Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Weekly Newspaper Columns- 7/12/23 "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?"

The following article appeared in two of our local newspapers on 7/12. If you agree and are as concerned as I am, please try get them in your local newspaper too. 

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?

Can we still say that? I mean, think about it. Are we still the land of the free? Are we still the home of the brave?

I don't think there's much "bravery" relatively speaking when it comes to various things happening in the United STATES of America. We let them steal an election, and treat the rally and protest on 1/6/21 like an insurrection. We've been letting them flood our southern border, run up the national debt that's now at 32 trillion 333 billion dollars as of July 5th, not to forget all of the unconstitutional censorship in various media. 

In this column, I would like to begin touching on the problem of censorship in our country. Censorship (regulation of speech against the 1st Amendment) exists in Google, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and more. Generally the lamestream, oops, mainstream media cover for the Democratic Party and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) by spinning or slanting some news, not even reporting some news, and even at times lying about some news. 

If you consider yourself a conservative, constitutionist, christian, or the like, there are numerous alternatives you can get news from. If you use the internet or social media, many of these news sources are on there. Some of you may have to settle for the Fox News Channel if you don't have access to anything else. If you do, here are a few others: Newsmax, OANN, Washington Examiner, Western Journal, Breitbart News, New York Post, Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, etc.), Epoch Times, The Blaze (Glenn Beck), Turning Point (Charlie Kirk), Yellowhammer News (Alabama), 1819 News (Alabama), and more. Look, you don't even have to like them or agree with them, but if you only watch the mainstream media news, you are going to miss or not accurately get some very important news. I challenge you to see how much the mainstream media news is not even reporting. But here's the thing, even these news outlets don't do enough. Oh, they may accurately inform us of what's going on, but they don't talk about what we can do about it. I call it "whining on the news and social media." I and a few others talk about more and what can be done. For example, I have not even heard or read about one of these sources talk about the 10th Amendment principle of State Nullification of federal unconstitutional acts. 

The war seems to be more at home in our country than with our enemies abroad. Both are dangerous and both are important. To be brave now is more than being willing to go to fight for our country abroad, it is also, and maybe more-so, being willing to fight to keep our country- our constitutional republic. Have discussions with your neighbors, co-workers, friends and family. Stay in contact with your elected officials at all levels. Be willing to protest and rally when and where necessary. Talk to our police officers about defending the constitution which includes refusing to obey unconstitutional orders. Use Rumble instead of You Tube, GOA (Gun Owners of America) instead of the NRA, AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens) instead of the AARP, FreeSpoke instead of Google, etc. Tell Facebook you won't support their advertisers, get off altogether or switch to MeWe or others (yes I'm still on there because of their live feed and recording feature). Truth Social is compares to Twitter although Twitter has gotten better since Elon Musk bought them. Then there's sadly the worst case scenario if we're brave enough to keep saying no to unconstitutional acts, or try to alter or abolish the federal government (see the Declaration of Independence). Are you one of the brave to try to keep our land of the free until Christ's return?

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble, email him at, or meet him sometime somewhere for a drink. 

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