Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Thursday, December 28, 2023

A Tale of a Lamar County (AL) Tag Office Clerk

A Tale of a Lamar County Tag Office Clerk (some free, unsolicited and perhaps unwanted information about tags and titles in Lamar County, AL)

I began working full time in 1976 right after I graduated high school, as a fast food store cashier and clerk. 16 months later I began my first career job in the dairy manufacturing industry. I also worked for 2 different banks totaling about 11 years. I won't bore you with all of the details of my working career, but feel free to ask if you're really interested. In Dec. 2020 after my wife and I prayerfully considered and discussed it, I retired from manufacturing and 2nd/3rd shift work and we moved back to Alabama. 

In April 2021 I was hired by our county, and in November 2021 I began working as a county tag office clerk. I think I was the only guy to work in there. As of Dec. 6, 2023, I'm fully retired from full time employment and no longer a tag office clerk.  

As an adult, I lived in 2 counties in Maryland, 2 counties in Florida, 1 county in Idaho, 1 county in New York, 1 county in Louisiana, and 2 counties in Alabama including the one I worked for. I don't remember all of the details about renewing tags in all of these counties, but since I also worked for the current one I live in, it helps with the comparisons. Maybe this will be boring to you, but it also may shed some light on some things you never thought of. 

By the way, I oppose multiple taxation (state income tax, state sales tax, additional state gasoline tax, ad valorum vehicle tax, home property tax, etc.), yet I ended up working in a tag office for 2 years ;-). Once they do state income tax OR sales tax, that should be it. Nevertheless, it's a reality that we as citizens never should have allowed back in the day. But I digress. This is unsolicited information. No one working for Lamar County asked me to do this. So, here ya go for what it's worth. 

1. Sales tax on new purchases will always be paid on the purchase price of the vehicle. If you buy from an Alabama dealership, they will collect it and send it. If you buy from outside of Alabama or an individual, you will pay it at the Tag office when you register the new vehicle. Some dealerships outside of Alabama will estimate your sales tax and put it on your Bill of Sale and send the check to the Tag Office. If you trade in a vehicle at a dealership, the price they give you is deducted from the purchase price first to determine the sales tax. 

2. In addition to the Bill of Sale you always need the Title or Title Application. When you buy from an individual, the seller has to sign in the appropriate place and it has to the way he/she has it titled or more, but not less. For example, if they used the middle initial, they have to use that or the middle name when they sign it. Marking or whiting out anything, or signing in the wrong place will require a correction/affidavit form. 

3.  While you never know how busy each day can be, the busiest days of the month are usually the last business day of the month, the last few business days of the month, and the first business day of the month. There is a late fee currently of $15 per vehicle if you're one day or more late. One exception is if the last day of the month falls on the weekend, there will be no late fee if you're there on the first business day of the following month.

4. The Tag Office hours currently are 8:00AM-4:30PM. If it involves a title, you have to be there by 4:00PM for it to be processed at that time. They do not close for lunch but there is one less clerk for about two hours around lunch time. 

5. Calling the tag office to get a price is a courtesy started years ago. They usually cannot help you those busy days I mentioned, but whenever all 3 tag clerks are using the computer to help a customer at any time, they cannot get you a price at that time. This is for renewals only. They cannot give you a price for new purchases. 

6. New vehicle purchases with an out of state title requires a VIN inspection, so the vehicle has to be present for the tag office Clerk to check it. 

7. NEVER let your auto insurance lapse. The State of Alabama requires continuous coverage, and you could be fined $200 for the first notice and $400 if there's a second notice. 

8. It's best to bring your insurance card with you even when you renew your tags. Sometimes they don't need it. But if it does not confirm automatically in the computer system, they are required to scan the insurance card. 

9. The lowest price for an automobile tag renewal that I saw in my 2 years there was $26.77 for a whole year. That was for around a 2008 and older automobile.

10. Replacement metal tags and/or decals are $2.00. Replacement titles are $18.00.

11. They do not have antique tags anymore. You can get a vintage tag for vehicles over 35 years old but that's only for going back and forth to car shows. 

12. You have 20 days from the date of purchase to register your new vehicle purchase. The tag office has no control of how long it takes to get the required documentation from the dealership. 

Well, I reckon that's all for now. Why did I do this? Well, for one, because I'm retired from full time employment :-) and I like to do articles and blog posts. Another reason is to just try to be helpful. While I was there, "they" allowed me to have a Facebook page just for the tag office, but they changed their mind after a few weeks or so. I appreciate the opportunity to work for the county and serve the public. I left because they got a new title system I didn't want to learn, I want to devote more time to my Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America outreach, and I do have several health issues that made it a little difficult to keep working there. 

One more thing ;-). The Probate Judge is over the tag office. Keep that in mind when voting this March. Feel free to contact me by emailing me at or sending me a private message on Facebook.

Thanks for reading,

~ Pester Brat

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article for 12/20/27

 Is Jesus Really the Reason for the Season?

Greetings again all. I was born to a Baptist mother and Jewish father. Those who know the Bible know that a Christian is not supposed to marry a non Christian, but it happened. The best that I can tell, my Dad was not a "practicing Jew" and did celebrate the commercial aspect of Christmas. Sadly, my Dad passed away almost 44 years ago. 37 years ago this month, after being given the gospel in written form, I trusted in Jesus Christ and Him dying on the cross for my sins. It's been quite the journey, and I may write a boring ;-) book about it one day, Lord willing. I've been on the internet and social media for almost 30 years that has included being ministered to, ministering, and mucho discussions about the things of God. I still do, although mostly it's about my Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Outreach. I prefer the term "Outreach" instead of "Ministry" personally, because it is not overtly Christian yet still has that foundation. Even if I don't always mention it in writing or on video, the most important thing is whether someone has been born again unto saving faith in the Person and work of Christ! Not just because that all I or we may do to try to keep our constitutional republic may be for nothing, but because at any time you and me may take our last breath and enter eternity. 

'Tis also the season for various discussions about Christians and Christmas. I've seen positions ranging from only celebrating Christ's birth plus nothing to not even celebrating Christ's birth because we were not "commanded" to in Scripture to anything goes with some folks going in debt over the gifts and celebration-and more. When my children were young, we had a tree, lights in and out, gift giving, and applied Christian meanings to them. We didn't bow down and worship the tree ;-) and kept Christ as the main focus including the purpose of His birth. Matthew 1:21 says "and you shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins." Two gospels record Christ's birth, and believing that Jesus was born of the then virgin Mary is an essential belief as proof of salvation. But Jesus ain't no baby no more :-). Some folks don't have a problem with Jesus as a baby as long as you don't talk to them about His teaching and all-sufficient sacrifice & resurrection to pay the penalty of sins of born again believers. He's the King of kings and Lord of lords whether someone acknowledges or not, who is making intercession and preparing a place for His people. 

Jesus should be the "reason for the season" for Christians that celebrate. But here's the thing, if the economy continues on it's current path, it will eventually be the only thing- but maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing :-). My family still exchanges gifts, but the best gifts I would like to see this year is more souls born again and saved by Christ, more people getting involved to help protect this constitutional republic, and for God to bless this Outreach and use me. If you agree, will you pray with and help me please? Merry CHRISTmas!

Pester Brat is a former pastor, the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots & national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America, and member of Calvary Baptist Church in Vernon. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube, Gettr: Pester Brat. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article for 12/13/23

Tax, Tax, Everywhere a Tax...

From time to time, I like to take current events and sit-ee-ations and come up with words to a familiar song. How many remember the old rock song Signs? It was released in 1970 by The Five Man Electrical Band. "Signs, signs, everywhere are signs, blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind. Do this, don't do that, can't you read the signs?" Let's have some fun with a 'not so fun' situation using my title to the song Signs. If you're up for this, email it to me. If you don't know the song and are on the internet, check it out. It's catchy :-).

The day I'm typing this, we received our Alabama 'stimulus' check. I hope you got yours. Ain't that nice of them? Don't get me wrong, they didn't have to do that. They need a certain amount to operate our 'we the people' state government, eh? But where in the 'h-e double-hockey-sticks' were the state citizens back then, when they began multiple state taxation- tax, tax, everywhere a tax...income, sales, additional gasoline, home property, automobile property (aka ad valorem). Disgusting, ain't it? So now citizens start complaining about costs going up, and the Alabama legislature decides to throw us a bone. Oh sorry, they also are gradually reducing the grocery sales tax- another bone from what should never have been. 

Some of you may know I have been working in the county tag office :-) (if you want some free tag office tips ;-), email me). Never thought I would have done something that I was opposed to partly, in principle. I had semi-retired from shift work and had trouble finding Mon-Fri day shift work. But now I'm retired from full time employment. Yet this is another tax after we've already been taxed. I don't know how some folks can stand buying brand new trucks, SUVs, RVs, etc. The sales tax on them is bad enough, but then comes the annual ad-valorem that they're so kind to decrease some each year. And some folks will do that every couple of years or so. Plus, every time a vehicle is sold, sales tax has to be paid on it- it should only be on the original purchase if that. Whew! In 2022, my wife and I were able to find a relatively low mileage 2012 SUV to keep the monthly payment and ad-valorem down some. Look, I'm all for supporting our local businesses and keeping the sales tax in our state, county and cities. But double taxation and more, is wrong.

Well, there's a reckoning coming. Inflation keeps going up, closures, jobs and purchases will keep going down, and the state will get less and less revenue. It's doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out if people would just pay attention and think things through. Again, maybe you're thinking 'what can we do?' But there are things we can do. If hundreds of thousands of citizens would contact state government officials and tell them to put pressure on the federal government officials or there will be serious consequences, that would be a good start and might work.  The 'spending clause' in the constitution doesn't allow for no limit on the federal government credit card! Practically making them get a balanced budget amendment could help. Then there's the 'grievance clause,' the principle the founding fathers mentioned in the declaration of independence (alter or abolish when the government becomes destructive (read it and weep)), and the 10th Amendment principles of Nullification and as a last resort if absolutely necessary, secession (no I don't want to). We better get on it. God willing, see ya next time.   

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube, Gettr: Pester Brat. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article 12/6/23

 Roll Tide, War Eagle, Go______________?

I was raised in Maryland. I've been a Washington Redskins fan since I was a kid. Even though Maryland has college teams, I only followed the Terrapins basketball team for a few years in High School. My youngest daughter married a guy living in the Birmingham area in 2004, so we followed 4 years later. My son-in-law told me I had to declare whether I was going to be an Alabama or Auburn fan. Those of you that are Facebook friends know which one it is now :-). I enjoy College Football like many do. We choose not to pay the bigger bucks to go to the harder games, but we've been blessed to be able to go 4 games in the last 7 years. Some of you may even have season tickets. I don't think the Lord minds when we enjoy various sports and teams as long as we don't make an "idol" out of it, or it keeps us out of Church if we're a born again Christian. We're blessed beyond measure, often to our detriment. 

Question: Are you ready to lose that? Are you ready for hardly anyone being able to afford to go to games? Are you ready for people to not afford Cable TV or Internet and Streaming TV to watch games? Are you ready for companies to not afford to pay for advertizing so that there is no television revenue for the NCAA, NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, etc., resulting in shutting it all down? Do you think this is all far-fetched? If so, you may be living in the Twilight Zone. According to Sen. Rand Paul's office, Biden is proposing another $106 Billion that will mostly go to Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific. Okay, maybe if I type the actual digits of the national debt, it'll penatrate more brains: $33,834,280,000,000+ at 8:55PM on 11/28/23. Or maybe I should include the national debt in every weekly article? Do you think that it'll just go away? Do you think inflation will just stop? In as much that Trump would be better than Biden or Gov. Newsome, do you really think that he can stop it? Slow it down perhaps. 

The thing is, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We've already seen gradual decline. More restaurants and restaurant chains will close along with all kinds of stores. In the early 90s, when I was a union rep, a guest speaker at a conference had the odacity to tell a bunch of us that most manufacturing would go overseas and we would primarily be a service-oriented county. Well guess what folks? We're there! We've been there!!! And if the Lord tarries, when the economic do-do hits the fan, most if not all of these service-oriented jobs will go away. We all better pay attention and think through what this would mean.

We have taken things for granted and been spoiled in our country. Lulled to sleep, distracted, busy, or don't give a rats a$$. Sadly and perhaps worst of all, is so many people won't do or don't think anything can be done about it, when there's more we can do. As I've said before, the Jan. 6th non-insurrection protest followed by going after Trump and few advisers or supporters, was to intimidate citizens from doing what may be necessary to keep our country as we know it. And those 3,000(?) national guard protecting the capitol for months afterwards is because they are scared for what they did and what we might do. The power is still available in the people of our technical "we the people" government. 

Join me live tomorrow Dec. 7th at 10am for the Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship monthly service on my Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz Facebook page. It's a time of patriotism, encouragement and information.  


Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America (name change). Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Weekly Video Short 12/4/23

Please click on the Rumble Link to view :-)

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article for 11/22/2023

 Twelve Things I'm Thankful For This Thanksgiving

I'm sure there will be numerous people, maybe in this newspaper too, that will write about Thanksgiving. God's word the Bible says: "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1Th. 5:18). While there is certainly a lot of hard and tragic things in our lives, we still should be thankful for everything (preaching to myself too) since anything more than death is more than we deserve (Rom. 6:23a). I'm just going to focus on those things pertaining to my Outreach and what I am or should be thankful for: 1) I'm thankful for the triune Godhead- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 2) I'm thankful for the word of God. 3) I'm thankful for salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ alone so that born-again believers won't spend an eternity in Hell. 4) I'm thankful for my family, and a loving, caring wife. 5) I'm thankful for our country's founding fathers and starting the United States. 6) I'm thankful for the Constitution and Constitutional Republic God gave us. 7) I'm thankful for eyes to see, ears to hear, mouth to speak, legs to walk on, and the health I have. 8) I'm thankful for God's blessing of always having food on our table, clothes on our back, a roof over our heads, and always meeting our needs and more. 9) I'm thankful for our Church- Calvary Baptist in Vernon. 10) I'm thankful for the pastorates and jobs God has blessed me with as a means to [help] provide for my family and give me the experience that I have. 11) I'm thankful for the opportunity to have been on local radio and television, and for the national and local Concerned Constitutional Patriots outreach to inform and encourage about the governmental, constitutional and economical issues facing us. 12) I'm thankful for all the school mates, neighbors, co-workers, friends off and on social media, and brothers & sisters in Christ, past and present.

If we lost our current way of life in our country, or even if we never had it, we should give thanks. As hard as it can be sometimes for some people, God didn't say "give thanks just when everything is going good." Our country has already been declining and may be in for some very hard times sooner or later. The purpose of my outreach is not only to encourage people to get more involved by being "politically proactive" in various ways, but to also plan and prepare both practically and spiritually biblically. As I mentioned at my Church tonight, inflation is not going away and will likely get much worse. The $34 trillion national debt that rapidly continues to increase will likely bring about a great reset, full digital currency, and eventual government control, or socialism, or very tragic times that we have never seen to try to prevent it. So let's be thankful for what we all have. While we're still the freest nation on earth, we're not as free as we used to be with our constitutional freedoms constantly being challenged. But while we're being thankful, let's do all that we can to keep and protect our constitutional republic.

The next Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship (CPOF) will be recorded live on Thursday December 7th at 10:00am through my Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz Facebook Page. It's a time of encouragement and information that includes the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem. Why don't you join me? Would you like to resume local fellowship meetings? Email me (see below) and let me know. Lord willing, see ya next week!

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America (name change). Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article 11/15/23

*NOTE* This week's article is mainly a local issue but could apply to other counties in the country. 

Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important?

    As I have shared in previous articles, I have not been in Lamar County long. It'll be 3 years the end of next month God willing. It's been a pleasure getting to know people here. My wife has family that lives in the Vernon area. 
    Because of the nature of my outreach, I get involved in the local political arena as well. Districts 2 & 4 County Commissioner elections are coming up (March 5th I think). There's an issue involving the District 2 Commissioner and whether or not he actually lives with his wife in Mississippi while keeping his address in District 2. If he does live and sleep in MS, is he eligible to run for Commissioner? This allegedly happened after he was voted in, about 4 years ago. Alabama law says the candidate must reside in the district. It seems to me, and to those I have talked to about it so far, that the intent of that language is where the person actually lives and lays their head to sleep. And according to those same people, this Commissioner has never shared with them that he actually lives or sleeps in MS. If there is nothing wrong with it as long as the person at least has an address and pays taxes in his district, why hasn't there been "transparency" and "upfrontness" (is that even a word) about it?
    To make matters worse, I have contacted the Ethics Commission, Secretary of State's Office, and Attorney General's Office, and none of them will take responsibility for dealing with this issue. The Secretary of State is also the Chief Elections Officer. Someone in the State needs to rule on whether a second address that's outside of his/her District and actually where they live and sleep, disqualifies a candidate or not. 
    Keep in mind that I write the articles about a week before you read it. Something might have changed during that time. It's possible that his Political Party locally will say he's not qualified to run as one of that Party's candidates.
    As I've written here before, I have nothing personal against the District 2 Commissioner, any of the other Commissioners, or the Probate Judge. He may be doing a great job. But I am concerned about what is known by all involved, and if anything was said or tried by them. Supposedly, he has opposition and hopefully citizens in District 2 will not vote the incumbent back in because of this situation if he isn't disqualified. But in the opinion of this writer and Lamar County citizen, he shouldn't even be allowed on the ballot. By the way, I realize that only his District can vote for him, but this should not be just a District 2 concern since he votes on issues affecting the whole county.
    Well, I know there are a lot of bigger fish to fry with all that's going on in our country. But we have to deal with local issues too when they arise. It's not about trying to dig up dirt on someone- the "dirt" presented itself even before I found out about it. But I think it would be good to see where our county and city elected officials stand on this local issue. Even if he has done a good job, because of the last 4 years and going forward with this alleged issue, if it is indeed true, I wouldn't vote for the District 2 Commissioner if he's allowed on the ballot even if I could, and don't think those who live in his District should vote for him either, but of course that's your business. 
    Again, nothing personal with him. He could run for office in the county and state he allegedly lives in or move his family to Lamar Co. District 2. I wish him the best! Until next time, Lord willing...

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America (name change). Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article for 11/8/23

 It's Constitutional Watson Part 6

Fellow citizens, does challenging election results = insurrection? Does a protest = an insurrection? Dare I ask one more? Does secession = insurrection (hint, hint)? The answer to all 3 of these of course is a resounding NO! Do liberals even know what an insurrection is? The word means "a violent uprising against an authority or government" and was rarely used about 100 years prior to Jan. 6, 2021.

The 14th Amendment Section 3 that says: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." 

This clause was put in the Constitution in 1868 because of the Civil War. And if you have been watching the news for the last 2 1/2 years, you know that certain "folks" have been using this clause to try to prevent Donald Trump from running for President again, because he challenged the 2020 election results and allegedly incited an insurrection. Thankfully, numerous cases have been dismissed and denied so far. But as Tucker Carlson recently said: "They're trying to take Trump out before you can vote for him, and that should upset you more than anything that's happened in American politics in your lifetime." I agree and would add that this should be the case whether you like him or voted for him or not. 

There's still the issue of keeping "them" from stealing another election though. The lamestream media is not reporting about the various precincts that had voter fraud. The night of the 2020 election, I was watching my home state of Maryland. Trump was winning before I went to bed and not just barely. Then when I woke up in the morning it had flipped. It's not impossible for that to happen, but it just doesn't happen like that. As we know, 4 more states did something similar. Go back in time 20 years and you find the DemocRats challenging election results when George W. Bush edged out Al Gore. Republicans didn't do all the nonsense DemocRats are doing to Trump. Sleepy Joe did not set a record amount of votes, a record number of registered voters didn't vote for him (many say more votes than registered voters), and Trump didn't lose the 2020 election. This and all that's followed has been a greater "wool over the eyes" than Barack and Michael Obama. 

This clause in the constitution is being abused. As far as this writer is concerned, because of that and how they haven't done anything to Ms. Rodham (Clinton), Mr. Rodham (Bill), B. Hussein Obama, Hunter Biden and Daddy Sleepy Joe, anything they try with conservatives, MAGA folks, and non RINO GOP means nothing. 

Oh, but carry on, nothing to see here, right? :-(

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America (name change). Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Weekly Video Shorts 11/6/23

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Introducing the Gimme 5 Club

     Fellow Citizens, Neighbors, Friends, and Family:

Other than family of course that I've known all mine or their lives, some of you I have known for a long time through various internet forums and social media, and others, including locally, I have known for just 2-3 years. If you have been following my posts and videos, you know that I'm a Christian that loves our country but I'm very concerned about our constitutional republic. 

Last month I changed the name of my national outreach from Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots to Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America with the local branch called the La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots. After prayerful consideration my wife and I decided I would stop working for an employer and use my remaining years as God permits, to dedicate myself full time to this outreach.

As many of you know, I do weekly short videos that I used to call Gimme 5 Videos (minimum of 5 minutes long ;-)). I'm going to steal part of that name and start a Gimme 5 Club. I'm looking for up to 400 constitutional patriots to help support me financially in this endeavor by giving just $5 per month. That amount represents the income I'm giving up to do this : -). I don't want anymore because I do get some social security (I know y'all don't think I look old enough for that, haha) and don't want to go over the maximum I can make without being penalized. 

Will you help me please? I believe that helping me is helping "us." I know I don't deserve your financial help, but this is what you would get for $5 per month:

1. Regular monitoring of reputable alternative non-lamestream media news sources about the governmental, constitutional and economic issues facing us.

2. Monthly (currently) Online Patriot Services live and/or recorded through Facebook, Twitter, Rumble and Vimeo. Considering going weekly depending on interest.

3. Weekly (currently) Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Video Shorts (formerly Gimme 5 Videos) live and/or recorded through Facebook, Twitter, Rumble and Vimeo. Will consider more often including daily depending on the interest. 

4. Weekly newspaper articles (currently local and have been looking to expand).

5. Sharing these articles and video shorts on this blog as well as other blog posts from time to time.

6. With more time being available, working on articles for a national readership through Sub Stack. 

7. Regular communication and as needed with state, federal, and sometimes local elected officials, and regularly encouraging others to do the same through videos and social media.

8. Talking and writing about things including what can be done, that most if not all news hosts and talking heads won't, to try to keep this constitutional republic if God's willing.

9. Interacting with fellow citizens through the videos, writings and social media to bring about more awareness and get people to think things through more. 

10. Look into starting a patriotic and Christian online radio and/or television station.

11. Finish writing and updating a book that mixes fiction and the concerning issues facing us. 

12. Speak at churches and various meetings and events.

13. Encourage and help others around the country to have local patriot services/meetings.

14. Spending more time in prayer about these things. 

In summary, I would be a government watchdog, an activist also encouraging others to activism, and informing, warning and encouraging through the above-mentioned ways and more. I know I'm not the only one with these concerns, but I believe I have the life experience, desire, and a pulse on what's going on. This outreach is not overtly Christian and biblical, but it does have that foundation. 

God willing this will start in January 2024. Will you help me and commit to giving to the Gimme 5 Club? I will keep you posted as to how you can do that. Right now, I'm thinking it would be by check or PayPal. Please prayerfully consider. I know some may not be able to do this but can you spare 5 bucks a month? Thanks for reading.

Pester Brat
Pester Brat Dot Com

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column for 11/1/23

 It's Constitutional Watson Part 5

Returning to the series on the constitution and focusing on areas that perhaps are being challenged by some in the government, let me say again that I don't claim to be a constitutional scholar. The concern is that many, especially the younger generation, is not being taught about this important document and how it relates to what's going on in our country. Again, a Patriot is someone that loves his country and is willing to take a stand against the government if and when necessary. Let's look at a couple more clauses:

Article I Section 8 Clause 5 says "The Congress shall have Power To...coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures." Compare that to Section 10 that says "No State shall...coin Money...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts..." I have discussions with people about the constitution and issues affecting it, often. While I don't claim to have all the answers, we better have the conversations. I welcome your input as well. As one person reminded me of just days before writing this, "the document doesn't enforce these things, we have to enforce it." The federal government has been and continues to try to get away with as much constitutional violations as they can. We MUST hold them to it. As it pertains to this coinage language, what can we gather from it? One, that Congress has the power to coin money. Remember, coin comes from the US Mint- a government agency. Cash comes from the Federal Reserve- a banking entity with some government officials on the Board.. Two, States can't coin money except for silver and gold coin to pay debts. States- our State- need to use this language to keep from fully going to digital currency. Since the Federal Government is destroying our economy and country, the only other alternative would be for States with enough guts, to secede from the Union so they can legally have their own money for the citizens. The idea that most elected officials think we should just go down with the US sinking ship is abhorrent! If we don't somehow someway make our State officials do something, that's likely what'll happen.

Article 6 Clause 2 says: "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding." This is commonly known as the "supremacy clause" and unfortunately is wrongly thought by too many people, especially leftists or liberals, that States can't have nullification laws of federal unconstitutional actions. States can't nullify the federal constitution or laws that aren't against it, but it can and indeed better nullify all federal unconstitutional actions.

I had another Patriot Service about 2 weeks ago. You can watch it through one of the ways listed below. Going forward, it will be monthly online. A time of patriotism, encouragement and information. I think it would be good and wise to return to doing them in person locally. See ya next time God willing. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America (name change). Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column- 10/25/23

 Isaac and Ishmael

We interrupt this series on the Constitution to bring you a special report ;-) on some goings-on and discussions as a result of the fighting between Israel and Hamas.

As many Christians, Muslims and Jewish people know, the centuries old fighting between the Jews and Muslims/Islam stems from the promises of nations being made to both Isaac and Ishmael- the 2 sons of Abraham. There have been numerous battles, wars and rumors of wars since then. It's not my intent to dive into that. I'll leave the bible study in Genesis and history lessons to you ;-). But because of this we currently have more fighting that could easily escalate into WWIII. It also has brought about discussions about what it means for the Jews to be God's chosen people, and about our Muslim neighbors and friends. There were even recent discussions involving folks in our county. 

But let me begin with this: God is no respector of persons. He saves people out of every nation, kindred and tongue. Not one single person deserves to be saved and go to Heaven because of our sin. Creation and the Cross are the great equalizers. 

Jews are not automatically saved because they are God's chosen people. It means that God chose them, beginning with Abraham, to reveal Himself, His ways, and His Messiah- the Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Scripture passages like Numbers 16:1-5 and Psalm 65:1-4 are just two Old Testament examples showing us that not all Jewish people were saved. The Apostle Paul in the beginning of Romans 9 & 10 tells us that not all Israel is Israel and that he desired to see them saved. We should respect the Jews for their relationship to God in this way and for their future. Also, they are our ally as well. But they need the gospel like anyone else that is not trusting in the Person and work of Christ alone for salvation.

I learned years ago, that there are basically 3 types of Muslim groups in the world and our country: 1) The extremist or radical violent Muslims that believe the Qu'ran says to kill the infidels (unbelievers); 2) Muslims that desire to take over our government and country by population; 3) Peaceful Muslims that just want to raise their families and enjoy the USA.  Research the intent of the freedom of religion clause in the 1st Amendment for yourself. As I wrote on Oct. 4th, the intent was Christian religions, not world religions. There are even quotes by our founders that wouldn't settle well with many Americans. Our Muslim neighbors have been in our country for decades now and some are our friends including our county. As it relates to these 3 basic groups, we are to love our enemies (groups 1 & 2?) and love our neighbors and one another (group 3?). Hopefully most fall into group 3, but remember, it's being reported in the news now that terrorists have been crossing the southern border. Loving doesn't equal unbiblical so called tolerance. Remember Ft. Hood? 

So pray for peace, pray for Israel, pray for all involved, pray for our country and leaders, pray for one another and more people to pay attention- and pray as the Apostle John "even so Lord Jesus come." In the meantime, occupy until He does come. Thanks for reading and considering.

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Video Shorts- 10/23/23 (Formerly Pester Brat Gimme 5 Videos)


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article for 10/18/23

 It's Constitutional Watson Part 4

Hello again neighbors and fellow citizens. As I continue this series, let me say that it's not my intent to cover every Amendment, but rather just focus on the ones we need to watch closely including other parts of the Constitution, in light of the dangerous direction of the federal government. 

Starting with the 4th Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." It's important that the second part is not separated from the first part. There has already been warrantless searches and "no-knock" warrants. Considering the way MAGA/Trump Supporters are already thought of by most in the leftist democratic camp, it's not a stretch to be concerned that this Amendment will see increased violations. 

Likewise with the 5th Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." We've already seen recent examples of there being no due process as a result of the insurrectionless insurrection. There has also been some problems in recent years with private property being taken for public use. 

The 6th Amendment is very important when you consider the bogus accusations we've seen lately from the Biden Administration to Trump and some of in his administration and supporters. Don't think for a second that this issue can't happen more often. They're using the recent ones that are still going on, to intimidate all of us: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence." Be sure to check out the 7th & 8th Amendments as they follow #6 and are equally important. 

The forgotten 9th Amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Ya think maybe that many in the federal government forgot about this one? Sadly not eveyone is on the same page with this one. That seems to be because based on one of their comments I read, he forgot that the constitution does not give us rights, it protects our God-given rights.

If you didn't read Parts 1, 2 or 3 of this series and would like to, send me an email and I'll be glad to send them to you. You can also find them on my Blog. 'Till next time Lord willing. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

My Mom, Life, Death, and More

I don't know if I have ever posted something personal on this Blog. If so, it's been years. This will be very personal and a means to help grieve and mourn, and I don't know yet if I'll share this to social media.

Early this morning around 4:20, my brother called me to tell me Mom passed away earlier. We knew she was very sick due to heart failure that had progressed even further a few weeks ago causing her to have to go to Rehab in a Nursing Home. After my brother met with the Directors there about going to Palliative Care, while we weren't sure of course, we still thought she may have had weeks to months longer to live, so it was still a bit of a surprise. Mom was 93 years, 1 month, 17 days old.

Mom was born in 1930 and was the youngest of 3 sisters (her next oldest sister is still alive at age 97). She married my Dad in 1956, I was born in 1958, and my brother was born in 1962. My Dad was born in 1930 as well and passed away in 1980, and my Step-father passed away in 1992. Mom had some, shall we say, issues while my brother and I were growing up, but she always took care of us. Until near the end, I had a good childhood. 

Mom was always closer to my brother. Shortly after my Step-father passed away (she was about 62 then), my brother built her a separate small home on his property in southern Maryland. She lived there and one other place in that area of Maryland for about 28 more years, when her and my brother moved to central Florida. Mom still lived in her own place at age 86. 2 or 3 years later they moved to southwest Florida and she moved in with my brother and his wife because her health was declining some.

Mom said she made a profession of faith in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ as a teenager. My Dad was Jewish but celebrated commercial Christmas, and my Step-father was Roman Catholic. Mom did take us to a friend's Church occasionally, and taught us the mealtime and bedtime childhood prayers, but nothing more than that that I remember. In late 1986, despite some serious sins before and especially after, I believe I was born again and saved by the Person and Work of Christ. Being more aware of things by God's grace, I became concerned that Mom seemed to lack outward evidence of her profession of faith. One of them being that she didn't darken the doors of Church except to come to the one I was going to in Maryland, a couple of times for special services. But since I have been a Christian, she's always said she believed Christ died on the cross for her sins.

I found out last year from her and my brother, that she wanted to be cremated when she died, and as of yesterday that hasn't changed. While I am a former pastor, I don't consider myself a bible scholar the way the term is often applied. While God's word does seem to say Jews and Christians were buried and only pagans were cremated, I don't recall any commands saying that Christians should not be. As for me and my wife, we won't be cremated, but I reckon it is not a sin to be. It seems more and more Christians are being cremated perhaps due to the increased cost of funerals and burials. 

My Mom lived a full life. My hope is that her profession of faith was the result of being born again and saved, and I hope I'll see her again one day in glory. But time will tell. Lord willing I'll be 65 next month :-). 

Heb. 9:27-28 says: "And just as it is appointed unto man once to die, then the judgment. So Christ having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who eagerly wait for Him." 

There is no limbo, no purgatory and no second chances after we die- death then judgment. It is my hope that you will see your sin before the thrice Holy God and that you're undeserving of heaven and salvation. But that Jesus the God-man shed His blood, died on that old rugged tree, and rose again, to pay the penalty of sins of those that are born again and believe. 

To God be the glory!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article for 10/11/23

 It's Constitutional Watson Part 3

Hello again neighbors and fellow citizens. Last week I shared about the first of five parts of the 1st Amendment (the two aspects of Freedom of Religion). Feel free to email me (see below) for that or any previous articles. 

The next one is " law abridging the freedom of speech." Whooo-doggie, that's a big problem today isn't it? Especially since Joe Biden began campaigning (if we can call it that) for POTUS in 2018. Social Media companies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube were the biggest culprits in the name of "fact checking." That in combination with various types of voter fraud, voter machine issues, and more,  and you have a stolen election. It was censorship that still goes on, and it's a slippery slope towards losing our constitutional republic. Are you paying attention yet?

"...or of the Press." While this doesn't seem like much of a problem with all the mainstream news media bias and lies they are allowed ramble off, it's not like they haven't been trying to silent so called conservative media since the popularity of Rush Limbaugh about 30 years ago. And there has been mucho attempts and success of censorship of non mainstream news outlets. By the way, why do you think Fox News cut Tucker Carlson loose?

"...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble." Say whaaaat ;-)? Yup, that's a major problem today. First notice that it says "peaceably." The rioting and looting that was allowed by certain states the last few years does not fall in the "peaceably" category. There was another one recently up north. Oh, but wait, there's more: Some of the citizens during the Jan. 6th 2021 protest where there was no rioting, looting and violence, were said to be part of an insurrection. Do you believe that nonsense? Even after the video evidence that was released? This is another slippery slope and should concern every American regardless of race and political party affiliation. 

Lastly is "...and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Folks, we need to be utilizing this now, and a lot, if we want to keep the freedoms in our country. There may not be just one way to do this, but if we don't or we won't be heard and considered, it likely will not be a pretty picture. Remember, our country's founders believed that when a country becomes destructive the government should be altered or abolished. It's right there is the Declaration of Independence.  

Will you help me? Staying in contact with elected officials is crucial! Re-starting the in-person La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots meetings and more people coming is extremely important. Here are other ways you can help: I would like to be able to devote my energies full time to the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, informing and encouraging citizens about the threats to our freedoms because of the constitutional and economical issues facing us. Perhaps a business would be willing to sponsor me or put me on their payroll, or a person with great wealth could make a very generous donation? Another way would be if people would watch and share my Gimme 5 Videos through my Rumble Account. If enough people did that, it would generate some revenue. But please, for the sake of our kids and grandkids, get involved. If you don't and the Lord tarries, one day you'll wish you listened to this "crazy guy" but it'll be too late. 'Till next time, Lord willing :-).

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Pester Brat's Gimme 5 Video Shorts 10/9/23

 Please overlook the video being sideways, as I was experimenting with the features on my phone. It wasn't sideways on the screen while it was live though ;-). Thank you.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article for 10/4/23- It's Constitutional Watson Pt. 2

 It's Constitutional Watson Part 2

Hey Y'all. I decided to make "It's Constitutional Watson" a short series. It's important, and everyone needs to know or be reminded of what's in it. By the way, I found 4 pocket size constitutions (I used to have more), and I'll be glad to mail them to the first 4 people that email (see the bottom) me requesting it with your address. 

Article 4 Section 4 says: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." I started with this one first because of what is going on in our country. Consider the crisis at the southern border and riots that have taken place in recent years. First notice that the clause begins with guaranteeing a "republican form of government." It doesn't say "democratic." This clause prevents changing our government to a full democracy, eliminating the electoral college, and going to a popular vote. Our country's founders were smart cookies. When certain states were allowing riots, then it was okay for the federal government to intervene and stop it. That's the wonderful tension between the states and feds- if the feds violate the constitution, the states nullify and say no; if the states don't follow it, the feds intervene. The millions being allowed to cross the southern border is an invasion folks! The very people (federal government) that's supposed protect that is allowing it. But we just keep whining about it in various ways and don't try to do anything about. It's helping destroy our country. 

The First Amendment says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." There's 5 parts to this first and important amendment: Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom to Petition the Government. There won't enough space to look at all of them this week. The Religion clause prevents the government from establishing a religion (i.e. Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etc.), as well as protect citizens rights to the free exercise of religion. Interestingly, the founders intended "Christian" religions. It's likely too late to change what it has come to mean (world religions). What is known as "separation of church and state" was a clarification by letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists that the federal government was to stay out of the church's business. Not all the nonsense in recent years of not allowing Christianity in schools and on public property, etc. 

Lord willing, we'll start looking at the other 4 parts next week. There is a lot going on. Please following me on Facebook, Twitter, Rumble, and my Blog that includes my weekly Gimme 5 Video Shorts. I'm just a guy that loves the Lord, his family, his country, and people. I'll be glad to meet you somewhere to talk, and you can find me most Sundays and Wednesdays at Calvary Baptist Church in Vernon. Remember to pray, plan and prepare both physically, and eternally in Christ, and [be] politically proactive. God bless you!

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat, Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Article for 9/27/23

It's Constitutional Watson

Greetings once again fellow citizens of the great state of Alabama and Lamar County. The U.S. Constitution may be the wisest human document ever written. There are things I will repeat often about it to keep in memory for regular readers, and in case someone reads it for the first time. It's the most important writing for Americans after the Bible. It wasn't written to give us rights, but to protect our God-given rights. It was written to restrain the federal government- not "we the people." Since we apply God's word to our country and time period, it's our final governing authority, not presidential executive orders and congress when they contradict it. Our country is a Constitutional Republic, not a full democracy! Find out if our schools are still teaching it, and rightly at that. If not, pressure them to do it while making sure you're teaching your kids and grandkids about it. 

Interestingly, I just came across this quote from President Ronald Reagan: "Almost all the world’s constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our constitution is a document in which 'We the People' tell the government what it is allowed to do." Here are a few more. Thomas Jefferson once said: "Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, it's acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." Current Senator Rand Paul said: "The Founders never intended for Americans to trust their government. Our entire constitution was predicated on the notion that government was a necessary evil, to be restrained and minimized as much as possible." Former Supreme Court Justice William Douglas once said: "The constitution is not neutral. It was designed to take the government off the backs of the people." I could go on, but...

While the whole constitution is important, there are 2 amendments that I share often because of the dangerous direction of our federal government- the 2nd and the 10th. Many people in our area know the 2nd amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." It seems pretty straight forward doesn't it? Yet many anti-gun activists use the first 4 words to say that this doesn't apply to private citizens like you and me. That's because they don't care or understand what a Militia was- private citizens working together to defend their country. Supreme Court rulings not too long ago upheld our right to keep and bear arms. No restrictions, no infringement! 

The 10th Amendment is equally important today: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This gives states, counties and cities the right to nullify unconstitutional acts by the federal government, and arguably- the right to secede from the union (yeah, I know). While it could be very costly (in more ways than one), it may be the only way to stop the loss of our country as we know it. PRAY, PLAN, PREPARE, and be POLITICALLY PROACTIVE- NOW! As Thomas Paine once said: "The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from it's government." Are you a patriot?

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. You can email him at

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column 9/20/23

Sheep and Levi-athan

Hello again friends and neighbors. As a Christian and former pastor, I have had and still have what I call "sub-ministries." One is called "Lamar County Sheep Finders" and the other one, which is more of a national ministry, is called Levi-athan Ministries. I'll focus mostly on Sheep Finders, but Levi-athan's name is a play on words based on the Leviathan creature mentioned in the Old Testament and the Hebrew tribe of Levi named after Levi- one of Jacob's 12 sons. Years ago, a Jews for Jesus minister told me that based on my last name, it not being changed when my ancestors came to this country, and my father being Jewish, I'm from the tribe of Levi. So like the Apostle Paul, I have a desire to see Jewish people saved. 

In John Ch 10 Jesus talks about Jewish sheep and Gentile sheep, and that they would be one and have one Shepherd. Further in the chapter Jesus says some interesting things about His sheep. First He says: "You do not believe Me, because you are not of My sheep" (vs. 25). Next He says: "My sheep hear my voice and they follow Me" (vs. 26). Then He says: "I give them eternal life, neither shall any of them perish." What it comes down to, and what my Lamar County Sheep Finders ministry is about, is that if you are one of Christ's sheep, sooner or later you will believe that you are a sinner undeserving of salvation and Heaven, and that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again to pay the penalty of and forgive you of all your sins, and you will follow Him. This following of Christ is a result of a changed life (2Cor. 5:17) that includes not forsaking the assembling together with other believers (Heb. 10:25) in a bible believing, gospel preaching, grace embracing Church. Bible Belt States like ours are full of professing Christians that won't go to Church. If I may be blunt here, if you won't go to Church to be with other believers, why would you think you'd want to be in Heaven with a whole lot more? While going to Church does not save anyone one bit, the new desires salvation brings in following Christ as one of His sheep includes wanting to be a part of one of His Churches. You can make all the excuses you want down here, but it won't make the cut at the Judgment. Just sayin ;-). 

So if you claim to be a Christian, you need to be in one of "His" Churches. Now an infomercial :-). The Church I'm a member of, Calvary Baptist Church in Vernon, is a small church with a mostly older congregation. Not only should you be in a Church like ours, I'm asking you to come to our Church since you should be in one anyway. You would be proving whether or not you're one of Christ's sheep, ministering by helping our Church grow again, and we could fellowship together regularly as Christians and fellow constitutional patriots concerned about the direction of our country. Are you going to be one of those that won't darken the door of a church until the unconstitutional and/or economic doo-doo hits the fan, and then want their help? Really? Maybe you're reading this and you're not a believer, but this has got ya thinking about your eternity. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). No other way, no other religion, no other person or founder! Are you one of Christ's sheep? If you think so, prove it. I'll be glad to help in any way. Because when it's all said and done, if God's not pleased to save our country because of the judgment we deserve, we still have Christ saving His sheep. Praise God!

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. You can email him at

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column for 9/13/23

10 Ways We're Being Poisoned

Hey Folkses. Well, do I really think we are being poisoned? Unintentionally at least, yes. Intentionally? Probably. Why would I say such a thing? Well, I've done mucho reading over the years and have been trying to put the puzzle together. I've actually thought this for years. But here's how and why I think we are being poisoned: 

1. Water: There is all kinds of toxic substances and pharmaceutical drugs in our water supply including fluoride. No one should be drinking tap water without a decent water filter. While it is debatable on whether fluoride really helps our teeth in the long run, it was intended to go in toothpaste that would be spit back out, not ingested with water and drinks that use tap water. 2) Aspartame: You know, that artificial sweetener that is in all kinds of diet drinks and foods. Bad news folks! Don't just take my word for it, do your own research. Any artificial sweetener is bad for you because it's not natural. But Aspartame is at the top of the list and much worse than Splenda/Sucralose. 3) Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): This is a concentrated salt that is added to various foods to enhance flavoring. Many food manufacturers hide it by using other terms including but not limited to Natural Flavoring and Carrageenan. It's added to most snack foods and a many restaurant foods. It's not good and we should try to avoid it. 4) Chem-Trails: What-trails, you may be thinking? This one for some reason really irritates me. These "Chem-Trails" are toxic chemicals that are being sprayed up in the sky supposedly in the name in slowing or stopping that global warming nonsense. It comes out of various jet airplanes including passenger jets. Unlike normal contrails that's short and follow the plane, these much more toxic chemicals linger in the sky until they finally dissipate. 5) Artificial Food Coloring: Yes, even this seemingly innocent act of making various foods and deserts pleasing to the eye, is bad for you and can cause cancer. There is a natural food coloring. 6) Toxic Pesticides and Fertilizers: Very bad for us. There are also natural alternatives that can be used instead. 7) Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): They think it is helping our food supply, but from what I've read it is making it worse. GMOs are not good for us either. If a State tries to pass laws to show GMOs on labels, the corporations affected go on an all-out campaign to scare voters into voting no. 8) Vaccinations: Most, not all, are bad.  They've increased over the years. It's one thing to put the strain of the virus in you to try to immunize, but they often add very toxic chemicals such as Mercury. There's no solid proof that all vaccinations really help and there may even be research to the contrary. There's also a link between various vaccines and Autism and SIDS. High doses of Vitamin D3 not only is good for your heart and fighting free radical and cancer cells, it's also said that a flu shot may not be necessary.  9) Prescription Drugs: Anything that is not a natural food is toxic and possibly cancerous to our bodies. Ever hear the side affects of prescription drugs on TV? Hello! There are many natural alternatives available to help with even serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and more. The problem is that the AMA, ACS, Big Pharma, the FDA, etc., are in cahoots with each other because it's more about greed than helping people. 10) COVID Jab? That's for another article ;-).

So whattaya think? Just a crazy conspiracy theory? Maybe! But these things are bad for us. Do your own research. While God certainly has numbered our days, the "means" of those days is still a bit of a mystery. What does this have to do with my Outreach? A lot! We all should be working towards being in better physical shape for when the economical and/or unconstitutional doo-doo hits the fan. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, owner of Mr. B's C-Away, and not a doctor :-). You can email him at and

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column for 9/6/23

Praying and the Prayer of Abraham

Hi All. In a recent article I touched on Abraham's prayer (albeit in Person) to God that He would spare Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in the Old Testament in Genesis. There are many things we should be praying for as Christians. God's word the Bible tells us what to pray, how to pray, and who to pray for. Indeed, praying to our thrice holy God should be an integral part of a Christian's life. God's word says we should pray for those in authority that we would live a peaceful life. That could include that God would regenerate and save their souls, and restrain as much evil as He will. Do you ever pray for our leaders? I don't pretend to know the mind of God, and I'm just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace, but maybe instead of asking God to bless America, we should be blessing (to say good things about- where the word 'eulogy' comes from) and praising God! And we should be doing that regardless of what happens to our country. 

Please allow me to share about Abraham's request that God would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. It's not my intention to get into all the details of this biblical account. Perhaps you remember it? In Genesis Chapter 18, God approaches Abraham about Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham asked God if He would destroy the righteous with the wicked and that if there was 50 righteous would He spare the cities. God said He would spare the whole place for their sake, but there wasn't 50 righteous. As we continue reading we find out that Abaraham had to go down to 10 righteous people, maybe hoping that at least his nephew Lot and family were. But sadly there wasn't even 10. In this passage of Scripture, Abraham proclaims "shall not the Judge of the earth do right?" God would have spared the cities even if there was just 10 righteous people! And even though there wasn't, in His mercy He still allowed Lot and his family to escape. Sadly, we know what happened to Lot's wife.

One common estimate of the population of the destroyed cities is 60,000 people. 10 "righteous" people would be under .02%. With a population of 350 million people in our country that would be about 58,000 people. Do you think there are at least 58,000 "declared righteous" people through the all-sufficient sacrifice and glorious resurrection of the God-man Jesus the Christ? By God's grace hopefully more than that. Look, God's not obligated to do the same for one nation as He does for another. We see examples of that in God's word. We deserve God's judgment- not His mercy. God shows mercy to whom He will (see Rom. 9:15-18). Perhaps in addition to the other prayers I mentioned above and more, we should pray similar to what Abraham asked God in sparing Sodom and Gomorrah. How would you pray that prayer? There's nothing magical about the words. But we should and better pray that God may be pleased to not destroy the USA because of our nationally condoned and committed sins while we continue to "act" and try to preserve our constitutional republic. Will you join me?

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/30/23

Everything is A-OK in the USA, No Worries, Have a Nice Day?

Hello again fellow citizens of Lamar County and beyond. How's inflation working out for you? Fake Joe Biden (you don't really think he's running the country do you?) recently said a couple of weeks ago that inflation is down to "just over" 3% and is "near" the lowest in 2 years. Meanwhile, the U.S. National Debt is almost $32 trillion 719 billion as of 7pm on Aug. 22nd and you're paying more for your groceries et. It's just back door taxes as both parties, with the Democrats doing much worse, spend wayyy more than what they take in. Unless something radical is done short of violence except to defend ourselves and freedom (state or county nullification- resistance- secession), it won't be a pretty picture sooner or later. Oh, but as long as it's later (children and grandchildren) and we don't have to deal with it, it's okay, right? <SIGH> Oh, but wait, there's more. Our beloved president that has a cognitive disorder (if you're on Facebook you should follow Fake Joe and read the nonsense) is still pushing for more gun restrictions in the name of helping our schools, but won't even consider armed protection including teachers. Don't forget about the travesty at the southern border. Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution says that the federal government is supposed to protect us from the invasion at the southern border (Trump took action and would have done more) and domestic violence. Here's what our country's founding fathers thought as seen in Paragraph 2 of the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government..." Friends, we've been at the "destructive point!" We just need to work on the "alter or abolish" part- whatever that is :-). 

Whew! I'm really not crazy folks, just paying attention. I'm no prophet, and I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what'll happen if the Lord Jesus tarries. And for those Christians that think people like me are putting the temporal and earthly before the Lord, and aren't going to try to keep our constitutional republic other than just pray and vote, us Christians that believe we're supposed to try to keep it and protect our families will help you if God is willing and we can. 

If you are concerned about our country like me and others, there are ways to help and most have nothing to do with moola :-). Of course pray. You can share my articles that are also posted on my Blog at pesterbratdotcom. and Facebook after they come out in here. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble and watch & share my Gimme 5 Video Shorts. Appreciate the opportunity to be on here, and all the readers. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. You can email him at

Monday, August 28, 2023

Pester Brat Dot Com Gimme 5 Video Short 8/28/23


Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/23/23- Role of Church in Today's Culture Pt. 4

 Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture Pt. 4

Hey there, hi there, hello there. This week we will hopefully finish this series and look at 2 Mottos and a Slogan, 7 Prayer Suggestions, and 3 Best Remedies. If you didn't read Parts 1, 2, or 3, let me know if you would like for me to send it to you by email (see below). You can also find them, my Gimme 5 Videos, and more, on my blog at So here we go...

Two Mottos and a Slogan: 1) I would rather be considered a fool for preparing and nothing real bad happen, then to be a considered a fool for not preparing and something real bad happens. This one is self-explanatory me thinks ;-). 2) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, pray God's will be done. We should try to be as optimistic as we can in light of everything and hope for the best. Yet with the figurative handwriting on the wall, it is wise to prepare for the worst. Remember, Joseph, son of Jacob in early days of the Hebrew nation, told the Egyptian Pharoah to prepare for a famine. Between a runaway national debt and various unconstitutional threats and actions, the doo-doo is going to hit the fan sooner or later if the Lord tarries. Yet in light of all of that we should pray for God's will to be done, and accept His will when we see what it is. Did not God bless the efforts of the colonists during the revolutionary war? However, we certainly deserve judgment because of our nationally condoned and accepted sins. Yet God said He would have not destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah if there were at least 10 righteous people. Praise God we have more than 10 "declared righteous" people through the sacrifice and resurrection of the God-man Jesus the Christ. But our population is also a lot more than those cities. Remember the "Prayer of Jabez?" Perhaps we need to pray the "Prayer of Abraham" like he did as just noted? Nothing magical about the prayer itself, but we do need to pray. 

This leads me into my slogan. Remember the 5 P's" Pray, Plan, Prepare, [be] Politically Proactive. Pray like I noted above, pray for our leaders as God's word specifically mentions, pray that God may be pleased to restrain as much evil as He will, and that the gospel would go forth and souls saved. Plan on what you and your family, church, community, town, and county, would do in the case of enemy attack, martial law, increased violence domestically for various reasons including the criminals and terrorists crossing the southern border, major economic collapse, various unconstitutional actions including possible gun confiscation or further restrictions, etc. Then prepare for it. Living off the land? Stocking up on long and short shelf life foods and water, and so much more. But until we see the handwriting on the wall of God's will, be... Politically Proactive. I will be driving this home over and over folks! Get involved. We're losing our country slowly but surely. Can you see it? Or are you trying to turn a blind eye to it? 

7 Prayer Suggestions: To have enough room in this article, note that I have already mentioned 5 of them so far. The other two are Praying for one another more than ever, and praying like the Apostle John "even so Lord Jesus come." Needless to say, prayer should be at the center of everything we should try to do to protect the type of country God gave us. God ordains the means of prayer in accomplishing His will and good pleasure.

3 Best Remedies: 1) The Gospel. It is still the most important and should never be compromised or not proclaimed to deal with these other dangerous issues. 2) Repentance of nationally condoned and accepted sins. Not doing this could make all of our efforts futile- or not as mentioned above. 3) The return of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. 

Hope to hear from you. God willing, see ya next week. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at

Monday, August 21, 2023

Pester Brat's Gimme 5 Video Shorts 8/21/23


Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/16/23- Role of Church in Today's Culture Pt. 3

 Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture Pt. 3

Greetings again saints and citizens. I hope this week's column finds you well- in the Lord, and as can be humanly speaking. This week we will look at "15 Recommendations for the Church and Individuals." In making the distinction between the two for the sake of this article, I'm referring to the Church as the assembly and entity together, and individuals outside of the church including family units. These recommendations may apply to both groups or one of them- as they apply. If you didn't read Part 1 (10 Issues Facing Our Culture Today) & 2 (10 Reminders of Biblical Truths) and would like to, email me at and request it in the subject line, and I'll reply to you with it.

15 recommendations for the Church and Individuals: 1) Churches Cease Incorporation and/or 501c3 Status. It may not make a difference, but it could. These statuses were created under President Johnson's Administration and may have had a hidden agenda (research it). Churches using this may make it easier for the "government" to control them. 2) Pay off or ahead as many debts as possible. Especially mortgages and at least one vehicle. 3) If you have money in CDs, Money Markets, Savings accounts etc., move them to just the checking account. While it may not matter, things could go down a certain way so that it would affect just non checking accounts (i.e. negative interest rates). 4) Diversify to silver and gold if you can, coin (the U.S. Mint is a government agency, the Federal Reserve is not), needful possessions, and things to barter with. 5) Build up a supply of short and long shelf-life foods both as Churches and individuals/families. Email me for a list of companies that sell long shelf-life foods. 6) Buy self germinating seeds and supplies for a Church garden and home garden, get [more?] fruit trees. 7) Purchase generators and stock up on fuel (gas or propane). Consider solar generators as well. 8) Begin preparing the Church for "all things common living" for members and others in the community that can't make it at home. Use members' homes if necessary and possible. 9) More transportation that is paid for, and fuel. Don't forget about bicycles and more shoes for walking. 10) Weapons and ammunition for protection and hunting. Hunting and Fishing supplies. 11) Talk to police officers of all jurisdictions about their oath to defend the U.S. and State Constitutions. Are they willing to disobey unconstitutional orders? 12) Decide as a Church what you will do if unconstitutional actions are taken. Mandatory evacuations, gun confiscations, and more. 13) Stay in regular contact with U.S. and State Reps and Senators, County Commissioners, Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, Mayors, and City Council. Work to have the State eliminate or move property taxes, because even if you don't have a mortgage??? 14) Spend more time in prayer as a Church about these things and more. 15) Don't replace the worship service. Keep proclaiming the Gospel, because regardless of what happens, salvation through the Person and work of Christ is the one thing that "they" cannot take from us. 

Lord willing next week: 2 Mottos and a Slogan, 7 Prayer Suggestions, and 3 Best Remedies. Thanks for reading and considering! Please share this!

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Lycopene and Tomato Juice

Have you heard of Lycopene? Are you thinking, what in the world is that? Well, to put it succinctly and broadly, it is the essential ingredient in tomatoes, and is very good for the free radicals in your body. Some studies also say that cancer cells do not like it. Of course, there are numerous ways you can get it (my wife puts a lot of tomatoes in our salads), but another way I get it is to have occasional tomato juice fasts. I'm finishing one as I write this. 

As a reminder, I was diagnosed with a non-aggressive form of prostate cancer in 2011. After two doctor opinions and some of my own research, I decided to go the natural alternative treatment route. Time will tell if that was the right decision. While not the only natural alternative, I have been taking and getting Lycopene in various forms since then. 

A few months ago, after a little more research, I learned that Lycopene is not killed off during the regular pasteurization process like some other vitamins and minerals are. So, I buy a can of "Red Gold Not from Concentrate Tomato Juice" and just drink that from the time I wake up until dinner. 

I know this route is not for everyone. Some may think I should have had my prostate removed or frozen or treated with chemo or radiation. And God Almighty has number my days and yours. But he ordains the means (or lack thereof) as well as the end. Take this info or leave it :-), for what it's worth. 

Soli Deo Gloria!