Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015 Update

Greetings everyone. Sorry that there hasn't been any posts for a while. Like some of you, we've just had some things going on. For us, my wife's oldest brother passed away on 3/12, and this past weekend we moved to another location locally.

I had a meeting with my U.S. Congressman about 3 weeks ago. He agrees that our economy is in trouble but pretty much said that there are not enough congressmen and senators to do enough about it. He also doesn't think FEMA has enough funds to enforce mandatory evacuation to FEMA Centers in the event of a economic, man-made, or natural disaster, but he didn't rule out that another agency may enforce it. We touched on a couple of other points, but nothing really came of those, and the rest there wasn't enough time to cover.

Our national debt now 18 Trillion 167 Billion plus dollars as of 12:45pm on 3/30/15 according to

If you're reading this and haven't joined us yet, please do so. I'm pretty sure that this Fellowship is what helped get me a meeting with the Congressman (Daniel Webster by the way).

I hope all are well in the Lord. God is sovereign and all-powerful, but that doesn't negate human responsibility. Soli Deo Gloria!!!

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