[I forgot to post this one :-)]
A Suggested or Sample Prayer
Prayer is a wonderful privilege for the Christian. The Bible says much about prayer. We have the example prayer given by Jesus that we see in Matt. 6. It says that we can pray anytime anywhere in and out of Church. It also says that God doesn't hear the prayers of sinners, which means each and every person that doesn't have their sins covered and paid for by Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. But it's a direct line if you will, to Almighty God who created all people, and redeemed those who are born again unto faith in the Person and work of Christ.
This is about a specific kind of prayer, that if you agree with, you may want to do. Not necessarily word for word. I'm not a good example of a "prayer warrior." The Bible also says we should pray for our leaders. This is just a prayer that has come to my mind off and on, and in Church. So here it is to be used as God sees fit:
"Lord, I thank You and praise You for who You are, and all that You have done, are doing, and will do. Thank you for Your Son Jesus Christ, and Lord Jesus for You dying on the cross and rising again to pay the penalty of my sins and for all who will believe in You. Lord, please forgive me of my sins and where I fall short.
Lord, I pray for our country and leaders- our President, Vice President, Senators, Representatives, Governors, Commissioners, Mayors, and the rest of our elected officials at the federal, state, county, and city levels. Please bless our efforts to keep our constitutional republic, and intervene and change the hearts and save those that are not saved, and restrain as much evil as You will because of Your grace and mercy through Your Son Jesus Christ. I know our sins are grievous Lord, and that we deserve Your judgment rather than Your grace, mercy, kindness, and protection. Lord, while some people seem to believe that You should destroy us as You did Sodom and Gomorrah or apologize to them, and we do deserve it; when Abraham asked that You not destroy them if there was 100 righteous people, You said You wouldn't if there was 100, and further said You would not destroy them if there was even 10 righteous people when Abraham kept lowering the number. And yet, even though there was not 10 righteous people, in Your wonderful kindness and mercy, you still delivered Lot and his family.
Lord, by Your grace and Your grace alone through You Son Jesus Christ, there is a remnant of Your people in the United States. As seen in Your Word, I know that You are not obligated to treat each nation the same. And while there are many more "declared righteous" people because of the righteousness of Christ put on their account through His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection, I know that we also have a much bigger population. But I ask that you may be pleased to not judge and destroy the United States of America because of Your wonderful grace and mercy, and for the sake of Your people, and convict the hearts of Your people to be busy about Your business and proclaim the gospel, that's the only means Your Holy Spirit uses to change hearts.
Thank you Lord. In Jesus' precious Name I pray, amen."
Email me about how you would pray for our country. I'd love to hear from you about this or anything else.
Pester Brat is just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone. He loves the Lord, His people, and all people. He also loves his family and country which is why he does what he does. Email him at pesterbratdotcom@aol.com with questions and comments, and connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble.
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