Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture Pt. 4
Hey there, hi there, hello there. This week we will hopefully finish this series and look at 2 Mottos and a Slogan, 7 Prayer Suggestions, and 3 Best Remedies. If you didn't read Parts 1, 2, or 3, let me know if you would like for me to send it to you by email (see below). You can also find them, my Gimme 5 Videos, and more, on my blog at So here we go...
Two Mottos and a Slogan: 1) I would rather be considered a fool for preparing and nothing real bad happen, then to be a considered a fool for not preparing and something real bad happens. This one is self-explanatory me thinks ;-). 2) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, pray God's will be done. We should try to be as optimistic as we can in light of everything and hope for the best. Yet with the figurative handwriting on the wall, it is wise to prepare for the worst. Remember, Joseph, son of Jacob in early days of the Hebrew nation, told the Egyptian Pharoah to prepare for a famine. Between a runaway national debt and various unconstitutional threats and actions, the doo-doo is going to hit the fan sooner or later if the Lord tarries. Yet in light of all of that we should pray for God's will to be done, and accept His will when we see what it is. Did not God bless the efforts of the colonists during the revolutionary war? However, we certainly deserve judgment because of our nationally condoned and accepted sins. Yet God said He would have not destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah if there were at least 10 righteous people. Praise God we have more than 10 "declared righteous" people through the sacrifice and resurrection of the God-man Jesus the Christ. But our population is also a lot more than those cities. Remember the "Prayer of Jabez?" Perhaps we need to pray the "Prayer of Abraham" like he did as just noted? Nothing magical about the prayer itself, but we do need to pray.
This leads me into my slogan. Remember the 5 P's" Pray, Plan, Prepare, [be] Politically Proactive. Pray like I noted above, pray for our leaders as God's word specifically mentions, pray that God may be pleased to restrain as much evil as He will, and that the gospel would go forth and souls saved. Plan on what you and your family, church, community, town, and county, would do in the case of enemy attack, martial law, increased violence domestically for various reasons including the criminals and terrorists crossing the southern border, major economic collapse, various unconstitutional actions including possible gun confiscation or further restrictions, etc. Then prepare for it. Living off the land? Stocking up on long and short shelf life foods and water, and so much more. But until we see the handwriting on the wall of God's will, be... Politically Proactive. I will be driving this home over and over folks! Get involved. We're losing our country slowly but surely. Can you see it? Or are you trying to turn a blind eye to it?
7 Prayer Suggestions: To have enough room in this article, note that I have already mentioned 5 of them so far. The other two are Praying for one another more than ever, and praying like the Apostle John "even so Lord Jesus come." Needless to say, prayer should be at the center of everything we should try to do to protect the type of country God gave us. God ordains the means of prayer in accomplishing His will and good pleasure.
3 Best Remedies: 1) The Gospel. It is still the most important and should never be compromised or not proclaimed to deal with these other dangerous issues. 2) Repentance of nationally condoned and accepted sins. Not doing this could make all of our efforts futile- or not as mentioned above. 3) The return of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
Hope to hear from you. God willing, see ya next week.
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at
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