Does the title seem familiar to you? The old Beatles song of the same name? Here is a link to the song on You Tube if you'd like to listen to it just for fun:
By the grace of God, I turned 64 years young last month. Due to the death of my father at age 49, I didn't think I would make it this long :-). 64 is old, huh? Is it? I mean, I realize from a biblical perspective, we will live for eternity somewhere. And for that somewhere to be "Heaven" we must be born again unto saving faith in the Person and Cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ. But on this side of glory, is 64 old? How about 74? 84? My Momma is still alive at age 92 and father-in-law at 90. Are we too old to make a difference about anything in light of what is going on in the world and our country? Our small Church is blessed with a mostly older congregation of senior saints. I'm actually on the lower end at 64 :-).
I said all of that to lead into a list of 10 things people that are supposedly "too old" for, can do. I hope this will be encouragement to many as the Lord wills. I realize that various cognitive and physical disabilities may hinder certain ones:
1. Share the Gospel with friends, neighbors and family.
2. Pray: For those in #1 that may not be saved, for our elected leaders, and more.
3. Talk to people about the serious problems and concerns in our country (constitutional attacks, national debt, economy, southern border problem, and more) including our children and grandchildren, realizing that those who only watch the mainstream media news are either not getting the whole story or are being lied to.
4. Vote and for the most biblical and constitutional candidates.
5. Communicate regularly with your State Senator and Representative to let them know how we feel about Nullification laws that we need proposed and passed to nullify any unconstitutional federal action, and to work towards being fully self-sufficient as a State.
6. Encourage your county and city law enforcement agencies to follow through with their oath to uphold the constitution and refuse to obey any unconstitutional orders.
7. Encourage County Commissioners, Mayor, and City Council to do #6 if the State fails to, and work towards self-sufficiency as a county and city.
8. Encourage neighbors and friends that are unchurched and claim to be a Christian, to return to a bible-believe, grace- embracing, gospel preaching church.
9. Encourage your church to be as self-sufficient as possible.
10. Encourage your family and other families to be as self- sufficient as possible.
If you agree and are so inclined, please share this blog post. You may think of more things us 64 and older folks can do.
~ Pester Brat
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