My weekly video short through Rumble and Substack. Please watch and share. Thanks!
The Blog for Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America of which Pester Brat is the Founder and Director. This is the place for all things Pester Brat ;-) including but not limited to his Weekly Video Shorts, Weekly Newspaper Columns, Monthly Patriot Services for Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship, Mr. B's C Away Outreach using vitamins and natural alternatives to battle Cancer and more, and personal and various others posts from time to time.
Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Weekly Newspaper Article Share Via Substack 2/14/24
Hi All. Beginning with this week's newspaper article, I will be posting them on my Substack page and sharing the link here unless it is an article meant for local folks. Thank you in advance, please work with me as I look to expand my articles and writings. ~ Pester Brat
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important Pt. 4: Possible Evidence & More Info
In Part 4 of this series, I think it would be wise to share some potential evidence of the Lamar County District 2 Commissioner's allegation of his primary residence being outside of his District, and in this case, Amory Mississippi. Since my last post about this, there have been comments that more people need to know about this. I encourage the readers who are able, to share this and any of my other posts about it through social media, word of mouth, or by printing and passing it out. Especially those that live in District 2 since they are the only ones that can vote there of course. I can't remember for sure, but I believe that covers Detroit and most of Sulligent? But all of Lamar County should be concerned about it because Commissioners vote on issues pertaining to the whole County. As I recently commented to someone, it's a shame that the County or State GOP, or even one of the State agencies would not rule on this issue. As far as I'm concerned, the other Commissioners, Probate Judge, our State Representative, our State Senator, our Secretary of State as Chief Elections Officer, our Attorney General, and the Alabama Ethics Commission, all share responsibility for this to one degree or another for not investigating the allegations and trying to do more. It's pitiful, really!
But before I share the possible evidence, here is what sentences 2-4 says in the Alabama Code Title 11- A: "In counties where the county commissioners represent a certain district, any person seeking office as county commissioner shall be a qualified elector of and reside within the district which he or she seeks to represent upon election or appointment for at least one year prior to the date that he or she would take office. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the one-year residency requirement provided above shall not apply to the first election following any redistricting of county commission districts in a county. Any person serving as county commissioner, at all times while in office, shall meet the qualified elector and residency requirements set out herein, and in the case of a district commissioner shall reside in the district as it existed at the time of his or her election."
Now, here is what the Merriam-Webster dictionary says:
1a: to be in residence as the incumbent of a benefice or office
b: to dwell permanently or continuously : occupy a place as one's legal domicile
Monday, February 12, 2024
Friday, February 9, 2024
Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important Part 3: The Wonderful World of Politics :-)
Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important Part 3: The Wonderful World of Politics :-)
Here we go again, huh? I know, I don't have to write about this. But it's therapeutic for me ;-) and hopefully informative for you.
When I say "politics" I'm not referring to our responsibility to vote and communicate with elected officials about current or needful bills and laws. I'm referring to the games people play, speaking out of both sides of their mouth, spinning things (remember Bill O'Reilly's No Spin Zone?) and sometimes just outright lying. Hey, I'm farrrrr from perfect and consider myself "the least of Christians." If the interpretation in the Bible about rewards and loss of rewards for the "saved" (not to get saved) in Heaven is correct, I'll probably be in the bottom group in Glory.
In all that I have written so far about our county officials, it's all about the issues, and we could all be brothers and sisters in Christ. But this post is not just about our county. I'm thinking about all levels of government and political parties. As Senator Rand Paul once said, government is a necessary evil. And I have not always been a two-party guy. I believe it contributes to the degrading of our society and country. Thinking that we should only vote for one of the two major parties and has put us into "lesser of two evils" voting. My word, one day it could be Joseph Stalin vs. Adolph Hitler types and people will say we have to vote for the lesser of those 2 evils that has the best chance to win. Not good! And I don't know about you, but I don't find that to be a biblical concept. But I digress- again :-).
It's really sad that we have to go through this situation with the allegations against the District 2 Commissioner. But it's also sad that no agency or department in the county or state of Alabama will rule on it. Did we think it would never happen with us and all the other border counties being that are close to Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida?
I mean, come on. Some folks are making this harder than it needs to be. If the intent of the law is the primary residence even if they keep an address in their district, then it should be a no-brainer. If the intent of the law is it doesn't matter where the primary residence is as long as they retain an address in their district, then somebody in Alabama needs to rule on it, probably the Chief Elections Officer- the Secretary of State. I, and probably most of us, would not agree with it if the primary residence does not matter as long as they keep an address in their district, and we would have to push to change it. But it should be based on where their primary residence is with their family and where they sleep, and I have already written about that in Parts 1 & 2.
Another thing that is sad is that the Lamar County Republican Party could have decided the matter and declared the District 2 Commissioner ineligible but wouldn't because the allegations were denied. I get the liability concerns, but do we really want to go down that road? If we worry about that with everything that it applies to in life, we would be a skittish, wimpy society. My understanding is that it was also because they would not be able to afford an investigator to verify the allegations. By the way, I'm just going to leave this here: our commissioners' salaries are supposedly over $41k a year (not great these days but not my point) x (times) 4 = over 164k for 4 years. Just sayin' :-).
But another sad thing while I'm writing about our county GOP, is that the committee could have at least asked the Probate Judge and her opponent this year about the situation going backward and forward. The candidate forum was Feb. 6th and my understanding is that it was one of the citizen's questions and therefore would have kept the spotlight off the local party, but it wasn't asked.
So, the county GOP decided to defer the challenge against the District 2 Commissioner allegations to the state GOP. Someone at the state GOP said they can't remember at first, then called the county GOP, then said they thought the county took care of it, then said that it's too late for an appeal. All people, parties, agencies and departments, are pushing this stuff into a potential lawsuit, which sadly, is what was told to some folks in the past was the only way to get this issue resolved. Well if it isn't resolved at the March 5th election, I'm not saying I would be the one to do it, but I would recommend dealing with all involved, including court costs and attorney fees in addition to about $164k. I do hope March 5th will resolve this so we can move on with the serious issues facing our country, which brings me to the state...
Part of my Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America outreach is to stay in communication with our elected officials. Depending on the official, this can be by text, email, website, phone call, in person, and if you want to keep our way of life and constitutional republic, "a whole lotta mo" (Clubber Lang in Rocky III) better be communicating. Case in point: Recently I contacted a state official about a report saying that the ATF is planning to regulate private gun sales and require background checks and that our current gun restriction nullification law doesn't cover it (only presidential executive orders). We ended up having a bit of a discussion that included this person telling me he would be shocked if they could get anything like that this session because of 4-7 other issues. I get it, they can be busy. They really do need some help. This administration especially, but even other administrations in the federal government will be relentless on unconstitutional and bad economical policies, etc. So if they are too busy to deal with this one for example and it passes and stays, all of a sudden law abiding citizens will be subject to background checks (a 2nd Amendment infringement) and anyone buying or selling with private parties becomes a criminal.
Look, I'm not suggesting that local issues are not important. Bridges, quality of water, roads, and more, are important and the main focus for our local elected officials. I have lost count how many times I've said it, but our local elected officials MUST also pay attention to what the federal government is doing and protect us from unconstitutional actions and spending our tax dollars into oblivion. Our state, our county, our cities and towns, our communities, our churches, and our families, MUST all work towards self-sufficiency at each level. Unless we end up a socialist country, things are going to get verrryyy bad! And when it comes to unconstitutional federal actions, do you know who it falls to next if our state government doesn't protect our constitutionally protected rights? Our county commissioners and sheriff! And if they wouldn't do it, it falls on city and town councils and the chief of police?
See where I'm going with this? See the concern? Let's stop "playing" politics and games. Let's get the county commissioner allegations issue resolved and behind us. Because if we don't or can't do anything about the current direction of our country, we may not be able to even handle our roads, water, bridges, etc. problems.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Please share it if you agree. Also, if you re not already my "Facebook friend" on my "Bret Pester Brat Lovitz" and "Pester Brat" pages, please send me a "friend request." My "Pester Brat" page is public so you can just "follow" that one. I post a lot of information and discuss a lot of things on those 2 pages.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Weekly Newspaper Article 2/7/24
Texas vs. the Federal Government vs. the Constitution
Have you ever lived in or been to Texas? I have never lived there, but I have visited 4 times in my life. My Dad lived there for 3 years before he passed away in 1980. Also, my Uncle has lived in the Mission/McAllen Texas area for almost 20 years now. His wife and her family are Hispanic and most if not all of them are against illegal immigration and what is happening at the southern border. God willing we will be visiting my Uncle later this year.
Of course Texas is our second biggest state and has a conservative majority. They, like Alabama, still have their issues. After all, Houston, Dallas and San Antonio have over a million people each with Austin close to it. They've been able to have constitutionally minded governors including the current Governor Greg Abbott. While in my opinion he waited too long, he and the state legislature finally decided enough is enough regarding the invasion at the southern border, especially in Texas, and are doing what the Biden Administration won't do. In addition, 25 states have gone on record in support of them with some of them sending national guard troops to help with the border crisis. I had already decided to write about this, but then came across this social media meme quote today that says: "Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think we would have to fight with our own country for the security of our own country" ~ unknown. Yet, our founders did put some checks and balances in the Constitution to help when the Federal Government goes beyond their constitutional restrictions or doesn't do what it says. Remember, the U.S. Constitution was put together by the several states to restrict the Federal Government, not the people. From a biblical perspective, it seems the Constitution is the final governing authority since our country is a Constitutional Republic.
So, not only do the rights belong to the people and states according to the 9th & 10th Amendments when the U.S. Constitution is silent, we have 2 other places that address the problem with the Federal Government and Texas regarding the southern border there. As I've written before, Based on Article 4 Section 4, the Federal Government is supposed to protect what's happening at the southern border. But they not only haven't been doing that, they have been doing the opposite. Article 1 Section 10 Clause 3 allows the states to protect their citizens as, and that's what Texas is doing. Trump-appointed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett sided with 4 others in a 5-4 vote saying the Federal Government has the right to cut down the razor wire Texas has been using to help stop the illegals from crossing, but Texas has been continuing to put it up. Folks, this could easily escalate into another civil war if the Federal Government doesn't back down.
So, we have this situation, Ukraine & Russia, Yemen & Iran, China & Taiwan, North Korea, Drugs & Criminals and Terrorists that have been crossing the Southern Border, a corrupt President with a cognitive disorder, an incompetent Vice President, and an over 34 trillion dollar national debt along with rapid inflation. Have I forgotten anything? What more could a country ask for :-( ?
Remember Christians, as the hymn says "this world is not our home..." But Scripture says we are to occupy 'till Jesus comes [again] and that God has ordained our boundaries. Remember the Tower of Babel and confounding of languages? I hope you are paid up (in Christ and His sacrificial death and resurrection for payment of your sins), prayed up, and stocked up. If the Lord's return isn't for a while, it could get pretty rough. But what if millions would pray and rise up to put a stop to these various shananagans? It could happen, if it's God's will. It starts with you. And remember, it'll take more than voting every 2-4 years. Email me and I'll tell you how. Hopefully I'll see ya next week.
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots & national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Truth Social, Gettr, MeWe, Gab: Pester Brat.
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Weekly Newspaper Article 1/31/24 ***Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important? Part 2
***This is essentially the same as the Blog Post with the same title. Just condensed for the newspaper (still long though) and modified some.
Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important? Part 2
Do you have a few minutes? This will be a longer article. Sadly, I guess this issue will not go away if and until the District 2 County Commissioner is not re-elected this year. Part 1 was in the 11/15/23 edition of this paper. I appreciate them publishing my articles. Please buy their paper to show your support and appreciation.
As I've mentioned before, I haven't been in Lamar County long. Just reached the 3 year mark on January 1st. My wife having some family in the area and the lower cost of living (at the time at least), brought us here.
Since we're a small rural county, it's a little easier reaching out with my Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America outreach. I'm certainly nobody special. Just a regular guy with various and certain life experiences, and a desire to be used of the Lord regarding our temporary home and keeping our constitutional republic if it's His will. But this and more has also gotten me involved with the issue of the District 2 Commissioner allegedly having his primary residence with his wife outside of the District in Amory Mississippi. I don't pursue this issue callously and without prayer. State law says the County Commissioner must reside in his district, and the normal interpretation of that is where they actually live and sleep. As citizens, does that mean we're supposed to just ignore it itself or when said commissioner denies the allegations? Is it a sin or "un-Christian" to try to find out if the allegations are true and what can be done about it (as someone in the county implied through a Facebook post last year)? Shouldn't all measures to find out if the allegations are true, and if so, this person be declared ineligible, be exhausted? The answer to those 3 rhetorical questions are no, no, and yes, and I hope y'all agree. It's not "wrong" to try to get this situation straightened out. If anything, it's "wrong" to think there's nothing "wrong" if an Alabama County Commissioner is residing outside of his district or at least trying to find out more when you hear about it. And that includes any other elected officials, whether county or any of the cities in the county. Should the other Commissioners and Probate Judge have tried to do more to find out about the situation, and if it's true, try to get him to step down? Again, I hope you'll agree that they should. By the way, the Lamar County GOP is hosting a candidate forum on Feb. 6, 2024 at 6:00PM. It would be a good time to talk to the candidates about this situation as well. Please plan to attend and spread the word :-).
I've had the privilege of having my articles in 2 of our local newspapers. One of them (not this one), started printing my articles in July of 2023. In November 2023, when I submitted my article "Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important?" I was told they would run it as a Letter to the Editor but not as my weekly article. On Dec. 27, 2023, after not seeing my article in that day's edition, when I asked why first, I was told that they would no longer be printing my article. After several attempts asking, I was not told why. It just left me assuming that it was censorship of some sort similar to what happened to President Trump and supporters before and after the 2020 general election ;-). Where is that newspaper located? Looks like Sulligent! Where is District 2? Where does the Probate Judge live? What about the other newspaper in Vernon? Do they care about the truth?
But here's a basic order of my knowledge of events: ;-)
1. Found out in early to mid 2022 that it was believed that the District 2 Commissioner lived outside of his District. 2. I shared information about it on my national outreach Facebook page in July 2022 and there was a reply saying that the only recourse is a civil lawsuit. 3. In August 2022, the District 2 Commissioner came into the Lamar County Tag Office and renewed his tags. I asked him where he lives and he said Lamar County and that's why he was renewing his tags in there. No mention of a second or primary residence outside of District 2 (If he does have a primary residence outside of his District, doesn't his response contribute to the deception? I wish I would have thought to be more specific with my question). 4. Wrote about it on my Blog on 9/25/22 that was also shared to my national outreach Facebook page. 5. Contacted the Ethics Commission sometime in 2023 and was told this kind of situation was not in their area of responsibility. 6. Contacted the Secretary of State's office on 8/28/23 and received a reply the next day from their Deputy General Counsel basically saying to contact the Ethics Commission (see above), Attorney General's office, contact law enforcement to pursue an investigation of suspected criminal violations, report suspected criminal activity to ALEA, or hire a private lawyer. 7. In 11/2023 the current District 2 Commissioner applied to qualify to run again for the same position. 8. In 11/2023 the Lamar County AL Republican Party received a challenge to District 2 Commissioners eligibility to run again for the position. 9. In 11/2023 this newspaper published my weekly article dealing with the issue. 10. On 1/3/2024 my article in this newspaper mentioned the issue in 2 of the 14 things I would like to see happen in 2024 :-). 11. On 1/8 & 1/9/2024 communicated with the Alabama Republican Party only to find out that nothing more will be done by them because of a communication breakdown including not knowing that an appeal had to be filed that wasn't. 12. Attended the Lamar County AL Republican Meeting on 1/9/2024. The District 2 Commissioner was not there and I've been told on more than one occasion that he has been to no more than one if any meetings since his re-election in 2020. 13. Carefully :-) working on this article since about 1/5/2024.
There's an old hard rock song with a chorus that says: "Is anybody out there, anybody there, does anybody wonder, does anybody care" (of course it's talking about something else, but I have been applying it to my outreach and now this). I think so. I hope so. A silent majority perhaps? I came in the middle or maybe the tail end of this saga. It's not about trying to hurt somebody. It's not about winning. I don't relish doing this! It's about the rule of law- state law. It's about trying to do the right thing with this. If this issue about the District 2 Commissioner is true, even now I just wish he would withdraw his re-election bid. Also, if it's true, he could just move his primary residence, wife and family to Lamar County. But should he continue in his position after this allegation if it's indeed true?
Here's more based on information I obtained or was given to me: 1. The District 2 Commissioner and his now wife were engaged around Nov. 2020. 2. A picture of the District 2 Commissioner and his wife that says they are officially homeowners from March 2021. 3. Screenshots of anniversary or birthday wishes showing his wife with his same last name. 4. Screenshot of his wife's page showing a different last name that seems to have been changed in the last month or two. 5. Screenshot from August 2022 of his wife's social media page showing both of them in a profile picture and that she lives in Amory MS. 6. A paper that says "Property Link Monroe County, MS" that shows the District 2 Commissioner as the owner of an address and property in Amory, MS and that taxes were paid on, as of 11/15/23. This is public information. 7. Profile and Cover Photos for the District 2 Commissioner changed to pictures of just him recently. Why?
Look, I can only imagine that being a County Commissioner is a thankless job. I would also imagine it's even harder in a small rural county like ours. I wouldn't be qualified to be a Commissioner in our county due to having to be more "hands on" with the dirt roads, etc. For all I know, the District 2 Commissioner may be doing a great job. But rules are rules. I would rather none of this happened. I would rather that the District 2 Commissioner didn't run for reelection in 2020 or stepped down when he allegedly decided to move his primary residence outside of his District. As I have said repeatedly, it's nothing personal. I get that it's easy for me to say that and that he and some others may be taking it personal, but again, rules are rules, or maybe better, laws are laws. I am not any better than him or anyone else. Since I have only been here for 3 years, I don't even know for sure if his opponent will do a better job ;-) (I don't know him but I hear he would be a good Commissioner and was once before). I wish the hopefully outgoing current District 2 Commissioner and his family the best. If you live in District 2, should you vote for him in light of this alleged situation itself? By the way, in case you don't already know, the District 4 Commissioner doesn't have opposition, but the Probate Judge does.
Sure is a lot of drama, huh? Maybe you're thinking "well, you're not helping any." Perhaps. But again, are we supposed to just let this issue go? It looks like that either the District 2 County Commissioner has been living outside of his district with his wife in Amory, MS for almost 3 years while still owning a place in his district (likely?), or he has been living separate from his wife for almost 3 years while living in his district (unlikely?). All I and others (I'm not in this alone, but I'm a writer that can help get the info out) want is the truth and the right thing done based on the truth. "District 2 Commissioner? How about coming out to the Feb. 6th Lamar County Republican Party Candidate Forum, and explain it all to us please? Or maybe at the public Commission Meeting? After all, citizens' county taxes have paid your salary for almost 4 years while there's good reason for us to believe you may have lived with your wife in MS. And you also vote on matters pertaining to the whole county." Can we get this resolved and behind us so we can concentrate on much more serious matters in our country that will likely affect our state, county and cities drastically? Can we get our other 3 Commissioners and Probate Judge to help? Mayors? City Councils? Others?
I hope that you will prayerfully consider what I have shared and what you should do. And when it's all said and done, not my/our will, but God's will be done. Feel free to email me with any questions. Thanks everyone!
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots & national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America, and a tax paying Lamar County citizen. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble: Pester Brat.