when it comes to recent terrorist attacks, protecting the southern border, and gun control.

I'm pissed off about the Illegal Immigrant problem, Amnesty, and southern border.

I'm pissed off that we'll give other countries billions and billions of dollars that we don't really have, and yet won't spend money on the southern border.

I'm pissed off about Obama Care.

I'm pissed off that there are so many people that have not contributed to "the system" and get federal benefits, but they want to give a hard time to those needing it about getting Social Security Disability.

I'm pissed off about double taxation, over taxation, sales tax on food and medicine, and property tax.

I'm pissed off about churches that discriminate against older pastors and those who are not seminary or bible college trained.

I'm pissed off about word of faith and prosperity preaching churches.

I'm pissed off with Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Freddy Price, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, and the like.

I'm pissed off with the Watch Tower and Tract Society (JWs), Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and Roman Catholic Church, for their false teaching and deceiving many.

I'm pissed that there is such a lack of spiritual discernment in the visible body of Christ regarding false teaching and teachers.

I'm pissed off that more people are not pissed off.

I'm pissed off that all that is happening could result in another civil or revolutionary war, and that this may be what the U.N., Federal Government, Council on Foreign Relations, and Bilderbergers want.

I'm pissed off that most of my physical and spiritual family and friends think that I'm out in left field with most if not all of these things :-).

I'm pissed off that I'm pissed off and writing this Blog Post :-).

How many is that? Over 50 I think, but too many. Am I really pissed off? Maybe not in the way many people may think that means. But was Jesus pissed off with the money changers in the Temple and with the Pharisees? Was David pissed off as recorded in the Psalms?

My spiritual goal is to be biblically balanced regarding these things, and to be pissed off with the things God would have me to be pissed off with. God is all powerful and sovereign, and in control of every thing that happens in this universe, world, and country. But God ordains the means as well as the end while man is also responsible for his actions. We should not worry and sorrow as those who have no hope. This world is not the born again Christian's permanent home and final destination, but it is our temporary home until He takes us home individually or returns for the dead in Christ and the church. I don't think God's word teaches Christians are to be pacifists, and that we have a responsibility to protect and defend our families. Just not in the way the world would do it. God's word says we are to submit to the governing authority, and for us in this day and time, it seems to me to be the Constitution unless it contradicts God word. For as the apostles said as recorded in God's word, we ought to obey God rather than man.

"Be ye pissed off and sin not" ~ PBV (Pester Brat Version :-))

Thanks for reading and considering.

Pester Brat

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