Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Friday, May 12, 2023

West Alabama Gazette and Northport Gazette 5/24/23

 Know Your Enemies

We live in some trying and uneasy times. The Bible speaks it would be like this in the last days, and it's really nothing new. But who are our enemies? All they all foreign? Are they global? How about domestic? How about all of the above and more? While there appears to be numerous threats and enemies, the one overarching agenda is to bring down the USA so that they can usher in their one world order that even former president George Herbert Walker Bush mentioned. It's much more difficult to bring 3rd world countries up than to bring us down. Some seem to think that a one world order means the return of Christ so we should just let it happen and not do anything to try and stop the destruction of our country. Really?

So who are what are our enemies? Well, we know we have China, Russia, North Korea, and ISIS and other radical Muslim Groups. Is that all? Do we really think that a segment of our country often referred to as Leftists and Liberals are not our enemy? They think they want a socialist country. Most don't even know what it is. I'll tell you what. If you are a rich Leftist or Liberal Socialist Democrat (can anyone say Bernie Sanders?), how about you lead by example and donate your wealth and income down to the average wage earner. You can deposit it in my Pester Brat Dot Com bank account (Not me! My Outreach's account). I'll use that moola to make just enough to do what I'm doing full time, get back on TV and radio, and advertise. Come on. Prove to us you really believe in socialism. True leftists and Liberals hate Christians, Constitutionists, MAGA folks, and Conservatives. They want us to agree with their various sinful lifestyles, and embrace an idiotic socialistic utopia- and some of them are running our country right now. They are our enemies too!

But our greatest enemy is ourselves! We have sinful natures and actions. No one person is inherently better than another. No one deserves to go to Heaven, no one deserves to be saved, and no one deserved to have Jesus Christ die on the cross and rise again to pay the penalty of born again believers' sins. While we should do everything we can in a Christian, peaceful, and constitutional way to protect this Constitutional Republic God gave us, it is only the new birth and the gospel that will change lives. Because sin is at the root of all the problems we are dealing with. Be sure you are trusting in the sacrifice and resurrection of the God-man Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. 

So those are our enemies. And I didn't even discuss the real Deep State. It's good to know who enemies as we remember the 4 P's: PRAY, PLAN, PREPARE, [and be] PROACTIVE.  

Pester Brat is a husband, father, grandfather, son and brother, that loves the Lord and this constitutional republic that He gave us. Email him at with questions and comments, and connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble. Look for the recording of the thrice annual online patriot service this month on his Pester Brat and Bret Pester-Brat Facebook pages.  

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