Praying and the Prayer of Abraham
Hi All. In a recent article I touched on Abraham's prayer (albeit in Person) to God that He would spare Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in the Old Testament in Genesis. There are many things we should be praying for as Christians. God's word the Bible tells us what to pray, how to pray, and who to pray for. Indeed, praying to our thrice holy God should be an integral part of a Christian's life. God's word says we should pray for those in authority that we would live a peaceful life. That could include that God would regenerate and save their souls, and restrain as much evil as He will. Do you ever pray for our leaders? I don't pretend to know the mind of God, and I'm just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace, but maybe instead of asking God to bless America, we should be blessing (to say good things about- where the word 'eulogy' comes from) and praising God! And we should be doing that regardless of what happens to our country.
Please allow me to share about Abraham's request that God would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. It's not my intention to get into all the details of this biblical account. Perhaps you remember it? In Genesis Chapter 18, God approaches Abraham about Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham asked God if He would destroy the righteous with the wicked and that if there was 50 righteous would He spare the cities. God said He would spare the whole place for their sake, but there wasn't 50 righteous. As we continue reading we find out that Abaraham had to go down to 10 righteous people, maybe hoping that at least his nephew Lot and family were. But sadly there wasn't even 10. In this passage of Scripture, Abraham proclaims "shall not the Judge of the earth do right?" God would have spared the cities even if there was just 10 righteous people! And even though there wasn't, in His mercy He still allowed Lot and his family to escape. Sadly, we know what happened to Lot's wife.
One common estimate of the population of the destroyed cities is 60,000 people. 10 "righteous" people would be under .02%. With a population of 350 million people in our country that would be about 58,000 people. Do you think there are at least 58,000 "declared righteous" people through the all-sufficient sacrifice and glorious resurrection of the God-man Jesus the Christ? By God's grace hopefully more than that. Look, God's not obligated to do the same for one nation as He does for another. We see examples of that in God's word. We deserve God's judgment- not His mercy. God shows mercy to whom He will (see Rom. 9:15-18). Perhaps in addition to the other prayers I mentioned above and more, we should pray similar to what Abraham asked God in sparing Sodom and Gomorrah. How would you pray that prayer? There's nothing magical about the words. But we should and better pray that God may be pleased to not destroy the USA because of our nationally condoned and committed sins while we continue to "act" and try to preserve our constitutional republic. Will you join me?
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at
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