Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Sunday, December 18, 2022

When I'm Sixty Four

 Does the title seem familiar to you? The old Beatles song of the same name? Here is a link to the song on You Tube if you'd like to listen to it just for fun:

By the grace of God, I turned 64 years young last month. Due to the death of my father at age 49, I didn't think I would make it this long :-). 64 is old, huh? Is it? I mean, I realize from a biblical perspective, we will live for eternity somewhere. And for that somewhere to be "Heaven" we must be born again unto saving faith in the Person and Cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ. But on this side of glory, is 64 old? How about 74? 84? My Momma is still alive at age 92 and father-in-law at 90. Are we too old to make a difference about anything in light of what is going on in the world and our country? Our small Church is blessed with a mostly older congregation of senior saints. I'm actually on the lower end at 64 :-).

I said all of that to lead into a list of 10 things people that are supposedly "too old" for, can do. I hope this will be encouragement to many as the Lord wills. I realize that various cognitive and physical disabilities may hinder certain ones:

1. Share the Gospel with friends, neighbors and family.

2. Pray: For those in #1 that may not be saved, for our elected leaders, and more.

3. Talk to people about the serious problems and concerns in our country (constitutional attacks, national debt, economy, southern border problem, and more) including our children and grandchildren, realizing that those who only watch the mainstream media news are either not getting the whole story or are being lied to.

4. Vote and for the most biblical and constitutional candidates.

5. Communicate regularly with your State Senator and Representative to let them know how we feel about Nullification laws that we need proposed and passed to nullify any unconstitutional federal action, and to work towards being fully self-sufficient as a State.   

6. Encourage your county and city law enforcement agencies to follow through with their oath to uphold the constitution and refuse to obey any unconstitutional orders. 

7. Encourage County Commissioners, Mayor, and City Council to do #6 if the State fails to, and work towards self-sufficiency as a county and city. 

8. Encourage neighbors and friends that are unchurched and claim to be a Christian, to return to a bible-believe, grace- embracing, gospel preaching church. 

9. Encourage your church to be as self-sufficient as possible.

10. Encourage your family and other families to be as self- sufficient as possible. 

If you agree and are so inclined, please share this blog post. You may think of more things us 64 and older folks can do.

~ Pester Brat

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Just Say No

 Okay, so most of us know where that term came from. I'm not much on Nike merchandise, but I have a couple of Crimson Tide shirts with their logo on it ;-). 

But if you're paying attention, you know there's a lot going on in the country and world, and based on our current path, it seems we are losing our country. What should be the Christian Constitutional Patriot's response to these various issues? Some think we should let them do what they want and submit to them since "this world is not our home, we're just passing through." I respectfully disagree, based on, yes, biblical principles.

If the Lord tarries His return, I think it could back us into another civil war- this time between the Federal Government and various constitutional states (not just southern states). If not, then we'll end up with socialism at first- then worse. 

The following is what I think we should "just say no" to, not in any particular order:

1. Electric vehicle mandates (more on that in a later blog post)

2. Cashless society (more on that later too :-))

3. Further gun restrictions including gun confiscation.

4. Anymore vaccine or other drug mandates.

5. Anymore mandated shut downs due to alleged pandemics.

6. The new Respect for Marriage Act. 

7. Anymore Transgenders playing in women's sports. 

8. Anymore Jan. 6th so-called insurrection nonsense. 

9. Anymore rioting without appropriate consequences.

10. Anymore FBI bias and lack of appropriate action. 

11. The open southern border. 

12. Lack of appropriate action by "conservative officials."

13. Lack of the Church's involvement in the political arena. 

14. Further incorporated and 501c3 Churches. 

Of course there are different degrees and levels of action to these things. Can you think of anymore, I'm sure you can.

And please, please, please, let's get the lead out of our arses :-) and be in regular communication with local, state and federal officials about these and other issues before it's too late if it isn't already. I don't want a war! I don't want secession! But the answer is NO! And I hope you agree. State, County and City Nullification is a must! Just thinking about our children and grandchildren if the Lord delays His return. 

~ Pester Brat

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Are We Kicking Against the Pricks (KJV)?

 As I begin this next Blog Post, it is 3 days before the 2022 Mid Term Elections on Nov. 8th. Many believe this is the most important election of this generation. Perhaps it is, and even in light of what I may share further in this post, indeed every common-sense citizen needs to vote and for the most biblical and constitutional candidate running.

As I have likely shared in Blog Posts in the past, I have not been a typical "Two-Party" voter. I did not vote Republican or Democrat in 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016. I did vote for Donald Trump in 2020 because I believe he proved himself and set out to do what he said he would. I didn't agree with him on some things included how he handled the so-called COVID-19 Pandemic. But considering what he seemed to be up against (I keep in my mind the remote possibility that even his presidency was a hoax), he is probably the best President in history and most certainly in this generation. I do not think he lost the 2020 Presidential Election for various reasons, not excluding the social media censorship, and the Feds going after some that were in the non-insurrection rally and protest on 1/6/21, as well as certain Trump supporters. 

This Tuesday (11/8/22), I am faced with the Two Party/Lesser of Two Evils dilemma because the Democrats are just so far to the Left, whacked out and evil, I just can't bare to see any of them at any level of Government get in or back in. Even the current Governor of my State of Alabama is not a true Republican until it gets near election time, and likely a RINO (Republican In Name Only). Because Republican Leadership will not endorse real Republicans and those they perceive as "MAGA" Republicans, and the RINOs that exists in the Republican Party, even if the Republicans gain a majority or super majority, all we would be doing is delaying the inevitable. And I'm not referring here to Rapture Time/End of Last Days stuff. If the Lord tarries/delays His return, it is going to take much more than Mid Term and General Elections to keep our Constitutional freedoms. Every patriotic citizen needs to constantly stay on their State's Senators and/or Representatives to use the 10th Amendment principle of Nullification of all unconstitutional laws, acts and presidential executive orders- because indeed the Federal Government could become or already is a lost cause. Plus, no more gun restrictions or control! And since "they" were able to get away with the 2020 Presidential Election, why wouldn't "they" think "they" can get away with all future ones? You don't really believe "they" won't try again, do you?

Again, vote Nov. 8th (2022), and pray and vote the right way. Keep in mind though, that, as to use the term Jesus used about the Saul/Apostle Paul, we may be "kicking against the pricks" (KJV Bible terminology) due to possible judgment from God and the Left's lust for power to remain in White House. I wouldn't even be surprised if there isn't a major "false flag" event to postpone (and possibly eliminate) the Mid Term Election Tuesday. 

Enough rambling again for this post. Please prayerfully consider, and share this post far and wide. Thanks,

Bret, aka Pester Brat

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Crazy Train of Politics and the Growth of Rhinos (I mean RINOs)

 I reckon I'm an old head-banger rocker from the 1970's. As a Christian, I try to be more selective in what I listen to although so many heavy metal/hard rock songs have innuendos. One of my favorites in the category is Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourn. I know Ozzy had his issues, but the song itself is pretty clean. But I digress, because this post is not about the song itself, but rather I'm just applying the title to the political arena. 

In my opinion for what it's worth, politics on the federal level is mostly a joke. While I am not suggesting we stop participating in the election process on the federal level, I think we need to focus more on state, county and city politics. Even if the GOP take over the congress, because of the amount of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) that seems to be increasing, that's just going to slow down the craziness going on in our country. It will be up to the states to hold the line, and if certain states won't do it, it will fall on the counties and cities/towns- and that could be very costly. Being that RINOs are just Democrats in Republican clothing, there will continue to be more and more compromise on economic, constitutional, and biblically moral issues. 

As I have mentioned inn early blog posts, State Representatives and Senators, County Commissioners, Sheriffs, Mayors and Police Chiefs, need to not just focus on local politics, but keep an eye on what the federal government and maybe even the state government is doing economically and constitutionally, and nullify when necessary. State and local governments must not compromise constitutionally, and do something about the runaway "crazy train" economy due to federal spending. There are things that can be done. We cannot just rely on elections because of what I mentioned above and more. The federal government is destroying our country, and our country's founding fathers actually addressed it in the Declaration of Independence- having learned from English rule years ago. We need to find out what the Alter and Abolish clause in there means as originally intended and use it, and we better stop dilly-dallying. 

I'm not saying there aren't problems in local politics too. If you are local and reading this, you may already know that there may be an issue with the District 2 Commissioner. Supposedly, after his re-election he remarried and allegedly his address is in the district and his wife's is in our neighboring state where he actually hangs his hat. If there is nothing wrong with this, then why all the secrecy and lack of openness about it. We are a small rural county, but we have the right to ask questions. It's my understanding that all 4 of our commissioners vote on matters affecting the whole county. We don't have time for this petty nonsense and should be getting ready for some bad times that could affect us locally. If it is wrong to do this type of duel residence, he needs to do the right thing so we can move forward. It's nothing personal. Contact the State AG's office and see what he says, and let's get this resolved. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Teach Those Youngins

Teach them what? Who should teach them? Well, the disaster of the public school system aside, I am referring to some specific things in this blog post. A couple of them may be a given, if you are a Christian. Things are looking pretty bad with our country, especially economically and constitutionally. Those who are saved and knows some bible, know this is not our finally abode. It's our temporary home. But this world and country is our home for now. Generally speaking, it seems like it will be up to our senior patriots to "get things done" so to speak, and I'm even concerned about most of them/us. We need to teach our children and grandchildren some things, if we haven't already. In light of all that's happening, this is what I recommend we teach them:

1. Teach them about the U.S. Constitution, and as much as possible, the original intent. I think there is a book out called Original Intent if it is still in print or you can find one. Teach them about the balance and tension between the U.S. Constitution and States & individual rights that the 9th and 10th Amendments talk about including the principle of Nullification. Teach them about the Declaration of Independence and include the Alter and Abolish When the Government Becomes Destructive language. Perhaps we adults need to learn about the latter first, huh?

2. Tech them about the 2nd Amendment, it's true purpose, and absurdity that disarming Americans would help with the tragic shooting deaths. Be sure to teach them the history of certain countries or empires that disarmed their citizens and what happened.

3. Teach them about the country's economics. Taxes and where they come from ;-), spending, the national deficit, the national debt, inflation, recession, and whatever else you think is relative or important.

4. Teach them that our country is not the same as when Dad or Grandpa was young, and is becoming a different country. Talk about specific things that have changed and we have lost.

5. Teach them about the possibility of having to live without electricity and the ability to be able to go to the store to get whatever you need or want, and that we may have to live off the land. Teach them that if there is a major economic collapse, which is imminent, that the result would be devastating and likely lead to mass starvation and death or socialism. Be sure to teach them about the evils of socialism and communism. 

6. But most of all, teach them the Gospel and God's word. Teach them that while we should do what we can as Christian citizens, it could be that God has a different plan for the USA. After all, our country is not specifically mentioned in any end times Scripture if you indeed hold to a futurist view. So, first and foremost we want our children and grandchildren saved, even if we weren't facing these particular problems. Of course salvation is only through the perfect life, sufficient sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This is not intended as an exhaustive list. If you have something you would like to add, please do. We're in this together, and we need more people in this together. Thanks for reading and considering. Please share if you agree. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

If I Was Mayor or Police Chief or County Commissioner or Sheriff or a State Rep, and a Christian. :-)

 I have been doing my level best to serve the Lord, people, and our country, through the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots and the local Chapter La-Fayette Meeting Place. I am nobody special and not any better than anyone else. I just believe I have a pulse on much of what's going on in our country and world by the grace of God. I have been a pastor, and a television and radio talk show host. I'm a husband, father, and grandfather, that loves the Lord and people. 

For those that don't know, there is a lot going on in our country threatening our constitutional freedoms and way of life. It's not about doom and gloom or fearmongering. It's not just about this President and Administration, although they are making things much worse much faster. We cannot continue to have huge national deficits that greatly increase the national debt (Have you seen that lately? We are not really a democracy, but a constitutional republic- if we can keep it. And it's not about leaving the Lord and His hopeful future return out of things, regardless of the timing of the dead in Christ rising first followed by the rapture of the Church. God's word teaches us that He is sovereign and we are responsible. It teaches us that He ordained all things to come to pass but also the means (praying, acting) as well as the end.

With everything I see going on in our country, as a Christian, if I was the Mayor or Police Chief or a County Commissioner or County Sheriff or a State Rep, I would be greatly encouraging the following:

1. If you are not in a bible-believing, grace embracing Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, get in one.

2. Pray for our country, leaders, churches, and communities.

3. Work together to make our families, communities, towns, cities, counties, and state, self-sufficient. Things are not looking good when it comes to the economy, food supply, gasoline, and energy. This includes stocking up on food, water, and other necessities. 

4. If you don't own guns, get them. And if/when you do open carry much more. Beginning 1/1/23 we can conceal carry without a permit. Terrorists and criminals are crossing the southern border, and Yellowhammer News just report that many have been flown into our state (about 91,000).

5. Above all, realize that we are all sinners deserving of Hell for eternity, but that Jesus Christ died and rose again to pay the penalty of sins for those that have repentant faith in Him, who He is, and all that He did. 

~ Pester Brat/Bret Lovitz

Monday, July 11, 2022

Levels of Self-Sufficiency

Most of us probably take for granted how well we've had it when it comes to food on the table, beverages to drink, gasoline in the tank, and more. I'm not referring to the poor vs. well off, although between welfare and SNAP, the poor in our communities probably have. But for this blog post, I'm referring to being able to get what we need or want from the grocery store and local gas station.

If you are paying attention, this began to change during the recent so-called pandemic. Add to that truck-driver and other worker shortages, the effects of Russian bans due to the Ukrainian war, the current presidential administration trying to use this to force the Green New Deal nonsense on us, illegal aliens and criminals and terrorists crossing the southern border, and shutting down our energy independence that the previous administration returned us to, things are not looking good and it will likely get much worse.

We should all be working toward self-sufficiency---NOW!

Self-sufficiency as a State...

Self-sufficiency as a County...

Self-sufficiency as a City or Town...

Self-sufficiency as a local Church...

Self-sufficiency as a Community...

Self-sufficiency as a family, both as a unit and broader.

And I'm not leaving the Lord out of this. Things could very well get real bad for our country before Jesus returns. God used Joseph to warn the Egyptian Pharoah to prepare for bad times. I believe the figurative handwriting is on the wall, and if you are paying attention, I think you would agree. 

Pray, plan and prepare to be self-sufficient at the above mentioned levels.

~ Pester Brat

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Movies to Watch

Any movie buffs or goers out there? While I have cut back a lot the last few years, I still consider myself to be a moderate movie buff. My wife would probably tell you I am :-). I enjoy anything from Hallmark to most of the main comic book movies to all of the Star Trek and Star Wars movies. I also have some faves that aren't in the above specific categories. Some of them I think are good to consider in light of what our country is going through in challenging some of our constitutional freedoms, and these are the regular Hollywood action/dramas. If you have some you think would be good to watch, feel free to chime in. Here are just a few that came to mind for me to post about:

1. The Patriot (Mel Gibson version).

2. Braveheart.

3. Gods and Generals.

4. Gladiator. 

5. Independence Day.    

Friday, July 1, 2022

SCOTUS On a Roll?

 Greetings Citizens:

As of the date of this blog post, the U.S. Supreme Court has made 3 major decisions, and seemingly victories for conservatives and constitutional freedom. Is this a set-back for the real Deep State? Perhaps, perhaps not. If it is a set-back, in my opinion it will only be temporary. But more about why later.

The first apparent victory is over the long hard-fought battle on abortion and the horrible decision the SCOTUS made in January 1973. The war on this is not over by any means. Today's SCOTUS didn't ban abortion, or better, murder in the mother's womb. They just said that it belongs to the Individual States. So depending on what State you live in, it could still be legal. The POTUS has already said he will do what he can to find a way around the SCOTUS' decision. And certain corporations and states are offering to pay for people to come to "abortion states" for an abortion if it's illegal in their state. Sad state of affairs indeed. 

The second apparent victory is that of a school coach who was told he couldn't pray at sporting events. SCOTUS said that was unconstitutional and that it is allowed.

The third one I don't know as much about but seems to involve the EPA saying certain companies cannot pollute the air a certain amount or something. That too was ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS. 

I mentioned "temporary set-back" earlier in this post. The Deep State as they manipulate our leaders, will do everything they can to get around these, especially abortion. Look, they don't care about a so-called woman's right to choose. For them it's about population control, greed, and power. So whether they find another way around it or not (even if it's still immoral and unconstitutional), they may still succeed by destroying our economy and other constitutional freedoms. Please pay attention and get involved. Pray, plan and prepare for what could happen before the Lord's return. And stay on your U.S. and State Senators and representatives, and remember the principle of State Nullification.

~ Pester Brat

Monday, June 20, 2022

A White Supremist Faux

 Today I am off work to observe the most recently declared holiday Juneteenth (June 19th). Unlike some perhaps, I actually have no problem with this holiday and prefer this one more than MLK Day. Indeed, slavery was a bad time in the history of our country.

I have written numerous times about my interaction over the years with the Black Community. To spare you finding those blog posts for now, I'll remind you: My first career job was with a company that had about a 50/50 ratio of white and black workers. We all got along fine, respected each other, and were even able to tease each other about our ethnicity. About 15 years later, when I returned to supervision at another company in another state, my whole crew on my shift was Black. We got along fine and respected each other. And while we could tease each other, things had changed some and there wasn't much teasing if any about ethnicity. My most recent career job in yet another state before I semi-retired also had mostly black workers as well. And thankfully again, we got along very well, respected each other, and still could tease each other a little, but probably less than the last place and time I mentioned above. 

So yes, some things changed because of the pressures of society, but based on my experience, I think the mainstream media is lying for the most part about the Black Community being upset about racism.....sort of. I say "sort of" because I do believe the media lies are affecting some black people. Both me and my wife have seen it in our current lines of work.

But why did I title this post "A White Supremist Faux?" Well, as most of you probably know, "faux" means false or fake, not real. And the leftist loonies in the federal government and some state governments, along with the lamestream part of the mainstream media are successfully convincing, or shall I say brainwashing people into think that if you voted for DJT, oppose certain and various liberal policies and actions, or are even a conservative, you are considered a white supremist- one of the most idiotic things that the government is doing and some people are believing. What it's doing is taking away any credibility left to really deal with the racism we have left. 

As I've said before, until sin if removed at the resurrection, there will sadly be racism. Creation and the Cross of Christ should be the great equalizers. I'm asking my black friends, co-workers and neighbors to not fall or stop falling for the bulk of the Democrats and some of the Republicans, and media's lies. There are much more serious problems going on with the constitution and economy that crosses racial, religious, denominational, and political party lines. They are trying to divide and conquer, and sadly it seems like they are succeeding. In the meantime, I reckon I'm considered a white supremist faux, and that is sad and wrong. I would like to think that those who know me, know it to NOT be true.

~ Pester Brat

Saturday, May 14, 2022

What Is the Right to Alter or Abolish a Destructive Government?

 There are still people being unconstitutionally held for allegations of insurrection against the federal government on Jan. 6, 2021. There was no insurrection, and maybe a few people got unruly during the protest that day. It certainly all pales in comparison to the riots that have taken place off and on including currently over the anticipated reversal of the Roe V Wade by the supreme court. I came across the following article about the "alter or abolish" right of people when the government becomes destructive. Please take the time to read it, interesting indeed (if the link will work). 

The Right to Alter or Abolish the Government (

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Biden Administration's Ministry of Truth?

 Tucker Carlson Tonight reported tonight that the Biden Administration has launched the "Ministry of Truth." Sound familiar? It includes a "Governance of Disinformation Board" and is part of the "Department of Homeland Security."

So in addition to terrorists, criminals and drug smugglers crossing the southern border virtually at will, the threat of the escalating war between Russia and Ukraine that could become World War III and maybe even involve nuclear weapons, we now have the Ministry of Truth that's really aimed at silencing anyone that speaks out against the liberal leftist nonsense.

You better wake up sheeple. A line in Star Trek: Insurrection comes to mind by the character Data- "Saddle Up, Lock and Load."

Pray- Plan- Prepare- both eternally and temporally.  

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

La-Fayette Meeting Place and Lamar County Alabama Sheriff

 Well, perhaps I jumped the gun so to speak. My reasons for "wanting" to run for Sheriff of Lamar County has not changed. I'm very concerned about Police Officers and Sheriff's Deputies upholding the Constitution and will do my part to hold those that serve in Lamar County and Vernon Alabama accountable to refuse any and all unconstitutional orders. I also expect our new Sheriff as of 1/1/23 and the Vernon Police Chief to remind them to do just that. Do you think that it's crazy to even be concerned about that? Have you been paying attention to the Biden and previous administrations especially after there is a tragic shooting and possible false flag situations? What if one day possibly in the not-so-distant future, the federal government outlawed guns and tried to confiscate them. And what if the State of Alabama does NOT do the right thing and nullify it? It would be up to County Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to refuse such an unconstitutional order. And if they won't, it's up to the deputies and officers. If you can't see this possibly happening, then I submit that you are not paying attention or are in a dream world. If you are a police officer reading this, I hope you are prepared to do this. If you are not, but know someone who is, find out where they stand and tell them what is expected of them. It is that important!

The patriotic meetings of the La-Fayette Meeting Place will be going from monthly to 4 times a year, likely in March, May, September and December. However, I plan on doing videos more often. Nothing fancy, just using my laptop, and basically the same format. I'll keep you posted and hope you'll watch/listen as well as try to come to the meetings in Crossville. Thank you. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Write-In Candidate for Lamar County Sheriff?

 My name is Bret Lovitz, and I am asking you to vote for me as a "Write-In" candidate for Sheriff of Lamar County Alabama. 

I know it is late in the game folks, but there are two main reasons that are motivating me to run for Sheriff of Lamar County Alabama:

1. Having been in a similar situation myself 34 years ago, I still don't believe a person that's not an incumbent for an elected office should be unopposed.

2. Sheriffs going forward need to be very "constitution-minded" and look more than local in light of the direction of our federal government and depending on how the State of Alabama would handle various possible unconstitutional acts of the federal government.

I have nothing against Officer Marty Gottwald. When he spoke recently at the Lamar County GOP Meet and Greet, I agreed with everything he had to say. The only issue we might disagree on, is Constitutional Carry that passed in Alabama finally and goes into effect Jan. 1, 2023. To be fair, Mr. Gottwald said he will support this new law. But where we seem to disagree is that he also said he has concerns about it implying that he was not in favor of it passing. 

Let me say up front that I have no law enforcement experience. The closest experience I have to that is when I was a member of Citizens On Patrol (C.O.P.) in Broward County Florida for a few years between 1998 and 2004. If a majority of the citizens of Lamar County believe that law enforcement experience is a must, then I certainly respect that. Being a Sheriff is not a life-long desire and something that I was expecting to want to do. It is my concerns for our country, state and county, that is compelling me to do this. 

The following are my experiences and what I believe:

1. Eight years of management experience through the dairy manufacturing industry.

2. Three years experience as Secretary-Treasurer and six years experience as a business agent of a local Teamsters Union. Duties included serving as a trustee on the health & welfare and pension funds, contract negotiations, and grievance hearings, before voluntarily leaving and working my way up into management mentioned above. 

3. Former Pastor of four different Churches off and on for about fifteen years. 

4. Founder and Director of the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots, also known as the media name Pester Brat Dot Com, for over twelve years. 

5. The best way to describe my political views would be "Constitutional Conservative."

6. I'm against the "defunding the police" movement.

7. I fully support police officers at all levels as long as they continue to fulfill their oath of supporting the Constitution. 

8. I was in favor of and support the new Constitutional Carry law (concealed carry without a permit) in Alabama, and fully support the 2nd Amendment. 

9. I believe in and support the 10th Amendment principle of Nullification- the right to nullify unconstitutional laws and orders including any presidential executive order intended for non-federal workers. 

10. Would encourage and expect police officers (that would begin with myself) to disobey any and all unconstitutional orders. 

I also understand that the issues with the Jail is an ongoing problem. I agree with the popular mantra "if you commit a crime you should do the time." But I also believe that we need to take a serious look at "what kind of time" it should be for non-violent crimes, and I'm open to ideas on how Churches and Civic Organizations can help with community work and community payback. 

I have only been in Lamar County since Dec. 31, 2020, but believe that may be a good thing. I have been in Alabama since Feb. 2008 with the exception of about four years due to jobs in other states. I am a husband, father and grandfather that is genuinely concerned about the future of our kids due to the dangerous path our country is on. I love the Lord first and foremost, and our country, and ask that you write in "Bret Lovitz" for Sheriff and color in the circle or box next to it. Thank you- God's will be done, not mine. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

 Back at our December gathering of the La-Fayette Meeting Place, I did a test recording of the meeting. I need 2 laptops for the meeting and to record, which I have thankfully, but I had technical difficulties with the one to record with. Hopefully I have the bugs worked out :-)

Sunday, March 27, 2022

A Suggested Prayer

 Prayer is a wonderful privilege for the Christian. The Bible says that God doesn't hear the prayers of sinners, which means each person who doesn't have their sins covered and paid for by Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. But I digress...

I readily admit that I don't pray as I should. Christians should pray regularly (without ceasing the Bible says), and not just at Church and not just asking God for things. But this is about a specific kind of prayer, that if you agree with, you may want to do. Not word for word, and you may want to add or leave out some things. This is just a prayer that has come to my mind off and on, and again in Church this morning. So here it is to be used as God sees fit:

"Lord, I thank You and praise You for who You are, and all that You have done, are doing, and will do. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the cross to pay the penalty of my sins and for all who will believe in You. Please forgive me of my sins.

Lord, I pray for our country and leaders- our President, Vice President, Senators, Representatives, Governors, Commissioners, Mayors, and the rest of our elected officials at the federal, state, county, and city levels. Please intervene and change the hearts and save those that are not saved. I know our sin is grievous Lord, and that we do not deserve your grace, mercy and kindness. Lord, it seems that some people believe that You should destroy us as You did Sodom and Gomorrah, and we do deserve it. But Lord, when Abraham asked that You not destroy them if there was 100 righteous people, You said You wouldn't if there was 100 and further said You would not destroy them if there was even 10 righteous people. And yet in wonderful kindness and mercy, you still delivered Lot and his family. 

Lord, by Your grace and Your grace alone through You Son Jesus Christ, there is a remnant of Your people. As seen in Your Word, I know that You are not obligated to treat each nation the same. And while there are many more righteous people because of the righteousness of Christ put on their account through His death, burial and resurrection, I know that we also have a much bigger population. But I ask that you may be pleased to not destroy the United States of America because of Your wonderful grace and mercy, and for the sake of Your people, and convict the hearts of Your people to be busy about Your business and proclaim the gospel, that's the only means Your Holy Spirit uses to change hearts.

Thank you Lord. In Jesus' precious Name I pray, amen."

Another Cancer Treatment?

Hello Readers:

I took what I believe to be a possible cancer treatment this past Thursday. No, I didn't go to the doctor's office. It wasn't Chemo or Radiation or anything else in "mainstream" medicine. It was Vitamin C. But not just any kind of Vitamin C and not just the typical 500-1000 milligrams. Thursday throughout the day I took 45,000 (yes, forty five thousand) milligrams of liquid liposomal encapsulated Vitamin C between 7:30 AM and 9:30 PM. Most of it was 3,000 mg per hour.

It burdens me that so many people are quick to dismiss this alternative treatment that may kill just cancer cells and not the good cells like the above mentioned mainstream treatments kill good cells. Most doctors won't or can't tell you about this for fear of getting in trouble. It can't be patented so big pharma can't make money off of it. And I personally don't think the medical establishment and cancer societies want to really see cancer cured because it cost them mucho moola.

I'm certainly not a doctor. And this may not work for all kinds of cancer and on all people. Do your own research and see that intravenous Vitamin C has been studied and found to cure various kinds of Cancer. Then if you come to the conclusion I have, you might make the common sense jump to this kind of Vitamin C that may be just as good as intravenous. There was one study I read years ago that said just that, but I have not been able to find it again. And the manufacturer of this kind of Vitamin C does say that it has a 90% absorption rate as opposed to 20% for typical pills. If you don't want to try this instead, I have also read that it will help with the severe side affects of chemo and radiation treatments. 

This is part of my outreach and I just want to help. God ordains the means as well as the end. Thank you. Please prayerfully consider.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Constitutional Carry Now in Alabama

 I didn't live in Alabama the first time until 2008. After moving for a job, I returned in 2015. Then again after moving for 2 out of state jobs, returned the end of 2020. That whole time citizens were trying to get Constitutional Carry (Concealed Carry Without a Permit) in Alabama. Well, thanks in part to our State Representative Tracey Estes, it finally passed both Houses and was signed by the Governor late last week. I was in favor of this bill passing and probably drove Mr. Estes crazy about it. With the direction of the federal government, terrorists and criminals crossing the southern border, and unvetted refugees coming to our country, I believe it was the right thing to do. Alabama is the 22nd State to do this. Statistics also show that violent crimes are lower in States or Counties that have this "constitutional" right. I believe it only applies to your own state and others that have the same provision. For Alabama, those close States are Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. Come on Florida and Georgia! :-)

~ PB

La-Fayette Meeting Place Outline for 3/10/2022

 The FCCP Presents: The La-Fayette Meeting Place

Meeting #6  March 10th, 2022

1. Welcome and Announcements

2. Pledge of Allegience

3. National Anthem

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

4. 2nd Amendmentations :-)

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

5. Scripture Reading

Mat_24:6  And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Genesis 41:53-54 And the seven years of plenteousness, that was in the land of Egypt, were ended. And the seven years of dearth began to come, according as Joseph had said: and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.

6. Special Singing? 

7. Notable Quotables 

"Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?"~ Thomas Sewell

"Do you know why we have the 2nd Amendment? In case the Government decides not to follow the First" ~ National Association of Gun Rights

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virture is the equal sharing of misery" ~ Winston Churchill

"Gas prices are shooting up faster than a Biden vote count at 2 AM." ~ Tonya Jo Cole

"Law is often but the tyrants will, and always so when it violates the right of the individual" ~ Thomas Jefferson

"Our attachment to no nation upon earth should supplant our attchment to liberty" ~ John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms (6 July 1775) 

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. ~  Martin Luther King, Jr. 

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must undergo the fatigues of supporting it" ~ Thomas Paine

"I prefer peace, but if trouble must come, let it come in my time so that my children can live in peace." ~ Thomas Paine

8. Reading of the 9th & 10th Amendment and from the Constitution

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. 

Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes DESTRUCTIVE of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the People to ALTER or to ABOLISH it, and to institute NEW Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

9. It's Economical Watson

National Debt: As of 5:10 PM 3/9/22 (31 days later)- $30 Trillion 307 Billion (+ $292B)/ Citizen- $86,958 (+ $4,119)/Taxpayer- $229,705 (+ $11,906). Went from 19T to 30T between 2/16 & 3/22.

10. News With Views

A) Constitutional Carry passed the Indiana Legislature and is waiting for the Governor's hopeful 


B) Alabama has the 30th highest gas tax at 29.21 cents per gallon according to a map by a group 

called Tax Foundation. CA is #1 at 66.98 and Alaska #50 at 14.98. All double taxation!

C) McDonalds is closing all 850 of their restaurants in Russia according to ABC 33/40. 

D) Tucker Carlson reported that there may be secret bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

E) Tucker Carlson reported a secret video of a New York Times reporter saying there was no

danger in the Jan. 6th fake insurrection and there were FBI informants there acting as


F) Greg Reed (State Sen Candidate) and Tracey Estes (State Rep) running unopposed.

G) Lamar County Dist 3 Commission- David Gunnells vs. Jamison Carr.

11. Pester Brat's Message: 

A) Russian/Ukrainian War- right or wrong?

B) We have an election this year! May 24th- Primary; June 21st- Runoff; Nov 8th- General

C) Saddle up and stock up.

12. Website of the Month: 

14. Q & A

15. Prayer for our Nation 

16. Closing Comments/Next Meeting Thursday 4/14/2022

Sunday, February 27, 2022

La-Fayette Meeting Place Outlines

 Hi All:

I announced in August of last year the La-Fayette Meeting Place. It's a monthly meeting of likeminded citizens that are concerned about the direction of our country. A time of information sharing, encouragement and fellowship. While we have been meeting since September 2021, I have neglected posting my outlines. It doesn't do the whole meeting justice because there is discussion about the various topics in the outline. Below is from our Feb. 2022 meeting. If you would like previous meeting outlines, let me know. Thank you!

The FCCP Presents: The La-Fayette Meeting Place

Meeting #5  Feb. 10th, 2022

1. Welcome and Announcements

2. Pledge of Allegience

3. National Anthem

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

4. 2nd Amendmentations :-)

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

5. Scripture Reading

And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah: And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive. And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive? And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them. Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. 

(Ex. 1:15-20)

Joshua Chapter 2. Rahab hiding the two spies.

6. Special Singing? Rhonda Dooley- God Bless America

7. Notable Quotables 

"A system of licensing and registration is the best device to disarm the Bourgeois."~ V.I. Lenin

"Bold-hearted men are always called mean-spirited by cowards." ~ Charles Spurgeon

"The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression.: ~ W.E.B. Dubois

"In ancient Athens, the world's first democracy, they had a process called ostracism, where once a year the people could vote on the politician they thought was most destructive to the democratic process. The winner was banished from Athens for 10 years." ~ 

8. Reading of the 9th & 10th Amendment and from the Constitution

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. 

Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes DESTRUCTIVE of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the People to ALTER or to ABOLISH it, and to institute NEW Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

9. It's Economical Watson

National Debt: As of 8:30 PM 2/6/22 (61 days later)- $30 Trillion 15 Billion (+ $1T 2B)/ Citizen- $86,958 (+ $3,286)/Taxpayer- $229,705 (+ $10,103). Went from 19T to 29T between 2/16 & 11/21.

10. News With Views

A) Gov. Ron DeSantis says people should not kow to the mob regarding Cancel Culture and the Spotify-Joe Rogan situation.

B) An Illinois Bill would ban no-knock warrants.

C) A Louisiana Bill would ban enforcement of some future federal gun control.

D) Georgia Bill would legalize raw milk sales. 

E) Oklahoma Bill would set foundation to end unconstitutional National Guard deployments.

F) Alabama Senate and House Committees pass Permitless Concealed Carry Bill. 

G) The Biden Admin Federal Worker vaccine mandate was blocked in court.

H) The Biden administration has officially withdrawn a rule that would have required workers at big companies to get vaccinated or face regular COVID testing requirements.

11. Pester Brat's Message

We have an election this year! May 24th- Primary; June 21st- Runoff; Nov 8th- General

* State elections are very important because of the direction of the federal government

* Some Constitutional Amendments are being proposed. Will address as we get closer. 

* Nine Republicans running for Governor: Kay Ivey; Dean Odle; Tim James; Linda Blanchard; Lew Burdette; Stacy George; Donald Jones; Dave Thomas; Dean Young.

* Six Democrats running for Governor.

* Five Republicans running for U.S. Senate: Michael Durant; Mo Brooks; Katie Britt; Karla DuPriest; Jake Shafer.

* Three Democrats running for U.S. Senate. 

* Two Republicans running for Attorney General: Steve Marshall; Harry Bartlett Still III.

* One Democrat running for Attorney General.

* One Republican (Robert Aderholt) and one Democrat (Rick Neighbors) running for U.S. House of Representatives 4th District.

12. Website of the Month: 

14. Q & A

15. Prayer for our Nation 

16. Closing Comments/Next Meeting Thursday 3/10/2022

Where Were You That Day?

 We often ask people where they were the day of 9/11/2001, and understandable so.

But that's not the day I'm referring to. About a month ago our National Debt passed the 30 Trillion Dollar mark. 30 Trillion folks, that's a lot of zeros: $30,000,000,000,000. Are we trying to do anything about it other that whine on social media? We better before it's too late!

Have you read that part of Declaration of Independence lately after that ", liberty and pursuit of happiness" stuff? You might want to check it out. 

~ Pester Brat