Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/30/23

Everything is A-OK in the USA, No Worries, Have a Nice Day?

Hello again fellow citizens of Lamar County and beyond. How's inflation working out for you? Fake Joe Biden (you don't really think he's running the country do you?) recently said a couple of weeks ago that inflation is down to "just over" 3% and is "near" the lowest in 2 years. Meanwhile, the U.S. National Debt is almost $32 trillion 719 billion as of 7pm on Aug. 22nd and you're paying more for your groceries et. It's just back door taxes as both parties, with the Democrats doing much worse, spend wayyy more than what they take in. Unless something radical is done short of violence except to defend ourselves and freedom (state or county nullification- resistance- secession), it won't be a pretty picture sooner or later. Oh, but as long as it's later (children and grandchildren) and we don't have to deal with it, it's okay, right? <SIGH> Oh, but wait, there's more. Our beloved president that has a cognitive disorder (if you're on Facebook you should follow Fake Joe and read the nonsense) is still pushing for more gun restrictions in the name of helping our schools, but won't even consider armed protection including teachers. Don't forget about the travesty at the southern border. Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution says that the federal government is supposed to protect us from the invasion at the southern border (Trump took action and would have done more) and domestic violence. Here's what our country's founding fathers thought as seen in Paragraph 2 of the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government..." Friends, we've been at the "destructive point!" We just need to work on the "alter or abolish" part- whatever that is :-). 

Whew! I'm really not crazy folks, just paying attention. I'm no prophet, and I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what'll happen if the Lord Jesus tarries. And for those Christians that think people like me are putting the temporal and earthly before the Lord, and aren't going to try to keep our constitutional republic other than just pray and vote, us Christians that believe we're supposed to try to keep it and protect our families will help you if God is willing and we can. 

If you are concerned about our country like me and others, there are ways to help and most have nothing to do with moola :-). Of course pray. You can share my articles that are also posted on my Blog at pesterbratdotcom. and Facebook after they come out in here. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble and watch & share my Gimme 5 Video Shorts. Appreciate the opportunity to be on here, and all the readers. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. You can email him at

Monday, August 28, 2023

Pester Brat Dot Com Gimme 5 Video Short 8/28/23


Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/23/23- Role of Church in Today's Culture Pt. 4

 Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture Pt. 4

Hey there, hi there, hello there. This week we will hopefully finish this series and look at 2 Mottos and a Slogan, 7 Prayer Suggestions, and 3 Best Remedies. If you didn't read Parts 1, 2, or 3, let me know if you would like for me to send it to you by email (see below). You can also find them, my Gimme 5 Videos, and more, on my blog at So here we go...

Two Mottos and a Slogan: 1) I would rather be considered a fool for preparing and nothing real bad happen, then to be a considered a fool for not preparing and something real bad happens. This one is self-explanatory me thinks ;-). 2) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, pray God's will be done. We should try to be as optimistic as we can in light of everything and hope for the best. Yet with the figurative handwriting on the wall, it is wise to prepare for the worst. Remember, Joseph, son of Jacob in early days of the Hebrew nation, told the Egyptian Pharoah to prepare for a famine. Between a runaway national debt and various unconstitutional threats and actions, the doo-doo is going to hit the fan sooner or later if the Lord tarries. Yet in light of all of that we should pray for God's will to be done, and accept His will when we see what it is. Did not God bless the efforts of the colonists during the revolutionary war? However, we certainly deserve judgment because of our nationally condoned and accepted sins. Yet God said He would have not destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah if there were at least 10 righteous people. Praise God we have more than 10 "declared righteous" people through the sacrifice and resurrection of the God-man Jesus the Christ. But our population is also a lot more than those cities. Remember the "Prayer of Jabez?" Perhaps we need to pray the "Prayer of Abraham" like he did as just noted? Nothing magical about the prayer itself, but we do need to pray. 

This leads me into my slogan. Remember the 5 P's" Pray, Plan, Prepare, [be] Politically Proactive. Pray like I noted above, pray for our leaders as God's word specifically mentions, pray that God may be pleased to restrain as much evil as He will, and that the gospel would go forth and souls saved. Plan on what you and your family, church, community, town, and county, would do in the case of enemy attack, martial law, increased violence domestically for various reasons including the criminals and terrorists crossing the southern border, major economic collapse, various unconstitutional actions including possible gun confiscation or further restrictions, etc. Then prepare for it. Living off the land? Stocking up on long and short shelf life foods and water, and so much more. But until we see the handwriting on the wall of God's will, be... Politically Proactive. I will be driving this home over and over folks! Get involved. We're losing our country slowly but surely. Can you see it? Or are you trying to turn a blind eye to it? 

7 Prayer Suggestions: To have enough room in this article, note that I have already mentioned 5 of them so far. The other two are Praying for one another more than ever, and praying like the Apostle John "even so Lord Jesus come." Needless to say, prayer should be at the center of everything we should try to do to protect the type of country God gave us. God ordains the means of prayer in accomplishing His will and good pleasure.

3 Best Remedies: 1) The Gospel. It is still the most important and should never be compromised or not proclaimed to deal with these other dangerous issues. 2) Repentance of nationally condoned and accepted sins. Not doing this could make all of our efforts futile- or not as mentioned above. 3) The return of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. 

Hope to hear from you. God willing, see ya next week. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at

Monday, August 21, 2023

Pester Brat's Gimme 5 Video Shorts 8/21/23


Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/16/23- Role of Church in Today's Culture Pt. 3

 Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture Pt. 3

Greetings again saints and citizens. I hope this week's column finds you well- in the Lord, and as can be humanly speaking. This week we will look at "15 Recommendations for the Church and Individuals." In making the distinction between the two for the sake of this article, I'm referring to the Church as the assembly and entity together, and individuals outside of the church including family units. These recommendations may apply to both groups or one of them- as they apply. If you didn't read Part 1 (10 Issues Facing Our Culture Today) & 2 (10 Reminders of Biblical Truths) and would like to, email me at and request it in the subject line, and I'll reply to you with it.

15 recommendations for the Church and Individuals: 1) Churches Cease Incorporation and/or 501c3 Status. It may not make a difference, but it could. These statuses were created under President Johnson's Administration and may have had a hidden agenda (research it). Churches using this may make it easier for the "government" to control them. 2) Pay off or ahead as many debts as possible. Especially mortgages and at least one vehicle. 3) If you have money in CDs, Money Markets, Savings accounts etc., move them to just the checking account. While it may not matter, things could go down a certain way so that it would affect just non checking accounts (i.e. negative interest rates). 4) Diversify to silver and gold if you can, coin (the U.S. Mint is a government agency, the Federal Reserve is not), needful possessions, and things to barter with. 5) Build up a supply of short and long shelf-life foods both as Churches and individuals/families. Email me for a list of companies that sell long shelf-life foods. 6) Buy self germinating seeds and supplies for a Church garden and home garden, get [more?] fruit trees. 7) Purchase generators and stock up on fuel (gas or propane). Consider solar generators as well. 8) Begin preparing the Church for "all things common living" for members and others in the community that can't make it at home. Use members' homes if necessary and possible. 9) More transportation that is paid for, and fuel. Don't forget about bicycles and more shoes for walking. 10) Weapons and ammunition for protection and hunting. Hunting and Fishing supplies. 11) Talk to police officers of all jurisdictions about their oath to defend the U.S. and State Constitutions. Are they willing to disobey unconstitutional orders? 12) Decide as a Church what you will do if unconstitutional actions are taken. Mandatory evacuations, gun confiscations, and more. 13) Stay in regular contact with U.S. and State Reps and Senators, County Commissioners, Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, Mayors, and City Council. Work to have the State eliminate or move property taxes, because even if you don't have a mortgage??? 14) Spend more time in prayer as a Church about these things and more. 15) Don't replace the worship service. Keep proclaiming the Gospel, because regardless of what happens, salvation through the Person and work of Christ is the one thing that "they" cannot take from us. 

Lord willing next week: 2 Mottos and a Slogan, 7 Prayer Suggestions, and 3 Best Remedies. Thanks for reading and considering! Please share this!

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Lycopene and Tomato Juice

Have you heard of Lycopene? Are you thinking, what in the world is that? Well, to put it succinctly and broadly, it is the essential ingredient in tomatoes, and is very good for the free radicals in your body. Some studies also say that cancer cells do not like it. Of course, there are numerous ways you can get it (my wife puts a lot of tomatoes in our salads), but another way I get it is to have occasional tomato juice fasts. I'm finishing one as I write this. 

As a reminder, I was diagnosed with a non-aggressive form of prostate cancer in 2011. After two doctor opinions and some of my own research, I decided to go the natural alternative treatment route. Time will tell if that was the right decision. While not the only natural alternative, I have been taking and getting Lycopene in various forms since then. 

A few months ago, after a little more research, I learned that Lycopene is not killed off during the regular pasteurization process like some other vitamins and minerals are. So, I buy a can of "Red Gold Not from Concentrate Tomato Juice" and just drink that from the time I wake up until dinner. 

I know this route is not for everyone. Some may think I should have had my prostate removed or frozen or treated with chemo or radiation. And God Almighty has number my days and yours. But he ordains the means (or lack thereof) as well as the end. Take this info or leave it :-), for what it's worth. 

Soli Deo Gloria!

Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/9/23 "Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture" Pt. 2

 Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture Pt. 2

Hi all. Last week I began a series on Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture and wrote about 10 [of the] Issues We are Facing Today. This week I would like to share 10 Reminders of Biblical Truths to support the Role of the Church in Today's Culture. If you missed last week's column and would like to read it, send me an email (see below) and I'll send it to you.  So without further ado (haha), here are the 10 Reminders of Biblical Truths:

1)  In Genesis Ch. 41, specifically verses 25-36, we have the account of Joseph interpreting the Egyptian Pharaoh's dream. You'll have to read the whole chapter to see how Joseph got to that point, and there are certainly numerous wonderful truths in this account. But the purpose for me using this is to show that it is not wrong in of itself to stock up on food and necessities and become a "prepper." Joseph told Pharaoh that the dream meant he was to set aside one fifth of the crop etc. each year during the 7 years of plenty, to prepare for the 7 years of famine. Don't you agree that the proverbial "handwriting is on the wall" for our country? 2) 1st Timothy Chapter 5 Verse 8 reminds us that "He that does not provide for his own is worse than an infidel (unbeliever)." 3) Yet James Chapter 4 Verses 13-15 reminds us that "if the Lord wills, we will do this or do that." 4) Does God's word tell us we actually should not stock on on food? Does Luke 12:15-31 tell us that we should not stock up on food like the man built up his barns? I don't think so. Key points there is that he was focusing on him so people could see how much he did and had. Again, compare this to what Joseph told Pharoah to do. 5) Matt. 6:33 reminds us to seek first the Kingdom of God. We should not lose that in preparing for the future because of the state and direction of our economy. It also says "...and His (God's)righteousness! 6) In Prov. 16:9 it says that the heart of man plans his way but the Lord directs his step. 7) Rom. 13:1-7 & 1Pet. 2:13-17 says we are to submit to the governing authority. I have written about this before, and this is sadly misapplied by many. Since we are to apply this part of God's word to our country and time period today, our final earthly governing authority for us the U.S. and State Constitutions. We are a Constitutional Republic. We obey others in authority as long as it does not contradict the Constitution (and of course the Bible). 8) One of doctrines of the Bible that the body of Christ has differences on is the timing of the Dead in Christ rising followed by the Rapture. Regardless of when that is, it is unwise to be sure that it would be before things got real bad in the good ole USA. We hope so, but... 9) Galatians 6:10 says  that as we have opportunity we should do good to all, especially the household of faith. 10) Numerous scriptures tell us that abortion, sex outside the bond of marriage between one man and one woman, and more, are sin. We all have committed sin, and I certainly am no exception. But there's this biblical thing called repentance. Furthermore, it is even much more serious when there is nationally accepted and condoned sin. Let's also not forget the Flood in Noah's day and Sodom & Gomorrah in Abraham's day.  

So Lord willing next week, I will write about 15 recommendations for the church and individuals. Please join me,  pray, and tell others about my column. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, and a former pastor. You can email him at

Friday, August 4, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Column for 8/2/23 "Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture" Pt. 1

 Ideas for the Role of the Church in Today's Culture

Hello again neighbors, friends, and fellow citizens. Recently I had the privilege of speaking at my Church. The following is my outline of what I talked about in article form. It's too long for just one week, so it'll be a series over several weeks. If you would rather hear it, you can find it on my two Facebook Pages- Pester Brat Dot Com (mainly National Outreach) and Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz (local and personal). 

There are many issues facing our society today. What should the Church's role be? Just preach the Bible and proclaim the Gospel, and nothing else? Should we address these issues only until they're gone? Why can't we do both without compromising the purpose of the Local Church? Then there's the misunderstanding of the "Separation of Church and State." You do know that's not in the Constitution, don't you? This concept is the result of a letter of response by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists about the State (Government) staying out of the Church's business, not much of the nonsense we have seen for the last few decades. 

When I spoke, I broke it down like this: 10 [of the] issues we're facing in our culture today; 10 reminders of biblical truths; 15 recommendations for Churches and individuals; 7 prayer suggestions, 2 mottos and a slogan; 3 best remedies. 

So here are ten [of the] issues we're facing in our culture today: 1) The National Debt is Almost 32.5 Trillion Dollars and Climbing; 2) Wars and Rumors of Wars: Current Threats of Russia, China, N. Korea and More; 3) EMP threats from nature and enemies and the ability to live without electricity; 4) The real possibility of the food supply from producer to store being cut off as it relates to the ability of people being able to live off the Land; 5) The so-called woke culture of critical race theory, white guilt, and the like; 6) the abortion rights war; 7) The LGBT+ agenda, pedophilia, human trafficking, and more; 8) Various Constitutional issues such as gun control, going after Trump supporters and true conservatives, free speech issues such as the non-insurrection, news media and social media censorship and more; 9) Our corrupt President that is also not fit to be President and Commander-In-Chief; 10) The corrupted 2020 Election that likely got away with a stolen election- just to name a few :-). This not intended as an exhaustive list, and they aren't listed in order of importance. Of course #7 would be at the top of the list. 

Next week, Lord willing, we'll be reminded of 10 biblical truths and offer 15 recommendations for Churches and individuals. I hope you'll look for my column next week. 

Perhaps some of you are thinking, "who do you think you are talking about and sharing something like this?" Look, I'm nobody special. I'm no prophet or apostle. I do believe God has blessed me with good life experiences for our day though. I have been a blue collar worker, a union rep, in management, a banker, and a former Pastor of 4 Churches. I'm just a regular guy, a sinner saved by grace alone through Christ alone, that has paid attention and read a lot about what's be going on in our country with a desire to do this. Feel free to share things that would help, ask questions, make comments and corrections, encourage, and give "constructive" :-) criticism. 

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Email him at