Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Introducing the Gimme 5 Club

     Fellow Citizens, Neighbors, Friends, and Family:

Other than family of course that I've known all mine or their lives, some of you I have known for a long time through various internet forums and social media, and others, including locally, I have known for just 2-3 years. If you have been following my posts and videos, you know that I'm a Christian that loves our country but I'm very concerned about our constitutional republic. 

Last month I changed the name of my national outreach from Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots to Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America with the local branch called the La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots. After prayerful consideration my wife and I decided I would stop working for an employer and use my remaining years as God permits, to dedicate myself full time to this outreach.

As many of you know, I do weekly short videos that I used to call Gimme 5 Videos (minimum of 5 minutes long ;-)). I'm going to steal part of that name and start a Gimme 5 Club. I'm looking for up to 400 constitutional patriots to help support me financially in this endeavor by giving just $5 per month. That amount represents the income I'm giving up to do this : -). I don't want anymore because I do get some social security (I know y'all don't think I look old enough for that, haha) and don't want to go over the maximum I can make without being penalized. 

Will you help me please? I believe that helping me is helping "us." I know I don't deserve your financial help, but this is what you would get for $5 per month:

1. Regular monitoring of reputable alternative non-lamestream media news sources about the governmental, constitutional and economic issues facing us.

2. Monthly (currently) Online Patriot Services live and/or recorded through Facebook, Twitter, Rumble and Vimeo. Considering going weekly depending on interest.

3. Weekly (currently) Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Video Shorts (formerly Gimme 5 Videos) live and/or recorded through Facebook, Twitter, Rumble and Vimeo. Will consider more often including daily depending on the interest. 

4. Weekly newspaper articles (currently local and have been looking to expand).

5. Sharing these articles and video shorts on this blog as well as other blog posts from time to time.

6. With more time being available, working on articles for a national readership through Sub Stack. 

7. Regular communication and as needed with state, federal, and sometimes local elected officials, and regularly encouraging others to do the same through videos and social media.

8. Talking and writing about things including what can be done, that most if not all news hosts and talking heads won't, to try to keep this constitutional republic if God's willing.

9. Interacting with fellow citizens through the videos, writings and social media to bring about more awareness and get people to think things through more. 

10. Look into starting a patriotic and Christian online radio and/or television station.

11. Finish writing and updating a book that mixes fiction and the concerning issues facing us. 

12. Speak at churches and various meetings and events.

13. Encourage and help others around the country to have local patriot services/meetings.

14. Spending more time in prayer about these things. 

In summary, I would be a government watchdog, an activist also encouraging others to activism, and informing, warning and encouraging through the above-mentioned ways and more. I know I'm not the only one with these concerns, but I believe I have the life experience, desire, and a pulse on what's going on. This outreach is not overtly Christian and biblical, but it does have that foundation. 

God willing this will start in January 2024. Will you help me and commit to giving to the Gimme 5 Club? I will keep you posted as to how you can do that. Right now, I'm thinking it would be by check or PayPal. Please prayerfully consider. I know some may not be able to do this but can you spare 5 bucks a month? Thanks for reading.

Pester Brat
Pester Brat Dot Com

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