Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture
Hello again neighbors, friends, and fellow citizens. Recently I had the privilege of speaking at my Church. The following is my outline of what I talked about in article form. It's too long for just one week, so it'll be a series over several weeks. If you would rather hear it, you can find it on my two Facebook Pages- Pester Brat Dot Com (mainly National Outreach) and Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz (local and personal).
There are many issues facing our society today. What should the Church's role be? Just preach the Bible and proclaim the Gospel, and nothing else? Should we address these issues only until they're gone? Why can't we do both without compromising the purpose of the Local Church? Then there's the misunderstanding of the "Separation of Church and State." You do know that's not in the Constitution, don't you? This concept is the result of a letter of response by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists about the State (Government) staying out of the Church's business, not much of the nonsense we have seen for the last few decades.
When I spoke, I broke it down like this: 10 [of the] issues we're facing in our culture today; 10 reminders of biblical truths; 15 recommendations for Churches and individuals; 7 prayer suggestions, 2 mottos and a slogan; 3 best remedies.
So here are ten [of the] issues we're facing in our culture today: 1) The National Debt is Almost 32.5 Trillion Dollars and Climbing; 2) Wars and Rumors of Wars: Current Threats of Russia, China, N. Korea and More; 3) EMP threats from nature and enemies and the ability to live without electricity; 4) The real possibility of the food supply from producer to store being cut off as it relates to the ability of people being able to live off the Land; 5) The so-called woke culture of critical race theory, white guilt, and the like; 6) the abortion rights war; 7) The LGBT+ agenda, pedophilia, human trafficking, and more; 8) Various Constitutional issues such as gun control, going after Trump supporters and true conservatives, free speech issues such as the non-insurrection, news media and social media censorship and more; 9) Our corrupt President that is also not fit to be President and Commander-In-Chief; 10) The corrupted 2020 Election that likely got away with a stolen election- just to name a few :-). This not intended as an exhaustive list, and they aren't listed in order of importance. Of course #7 would be at the top of the list.
Next week, Lord willing, we'll be reminded of 10 biblical truths and offer 15 recommendations for Churches and individuals. I hope you'll look for my column next week.
Perhaps some of you are thinking, "who do you think you are talking about and sharing something like this?" Look, I'm nobody special. I'm no prophet or apostle. I do believe God has blessed me with good life experiences for our day though. I have been a blue collar worker, a union rep, in management, a banker, and a former Pastor of 4 Churches. I'm just a regular guy, a sinner saved by grace alone through Christ alone, that has paid attention and read a lot about what's be going on in our country with a desire to do this. Feel free to share things that would help, ask questions, make comments and corrections, encourage, and give "constructive" :-) criticism.
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Email him at
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