Greetings Citizens:
As of the date of this blog post, the U.S. Supreme Court has made 3 major decisions, and seemingly victories for conservatives and constitutional freedom. Is this a set-back for the real Deep State? Perhaps, perhaps not. If it is a set-back, in my opinion it will only be temporary. But more about why later.
The first apparent victory is over the long hard-fought battle on abortion and the horrible decision the SCOTUS made in January 1973. The war on this is not over by any means. Today's SCOTUS didn't ban abortion, or better, murder in the mother's womb. They just said that it belongs to the Individual States. So depending on what State you live in, it could still be legal. The POTUS has already said he will do what he can to find a way around the SCOTUS' decision. And certain corporations and states are offering to pay for people to come to "abortion states" for an abortion if it's illegal in their state. Sad state of affairs indeed.
The second apparent victory is that of a school coach who was told he couldn't pray at sporting events. SCOTUS said that was unconstitutional and that it is allowed.
The third one I don't know as much about but seems to involve the EPA saying certain companies cannot pollute the air a certain amount or something. That too was ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS.
I mentioned "temporary set-back" earlier in this post. The Deep State as they manipulate our leaders, will do everything they can to get around these, especially abortion. Look, they don't care about a so-called woman's right to choose. For them it's about population control, greed, and power. So whether they find another way around it or not (even if it's still immoral and unconstitutional), they may still succeed by destroying our economy and other constitutional freedoms. Please pay attention and get involved. Pray, plan and prepare for what could happen before the Lord's return. And stay on your U.S. and State Senators and representatives, and remember the principle of State Nullification.
~ Pester Brat
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