Well, as I begin this Blog Post, it's Super Tuesday in America. A name for the day of Primary Elections in 13 States in America the first Tuesday in March. Alabama, my State, happens to be one of them. This year in addition to Trump vs. Haley, and Aderholt vs. Holcomb, and others, we also have 2 important elections in my county- incumbent Sharon Nethery vs. David Boyett for Probate Judge and incumbent Kevin King vs. Mitchell Puckett for District 2 County Commissioner.
It's no secret that I have been writing about some allegations against Kevin King that he resides outside of his district in Amory, MS.-a violation of Alabama State Law. You can scroll down and find 4-5 posts about it if this is your first time reading this. The evidence seems convincing that after the 2020 election in 2021, he and his wife began living together in Amory, MS., and no State Agency/Department would take responsibility of interpreting the law and seeing if it was violated. Sad "state" of affairs indeed. Also, the Alabama GOP "dropped the ball" so to speak in following up with a challenge and possible appeal. What's equally sad is that seemingly there are people that work for the County that have no problem with either not getting to the truth of the matter or with the matter itself if it is true. I read on social media recently where someone was asked if they were going to let it go after the election. I don't remember that person's detailed response, but I think he/she said that if Kevin King wins something needs to be done and, even he loses, something should be done so that it is not attempted again. If that was his/her response, I agree.
My wife and I will be voting in about an hour after this post is finished. I understand that things have happened in the past in our County, but this puts another stain on the County we love. I don't know who it would be, it could possibly include me, but something would have to be done if Kevin King should win the election. It seems the only thing that can be done according to some elected officials is a lawsuit with our "after-tax" dollars. If mine were to be partially involved, there'd be a countersuit for legal fees, court costs, and maybe more.
By the time some of you read this, we will know the outcome. But even if Kevin King loses the election, we need to get our State Rep. Tracy Estes to push for more language to make it clear what the intent of the law of not residing outside the district for a County Commissioner is, what agency is responsible for investigating and ruling on such allegations, as well as the responsibility of the Probate Judge and other Commissioners. Because it could happen again here.
Thanks for reading and considering :-).
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