Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Monday, August 21, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/16/23- Role of Church in Today's Culture Pt. 3

 Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture Pt. 3

Greetings again saints and citizens. I hope this week's column finds you well- in the Lord, and as can be humanly speaking. This week we will look at "15 Recommendations for the Church and Individuals." In making the distinction between the two for the sake of this article, I'm referring to the Church as the assembly and entity together, and individuals outside of the church including family units. These recommendations may apply to both groups or one of them- as they apply. If you didn't read Part 1 (10 Issues Facing Our Culture Today) & 2 (10 Reminders of Biblical Truths) and would like to, email me at and request it in the subject line, and I'll reply to you with it.

15 recommendations for the Church and Individuals: 1) Churches Cease Incorporation and/or 501c3 Status. It may not make a difference, but it could. These statuses were created under President Johnson's Administration and may have had a hidden agenda (research it). Churches using this may make it easier for the "government" to control them. 2) Pay off or ahead as many debts as possible. Especially mortgages and at least one vehicle. 3) If you have money in CDs, Money Markets, Savings accounts etc., move them to just the checking account. While it may not matter, things could go down a certain way so that it would affect just non checking accounts (i.e. negative interest rates). 4) Diversify to silver and gold if you can, coin (the U.S. Mint is a government agency, the Federal Reserve is not), needful possessions, and things to barter with. 5) Build up a supply of short and long shelf-life foods both as Churches and individuals/families. Email me for a list of companies that sell long shelf-life foods. 6) Buy self germinating seeds and supplies for a Church garden and home garden, get [more?] fruit trees. 7) Purchase generators and stock up on fuel (gas or propane). Consider solar generators as well. 8) Begin preparing the Church for "all things common living" for members and others in the community that can't make it at home. Use members' homes if necessary and possible. 9) More transportation that is paid for, and fuel. Don't forget about bicycles and more shoes for walking. 10) Weapons and ammunition for protection and hunting. Hunting and Fishing supplies. 11) Talk to police officers of all jurisdictions about their oath to defend the U.S. and State Constitutions. Are they willing to disobey unconstitutional orders? 12) Decide as a Church what you will do if unconstitutional actions are taken. Mandatory evacuations, gun confiscations, and more. 13) Stay in regular contact with U.S. and State Reps and Senators, County Commissioners, Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, Mayors, and City Council. Work to have the State eliminate or move property taxes, because even if you don't have a mortgage??? 14) Spend more time in prayer as a Church about these things and more. 15) Don't replace the worship service. Keep proclaiming the Gospel, because regardless of what happens, salvation through the Person and work of Christ is the one thing that "they" cannot take from us. 

Lord willing next week: 2 Mottos and a Slogan, 7 Prayer Suggestions, and 3 Best Remedies. Thanks for reading and considering! Please share this!

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at

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