Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Friday, March 8, 2024

Please Join My Gimmie 5 Club

Hi Everyone. Four or five months ago I first wrote and shared about starting a Gimmie 5 Club to help offset some costs and loss of income so I could retire and devote more time to the Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America outreach. I'm looking for constitutional patriots to help support me financially in this endeavor by giving just $5 per month. I'm not looking to try to cover all of the income I lost from my last employer because I do collect social security (I know y'all don't think I look old enough for that, haha). I'm nobody special. I'm not any better than you or anybody else. But I do believe I have a "pulse" on what's going on (not saying I'm a prophet, lol) and have the desire to stick my neck out and do it. I also believe that I go further than almost all of the news and talk show hosts, pundits and talking heads. For those of you that have been watching my videos and reading my articles and blog posts and agree, will you help me please? I believe that helping me is helping "us." I know I don't deserve your financial help, but this is what you would get for $5 per month:

1. Regular monitoring of reputable alternative non-lamestream media news sources about the governmental, constitutional and economic issues facing us.

2. Monthly (currently) Online Patriot Services live and/or recorded through Facebook, and shared to Twitter (X), Rumble, Truth Social, MeWe, Gettr, Substack, and Gab. Will consider going weekly if/when the interest warrants it.

3. Weekly (currently) Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Video Shorts (formerly Gimme 5 Videos) live and/or recorded through Facebook, and shared to Twitter (X), Rumble, Truth Social, MeWe, Gettr, Gab, and Substack. Will consider more often including daily if/when interest warrants it. 

4. Weekly newspaper articles (currently local and have been looking to expand).

5. Sharing these articles and video shorts on this blog as well as other blog posts from time to time.

6. Transitioning to Substack for a broader readership by moving some articles from my Blog and writing more articles. 

7. Regular communication and as needed with state, federal, and sometimes local elected officials, and regularly encouraging others to do the same, through videos, writings, and social media.

8. Talking and writing about things including what can be done, that most if not all news hosts and talking heads won't, to try to keep this constitutional republic if God's willing.

9. Interacting with fellow citizens through the videos, writings and social media to bring about more awareness and get people to think things through more. 

10. Possibly look into starting a Patriotic Christian online radio and/or television station, and/or newspaper or newsletter.

11. Finish writing and updating a book that mixes fiction and these concerning issues facing us. 

12. Speak at churches and various meetings and events.

13. Encourage and help others around the country to have local patriot services/meetings.

14. Spend more time in prayer about these things. 

15. Paid promotions and/or ads of the videos, writings, and outreach. 

In summary, I would be like a government watchdog and activist also encouraging others to activism, and informing, warning and encouraging about the constitutional, governmental and economical dangers facing us through the above-mentioned ways and perhaps more. I know I'm not the only one with these concerns, but I believe I have the life experience, and like I said above, the desire, and have a pulse on what's going on. This outreach is not overtly Christian and biblical, but it does have that foundation, and I do share the gospel through various and occasional writings and videos. I have already paid for promoting the February 2024 Patriot Service and one of the video shorts that month, and plan on doing some more God willing.

So, will you help me and commit to giving to the Gimme 5 Club? I only want you to if you're able. I know there are other groups to give to. Heck, I just sent a few bucks to the Gun Owners of America (they're better than the NRA ;-)). I also don't want you to take it from your committed church giving if you're a Christian. And of course, if you can't do it every month, I'll be thankful for whenever you can :-). 

Right now, PayPal is the only way to give unless you're local and give it to me face to face :-). My email address for PayPal giving is and shouldn't cost anything extra if you use your checking account. Eventually I hope to get a P.O. Box so it can be mailed if you prefer, but they ain't cheap either ;-). Also, this is the last month that subscribing to my Substack account will be free, so that beginning April 1st you can help me by being a paid subscriber to my Substack articles. I'm not saying the articles are all that in of themselves, just another way to help me if you will. Please prayerfully consider if you can spare just 5 bucks a month? Thank you!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Weekly Newspaper Article for 3/6/24 Via Substack

 Please read and share my most recent newspaper article through Substack. I know it's an extra click but I'm trying to broaden the readership through there. Please consider subscribing as well, especially while it's free :-). Thank you!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Trying a Natural Alternative Experimental Treatment

For those of you that have been following my blog posts, you may have read that back in 2011 I was diagnosed with a non-aggressive form of prostate cancer and an enlarged prostate. After prayerful consideration and talking to two Urologists then, I decided against mainstream treatments of chemo, radiation, removal, and freezing, in favor of natural and other medicinal alternative treatments with little to no side effects to deal with both issues separately. I have already written about the cancer issue. If you're interested and can't find it on this blog, feel free to comment and I'll be glad to respond.

It also seems there may be more alternatives for the cancer issue than the enlargement issue. Other than removal, it seems there are limited alternative remedy possibilities for an enlarged prostate. Two alternatives I have been taking orally are Beta Sitosterol and Pumpkin Seed Oil. They don't seem to be doing much. A month or two ago I purchased a bottle of Liquid Pumpkin Seed Oil and yesterday I began what I reckon would be considered an experimental treatment.

I got me a measuring cup and put in the Pumpkin Seed Oil, Natural Vitamin E Liquid, and broke open a Beta Sitosterol soft gel and mixed it up. I then applied and rubbed it generously on the area where my prostate should be and prayed that God would be pleased to use it in His kindness and mercy to shrink it. 

Time will tell if this works. If it doesn't, it could be that sooner or later I'll have to get a doctor to remove it- God willing of course. If you're a praying Christian, will you pray with me please? Thank you, and thanks for reading :-). 

~ Pester Brat/Bret Lovitz/Brother Bret

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Super Tuesday In Little Ole Lamar County Alabama

Well, as I begin this Blog Post, it's Super Tuesday in America. A name for the day of Primary Elections in 13 States in America the first Tuesday in March. Alabama, my State, happens to be one of them. This year in addition to Trump vs. Haley, and Aderholt vs. Holcomb, and others, we also have 2 important elections in my county- incumbent Sharon Nethery vs. David Boyett for Probate Judge and incumbent Kevin King vs. Mitchell Puckett for District 2 County Commissioner.

It's no secret that I have been writing about some allegations against Kevin King that he resides outside of his district in Amory, MS.-a violation of Alabama State Law. You can scroll down and find 4-5 posts about it if this is your first time reading this. The evidence seems convincing that after the 2020 election in 2021, he and his wife began living together in Amory, MS., and no State Agency/Department would take responsibility of interpreting the law and seeing if it was violated. Sad "state" of affairs indeed. Also, the Alabama GOP "dropped the ball" so to speak in following up with a challenge and possible appeal. What's equally sad is that seemingly there are people that work for the County that have no problem with either not getting to the truth of the matter or with the matter itself if it is true. I read on social media recently where someone was asked if they were going to let it go after the election. I don't remember that person's detailed response, but I think he/she said that if Kevin King wins something needs to be done and, even he loses, something should be done so that it is not attempted again. If that was his/her response, I agree. 

My wife and I will be voting in about an hour after this post is finished. I understand that things have happened in the past in our County, but this puts another stain on the County we love. I don't know who it would be, it could possibly include me, but something would have to be done if Kevin King should win the election. It seems the only thing that can be done according to some elected officials is a lawsuit with our "after-tax" dollars. If mine were to be partially involved, there'd be a countersuit for legal fees, court costs, and maybe more. 

By the time some of you read this, we will know the outcome. But even if Kevin King loses the election, we need to get our State Rep. Tracy Estes to push for more language to make it clear what the intent of the law of not residing outside the district for a County Commissioner is, what agency is responsible for investigating and ruling on such allegations, as well as the responsibility of the Probate Judge and other Commissioners. Because it could happen again here.

Thanks for reading and considering :-).

Monday, March 4, 2024

Weekly Video Short for 3/4/24 Via Substack

 If you haven't already, please watch and share :-).