Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important Part 3: The Wonderful World of Politics :-)
Here we go again, huh? I know, I don't have to write about this. But it's therapeutic for me ;-) and hopefully informative for you.
When I say "politics" I'm not referring to our responsibility to vote and communicate with elected officials about current or needful bills and laws. I'm referring to the games people play, speaking out of both sides of their mouth, spinning things (remember Bill O'Reilly's No Spin Zone?) and sometimes just outright lying. Hey, I'm farrrrr from perfect and consider myself "the least of Christians." If the interpretation in the Bible about rewards and loss of rewards for the "saved" (not to get saved) in Heaven is correct, I'll probably be in the bottom group in Glory.
In all that I have written so far about our county officials, it's all about the issues, and we could all be brothers and sisters in Christ. But this post is not just about our county. I'm thinking about all levels of government and political parties. As Senator Rand Paul once said, government is a necessary evil. And I have not always been a two-party guy. I believe it contributes to the degrading of our society and country. Thinking that we should only vote for one of the two major parties and has put us into "lesser of two evils" voting. My word, one day it could be Joseph Stalin vs. Adolph Hitler types and people will say we have to vote for the lesser of those 2 evils that has the best chance to win. Not good! And I don't know about you, but I don't find that to be a biblical concept. But I digress- again :-).
It's really sad that we have to go through this situation with the allegations against the District 2 Commissioner. But it's also sad that no agency or department in the county or state of Alabama will rule on it. Did we think it would never happen with us and all the other border counties being that are close to Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida?
I mean, come on. Some folks are making this harder than it needs to be. If the intent of the law is the primary residence even if they keep an address in their district, then it should be a no-brainer. If the intent of the law is it doesn't matter where the primary residence is as long as they retain an address in their district, then somebody in Alabama needs to rule on it, probably the Chief Elections Officer- the Secretary of State. I, and probably most of us, would not agree with it if the primary residence does not matter as long as they keep an address in their district, and we would have to push to change it. But it should be based on where their primary residence is with their family and where they sleep, and I have already written about that in Parts 1 & 2.
Another thing that is sad is that the Lamar County Republican Party could have decided the matter and declared the District 2 Commissioner ineligible but wouldn't because the allegations were denied. I get the liability concerns, but do we really want to go down that road? If we worry about that with everything that it applies to in life, we would be a skittish, wimpy society. My understanding is that it was also because they would not be able to afford an investigator to verify the allegations. By the way, I'm just going to leave this here: our commissioners' salaries are supposedly over $41k a year (not great these days but not my point) x (times) 4 = over 164k for 4 years. Just sayin' :-).
But another sad thing while I'm writing about our county GOP, is that the committee could have at least asked the Probate Judge and her opponent this year about the situation going backward and forward. The candidate forum was Feb. 6th and my understanding is that it was one of the citizen's questions and therefore would have kept the spotlight off the local party, but it wasn't asked.
So, the county GOP decided to defer the challenge against the District 2 Commissioner allegations to the state GOP. Someone at the state GOP said they can't remember at first, then called the county GOP, then said they thought the county took care of it, then said that it's too late for an appeal. All people, parties, agencies and departments, are pushing this stuff into a potential lawsuit, which sadly, is what was told to some folks in the past was the only way to get this issue resolved. Well if it isn't resolved at the March 5th election, I'm not saying I would be the one to do it, but I would recommend dealing with all involved, including court costs and attorney fees in addition to about $164k. I do hope March 5th will resolve this so we can move on with the serious issues facing our country, which brings me to the state...
Part of my Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America outreach is to stay in communication with our elected officials. Depending on the official, this can be by text, email, website, phone call, in person, and if you want to keep our way of life and constitutional republic, "a whole lotta mo" (Clubber Lang in Rocky III) better be communicating. Case in point: Recently I contacted a state official about a report saying that the ATF is planning to regulate private gun sales and require background checks and that our current gun restriction nullification law doesn't cover it (only presidential executive orders). We ended up having a bit of a discussion that included this person telling me he would be shocked if they could get anything like that this session because of 4-7 other issues. I get it, they can be busy. They really do need some help. This administration especially, but even other administrations in the federal government will be relentless on unconstitutional and bad economical policies, etc. So if they are too busy to deal with this one for example and it passes and stays, all of a sudden law abiding citizens will be subject to background checks (a 2nd Amendment infringement) and anyone buying or selling with private parties becomes a criminal.
Look, I'm not suggesting that local issues are not important. Bridges, quality of water, roads, and more, are important and the main focus for our local elected officials. I have lost count how many times I've said it, but our local elected officials MUST also pay attention to what the federal government is doing and protect us from unconstitutional actions and spending our tax dollars into oblivion. Our state, our county, our cities and towns, our communities, our churches, and our families, MUST all work towards self-sufficiency at each level. Unless we end up a socialist country, things are going to get verrryyy bad! And when it comes to unconstitutional federal actions, do you know who it falls to next if our state government doesn't protect our constitutionally protected rights? Our county commissioners and sheriff! And if they wouldn't do it, it falls on city and town councils and the chief of police?
See where I'm going with this? See the concern? Let's stop "playing" politics and games. Let's get the county commissioner allegations issue resolved and behind us. Because if we don't or can't do anything about the current direction of our country, we may not be able to even handle our roads, water, bridges, etc. problems.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Please share it if you agree. Also, if you re not already my "Facebook friend" on my "Bret Pester Brat Lovitz" and "Pester Brat" pages, please send me a "friend request." My "Pester Brat" page is public so you can just "follow" that one. I post a lot of information and discuss a lot of things on those 2 pages.
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