Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column- 10/25/23

 Isaac and Ishmael

We interrupt this series on the Constitution to bring you a special report ;-) on some goings-on and discussions as a result of the fighting between Israel and Hamas.

As many Christians, Muslims and Jewish people know, the centuries old fighting between the Jews and Muslims/Islam stems from the promises of nations being made to both Isaac and Ishmael- the 2 sons of Abraham. There have been numerous battles, wars and rumors of wars since then. It's not my intent to dive into that. I'll leave the bible study in Genesis and history lessons to you ;-). But because of this we currently have more fighting that could easily escalate into WWIII. It also has brought about discussions about what it means for the Jews to be God's chosen people, and about our Muslim neighbors and friends. There were even recent discussions involving folks in our county. 

But let me begin with this: God is no respector of persons. He saves people out of every nation, kindred and tongue. Not one single person deserves to be saved and go to Heaven because of our sin. Creation and the Cross are the great equalizers. 

Jews are not automatically saved because they are God's chosen people. It means that God chose them, beginning with Abraham, to reveal Himself, His ways, and His Messiah- the Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Scripture passages like Numbers 16:1-5 and Psalm 65:1-4 are just two Old Testament examples showing us that not all Jewish people were saved. The Apostle Paul in the beginning of Romans 9 & 10 tells us that not all Israel is Israel and that he desired to see them saved. We should respect the Jews for their relationship to God in this way and for their future. Also, they are our ally as well. But they need the gospel like anyone else that is not trusting in the Person and work of Christ alone for salvation.

I learned years ago, that there are basically 3 types of Muslim groups in the world and our country: 1) The extremist or radical violent Muslims that believe the Qu'ran says to kill the infidels (unbelievers); 2) Muslims that desire to take over our government and country by population; 3) Peaceful Muslims that just want to raise their families and enjoy the USA.  Research the intent of the freedom of religion clause in the 1st Amendment for yourself. As I wrote on Oct. 4th, the intent was Christian religions, not world religions. There are even quotes by our founders that wouldn't settle well with many Americans. Our Muslim neighbors have been in our country for decades now and some are our friends including our county. As it relates to these 3 basic groups, we are to love our enemies (groups 1 & 2?) and love our neighbors and one another (group 3?). Hopefully most fall into group 3, but remember, it's being reported in the news now that terrorists have been crossing the southern border. Loving doesn't equal unbiblical so called tolerance. Remember Ft. Hood? 

So pray for peace, pray for Israel, pray for all involved, pray for our country and leaders, pray for one another and more people to pay attention- and pray as the Apostle John "even so Lord Jesus come." In the meantime, occupy until He does come. Thanks for reading and considering.

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

1 comment:

  1. Dr Bill Warner PHD. As far as I'm concerned he is the foremost authority on Political Islam. Check him out.
