10 Ways We're Being Poisoned
Hey Folkses. Well, do I really think we are being poisoned? Unintentionally at least, yes. Intentionally? Probably. Why would I say such a thing? Well, I've done mucho reading over the years and have been trying to put the puzzle together. I've actually thought this for years. But here's how and why I think we are being poisoned:
1. Water: There is all kinds of toxic substances and pharmaceutical drugs in our water supply including fluoride. No one should be drinking tap water without a decent water filter. While it is debatable on whether fluoride really helps our teeth in the long run, it was intended to go in toothpaste that would be spit back out, not ingested with water and drinks that use tap water. 2) Aspartame: You know, that artificial sweetener that is in all kinds of diet drinks and foods. Bad news folks! Don't just take my word for it, do your own research. Any artificial sweetener is bad for you because it's not natural. But Aspartame is at the top of the list and much worse than Splenda/Sucralose. 3) Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): This is a concentrated salt that is added to various foods to enhance flavoring. Many food manufacturers hide it by using other terms including but not limited to Natural Flavoring and Carrageenan. It's added to most snack foods and a many restaurant foods. It's not good and we should try to avoid it. 4) Chem-Trails: What-trails, you may be thinking? This one for some reason really irritates me. These "Chem-Trails" are toxic chemicals that are being sprayed up in the sky supposedly in the name in slowing or stopping that global warming nonsense. It comes out of various jet airplanes including passenger jets. Unlike normal contrails that's short and follow the plane, these much more toxic chemicals linger in the sky until they finally dissipate. 5) Artificial Food Coloring: Yes, even this seemingly innocent act of making various foods and deserts pleasing to the eye, is bad for you and can cause cancer. There is a natural food coloring. 6) Toxic Pesticides and Fertilizers: Very bad for us. There are also natural alternatives that can be used instead. 7) Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): They think it is helping our food supply, but from what I've read it is making it worse. GMOs are not good for us either. If a State tries to pass laws to show GMOs on labels, the corporations affected go on an all-out campaign to scare voters into voting no. 8) Vaccinations: Most, not all, are bad. They've increased over the years. It's one thing to put the strain of the virus in you to try to immunize, but they often add very toxic chemicals such as Mercury. There's no solid proof that all vaccinations really help and there may even be research to the contrary. There's also a link between various vaccines and Autism and SIDS. High doses of Vitamin D3 not only is good for your heart and fighting free radical and cancer cells, it's also said that a flu shot may not be necessary. 9) Prescription Drugs: Anything that is not a natural food is toxic and possibly cancerous to our bodies. Ever hear the side affects of prescription drugs on TV? Hello! There are many natural alternatives available to help with even serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and more. The problem is that the AMA, ACS, Big Pharma, the FDA, etc., are in cahoots with each other because it's more about greed than helping people. 10) COVID Jab? That's for another article ;-).
So whattaya think? Just a crazy conspiracy theory? Maybe! But these things are bad for us. Do your own research. While God certainly has numbered our days, the "means" of those days is still a bit of a mystery. What does this have to do with my Outreach? A lot! We all should be working towards being in better physical shape for when the economical and/or unconstitutional doo-doo hits the fan.
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, owner of Mr. B's C-Away, and not a doctor :-). You can email him at mrbcaway@aol.com and pesterbratdotcom@aol.com.
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