The Blog for Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America of which Pester Brat is the Founder and Director. This is the place for all things Pester Brat ;-) including but not limited to his Weekly Video Shorts, Weekly Newspaper Columns, Monthly Patriot Services for Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship, Mr. B's C Away Outreach using vitamins and natural alternatives to battle Cancer and more, and personal and various others posts from time to time.
Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship
Monday, July 31, 2023
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Weekly Newspaper Columns- 7/26/23 "Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States"
Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States
There have been 13 Presidents during my lifetime from Eisenhower to O'Biden, oops, Biden. As we know, John F. Kennedy was assassinated and Ronald Reagan was also shot but survived. We have also had a father and son be President during my lifetime (the Bush's) with only one in between them (Bill Clinton). We've had a former actor turned Governor (again, Ronald Reagan), and a businessman with a controversial past (Donald Trump) become President, that I believe were the 2 best Presidents in my lifetime so far. We've had 2 Presidents impeached (Bill Clinton and Donald Trump) and a 3rd President (Richard Nixon) that likely would have been impeached over the Watergate Scandal but resigned before that could happen. One President (Gerald Ford) was never elected but was appointed Vice President when Agnew resigned and President when Nixon resigned. In 2008 the first black man was elected President of the United States and in 2020 the first black woman became Vice President of the United States. So, there's a little history lesson that most of you probably knew :-). So, what's old Pester Brat getting at?
Not to discount the 44th President- Barrack "Hussein" Obama, the controversy (to say the least) that we have seen with the 45th and 46th Presidents, have been nothing short of horrendous. It seems that "the Left" felt like Donald J. Trump was a traitor to their leftist lunatic ways and seemed to underestimate his chance of winning the 2016 election. Then accomplishing even more than Reagan accomplished, especially considering what he was up against at the time, and after Obama radically changed "the Left," they impeached Trump twice without cause. Then "they" used a combination of censorship, slanted reporting and sometimes outright lies, voting fraud, and various forms of cheating, to make it look like a corrupt former Vice President and man that had (and still has) cognitive issues attained 81 million votes and become the 46th President of the United States. Then they went after MAGA Man because of a comment he made that may not have been the wisest, but certainly not wrong itself, and accused him of inciting an insurrection that didn't even happen. Then the 46th President O'Biden (because Old Joe can't do it due to his Dementia or other cognitive disorder, so it could be Obama or Jill Biden or Kamala Harris (?lol), who practically campaigned from the basement because of his cognitive disorder, undoes Trump's accomplishments at the southern border, the trade deficit, and other things, and gets passed 2 major spending bills costing trillions of dollars. I don't even have space to talk about Ukraine.
Sounding like a broken record again, we are losing our country folks. Let's stop hiding behind Christianity, political correctness, false tolerance, busy-ness, and fear. This constitutional republic is what our sovereign Lord gave us. The constitution is our governing authority, not any ole thing the 46th POTUS wants to do to destroy of country.
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble, watch his thrice annual patriot services and weekly Gimme 5 Videos on the same, and worship with him and talk to him at Calvary Baptist Church in Vernon. You can email him with comments and questions at
Monday, July 24, 2023
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Weekly Newspaper Columns 7/19/23 "A Penny for Your Thoughts"
A Penny for Your Thoughts?
These days, if I said that phrase in the title to you, you should say "more like a grand for your thoughts" Even if we're able to keep the federal government from destroying the Constitution (and the apparent apathy about that is very concerning), the economic path we're on will still destroy us.
I loved basic Math in Junior and Senior High School (not Algebra, Geometry or Trigonometry though). It doesn't take an Accountant or Math Genuis to figure out why prices are soaring and what inflation is. People just aren't paying attention. Uncle Sam spends more than they bring in from taxpayers causing the value of the dollar to go down and the prices to go up. BULLETIN!!! Prices aren't going to go back down people! The best we can do is to keep prices where they are, and to do that, the federal government would have to stop spending more than they take in. And the only way that's going to happen is if "we the people" make them do it.
I was born in 1958. Since that year, inflation has gone up an average of 3.69% per year until now. The cumulative price increase is 952.34% folks, which is about 10 1/2 times higher than that year. Did you know that there wasn't even a federal income tax until Feb. 1913? Did you know that the National Debt has gone up about 3.5 TRILLION dollars since Nov. 25, 2021? Did you know that currently the National Debt is almost 32.5 TRILLION dollars and that it comes to about $97,000 per citizen which includes our children and grandchildren? Did you know that China owns the biggest portion of our bond debt? Did you know that the FedNow digital payment system started this month and is likely a foot in the door for digital currency that could lead to government control of our finances? Did you know that the Constitution talks about Congress coining money, and that the U.S. Mint is a government agency but the Federal Reserve is not and therefore arguably not constitutional? Did you know that the Constitution has the 10th Amendment which gives States, Counties and Cities the right to nullify unconstitutional federal actions? Did you know that by the grace of God there are things that "we the people" including the Church can and must do, and that is much more than just voting every 2 years?
So let's just all keep enjoying our sports and recreation, stay uninvolved, and keep whining about how much prices are going up until one day it's too late and wonder what happened. I mean, after all, we know for sure that Jesus will come back before anything like that happens to our country, right? Be careful with that fellow Christian. Don't get lost in the sea of distraction and one day wish you listened to a small handful of people including that guy Pester Brat that wrote articles in the local newspaper.
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble, watch his thrice annual patriot services and weekly Gimme 5 Videos on the same, and meet him sometime somewhere for a drink. You can email him with comments and questions at
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Weekly Newspaper Columns- 7/12/23 "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?"
The following article appeared in two of our local newspapers on 7/12. If you agree and are as concerned as I am, please try get them in your local newspaper too.
Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?
Can we still say that? I mean, think about it. Are we still the land of the free? Are we still the home of the brave?
I don't think there's much "bravery" relatively speaking when it comes to various things happening in the United STATES of America. We let them steal an election, and treat the rally and protest on 1/6/21 like an insurrection. We've been letting them flood our southern border, run up the national debt that's now at 32 trillion 333 billion dollars as of July 5th, not to forget all of the unconstitutional censorship in various media.
In this column, I would like to begin touching on the problem of censorship in our country. Censorship (regulation of speech against the 1st Amendment) exists in Google, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and more. Generally the lamestream, oops, mainstream media cover for the Democratic Party and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) by spinning or slanting some news, not even reporting some news, and even at times lying about some news.
If you consider yourself a conservative, constitutionist, christian, or the like, there are numerous alternatives you can get news from. If you use the internet or social media, many of these news sources are on there. Some of you may have to settle for the Fox News Channel if you don't have access to anything else. If you do, here are a few others: Newsmax, OANN, Washington Examiner, Western Journal, Breitbart News, New York Post, Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, etc.), Epoch Times, The Blaze (Glenn Beck), Turning Point (Charlie Kirk), Yellowhammer News (Alabama), 1819 News (Alabama), and more. Look, you don't even have to like them or agree with them, but if you only watch the mainstream media news, you are going to miss or not accurately get some very important news. I challenge you to see how much the mainstream media news is not even reporting. But here's the thing, even these news outlets don't do enough. Oh, they may accurately inform us of what's going on, but they don't talk about what we can do about it. I call it "whining on the news and social media." I and a few others talk about more and what can be done. For example, I have not even heard or read about one of these sources talk about the 10th Amendment principle of State Nullification of federal unconstitutional acts.
The war seems to be more at home in our country than with our enemies abroad. Both are dangerous and both are important. To be brave now is more than being willing to go to fight for our country abroad, it is also, and maybe more-so, being willing to fight to keep our country- our constitutional republic. Have discussions with your neighbors, co-workers, friends and family. Stay in contact with your elected officials at all levels. Be willing to protest and rally when and where necessary. Talk to our police officers about defending the constitution which includes refusing to obey unconstitutional orders. Use Rumble instead of You Tube, GOA (Gun Owners of America) instead of the NRA, AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens) instead of the AARP, FreeSpoke instead of Google, etc. Tell Facebook you won't support their advertisers, get off altogether or switch to MeWe or others (yes I'm still on there because of their live feed and recording feature). Truth Social is compares to Twitter although Twitter has gotten better since Elon Musk bought them. Then there's sadly the worst case scenario if we're brave enough to keep saying no to unconstitutional acts, or try to alter or abolish the federal government (see the Declaration of Independence). Are you one of the brave to try to keep our land of the free until Christ's return?
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble, email him at, or meet him sometime somewhere for a drink.
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Weekly Newspaper Columns for 7/5/23 "Freeeedommm"
I can still hear Mel Gibson as William Wallace in the Braveheart movie yell that word just before he is executed. It would be a movie worth watching for the first time or again. Be aware of some bad language and a bad scene or two. Definitely not something young children should watch. Another Mel Gibson movie worth watching that may be even more applicable is The Patriot. Check them out.
Do we value the freedom we have left in our country? What are we willing to do to protect those freedoms if, or should I say "when" it gets to that point? That doesn't mean we're not in a battle now! Hopefully you're reading this article the day after we celebrated Independence Day. It's probably our most important holiday now (we celebrate the birth and resurrection of Christ all year long). If it was possible, our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves. Not just because of what the government has been doing, but also because of the lack of action by so many citizens. So for now it's about trying to keep "the government" from chipping away at our constitutional rights. We need to constantly communicate with our elected officials at all levels, and talk with people we know- not just here but in other states about it; protest, and vote for the most biblical and constitutional candidates running for office. We need to pressure our state and county officials about the 10th amendment principle of Nullification. Need I remind you the there is a 2023 Assault Weapons Ban bill in committee (S.25), and ATF rule changes that began June 1st banning certain pistol braces and wanting registration of certain so-called assault weapons? For those that have been reading my columns, do you think I'm being too repetitive? We need constant reminding, and there's hopefully new readers every week too. So Uncle Sam wants to take our guns, while crime is generally increasing, and terrorists and criminals have been crossing the southern border. You can't make this idiotic stuff up folks. Banning guns from law abiding citizens is as stupid as banning vehicles because of drunk drivers.
The most important freedom though, is to be free from the burden and eternal consequences of sin. The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ lived a perfect sinless life, died on the cross, and rose again from the dead, to pay the penalty of sins of those who are born again and believe. But God in His sovereignty also gave us this constitutional republic that comes with the freedoms we have enjoyed. Do you want to keep it? Happy "Independence" Day!
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots. He's been a local television and radio talk show host, and a pastor. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Rumble, email him at, talk to him at Calvary Baptist Church of Vernon most Sundays at 10:30 AM and Wednesdays at 6:30 PM, or meet him sometime somewhere for a drink.
Monday, July 3, 2023
Pester Brat's Special Independence Day Edition Gimme 5 Video: 7/3/23
I should have thought of posting my Gimme 5 Videos on here a long time ago. Oh well, maybe I'll catch up ;-) :-).
I hope you'll watch/listen, consider, and tell others.
~ Pester Brat