Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Friday, July 15, 2022

If I Was Mayor or Police Chief or County Commissioner or Sheriff or a State Rep, and a Christian. :-)

 I have been doing my level best to serve the Lord, people, and our country, through the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots and the local Chapter La-Fayette Meeting Place. I am nobody special and not any better than anyone else. I just believe I have a pulse on much of what's going on in our country and world by the grace of God. I have been a pastor, and a television and radio talk show host. I'm a husband, father, and grandfather, that loves the Lord and people. 

For those that don't know, there is a lot going on in our country threatening our constitutional freedoms and way of life. It's not about doom and gloom or fearmongering. It's not just about this President and Administration, although they are making things much worse much faster. We cannot continue to have huge national deficits that greatly increase the national debt (Have you seen that lately? We are not really a democracy, but a constitutional republic- if we can keep it. And it's not about leaving the Lord and His hopeful future return out of things, regardless of the timing of the dead in Christ rising first followed by the rapture of the Church. God's word teaches us that He is sovereign and we are responsible. It teaches us that He ordained all things to come to pass but also the means (praying, acting) as well as the end.

With everything I see going on in our country, as a Christian, if I was the Mayor or Police Chief or a County Commissioner or County Sheriff or a State Rep, I would be greatly encouraging the following:

1. If you are not in a bible-believing, grace embracing Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, get in one.

2. Pray for our country, leaders, churches, and communities.

3. Work together to make our families, communities, towns, cities, counties, and state, self-sufficient. Things are not looking good when it comes to the economy, food supply, gasoline, and energy. This includes stocking up on food, water, and other necessities. 

4. If you don't own guns, get them. And if/when you do open carry much more. Beginning 1/1/23 we can conceal carry without a permit. Terrorists and criminals are crossing the southern border, and Yellowhammer News just report that many have been flown into our state (about 91,000).

5. Above all, realize that we are all sinners deserving of Hell for eternity, but that Jesus Christ died and rose again to pay the penalty of sins for those that have repentant faith in Him, who He is, and all that He did. 

~ Pester Brat/Bret Lovitz

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