The Battle of the C's
Please bear with me this week as I deal with a hard subject that will also be part informercial. The "C's" in the title of this week's column represents two things: The C in Cancer and the C in Vitamin C .
12 years ago this column writer was diagnosed with a non aggressive form of Prostate Cancer. My father died in 1980 of Colon Cancer that had metasticized. My oldest daughter had a battle with a type of Cancer about 16 years ago. And less than a month ago, a close relative of hers died of Cancer.
Cancer is a most dreadful disease that is sometimes used as an illustration of sin, and along with all other causes of death, is a result of our sin cursed world. I'm sure all of my readers know someone that either lost or won a tough battle with one of the forms of Cancer, if not you yourself. The American Cancer Society and other groups tell us they are still working diligently for a cure. But are they? Is it possible that there are cures already out there?
My diagnosis in 2011 caused me to do a lot of research. Sadly I did not like what I found about the Pharmaceutical Industry and some medical associations and societies. It seems that it's all about the mighty dollar for such groups. Just the day before I completed this article I came across a social media meme that said "the people who profit from you being sick, are not trying to heal you."
Look, we aren't going to live for ever on this side of glory, but are there things we can do to help with the Cancer Battle that perhaps Big Pharma and the medical associations and societies don't want us to know about? My heart aches for the many people that won't think outside the mainstream medical box. Well by God's grace, I did, and I believe there are numerous natural, not as natural, and low risk medicinal, alternatives. I'm only going to talk to you about Vitamin C in this column. If you want to know about some more, email me and let me know.
Did you know that studies have shown that Intravenous Vitamin C can kill cancer cells? Research it for yourself. By the way, the FDA won't approve it in our country. Why do you think that is? But this is not the Vitamin C I'm talking about. And it's not the regular Vitamin C. This is Liquid Liposomal Vitamin C. This kind of Vitamin C allows up to 90% of it to be absorbed as opposed to about 20% in regular pill form, so that it can be mega-dosed at an amount equivalent to intravenous. One study I read about says it is as good if not better that intravenous.
So read between the lines. Do your own research as there are numerous articles on the internet about it. I'm certainly no doctor. But I have taken 30,000+ mg numerous times over the years with no problems. If you take about 3,000 mg or more in pill form it'll probably send you to the toilet. I sell this stuff as a ministry, not a business currently. It's good for what I mentioned above, preventative maintenance, or as a superior alternative to the regular stuff. Email me if you would like more information. I'm sick and tired of what Big Pharma and medical associations are doing to people. Are you?
Pester Brat is a former pastor, not a doctor, cancer fighter, husband, father, and grandfather, that loves the Lord and people. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble, and email him at