Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

EIP 3: Another Stimulus

 So nice of our federal government to do us a huge favor and give us a few crumbs from a table they don't even own anymore. I haven't posted much at all in recent years, but if you're reading my blog posts you can tell that "I'm ba-aaack" :-). 

I still have not fully decided about former (many believe he still should be) POTUS Trump's motives in his role in dealing with the supposed COVID-19 pandemic. It seems like in the very beginning he didn't believe it warranted doing what they ended up doing, but then shortly after acted perhaps due to pressure because of the WHO and CDC. But it still rightly wasn't mandated. However most of the States wrongly did mandate various unconstitutional restrictions as we all know.

In my opinion, the only people that should have gotten or get a stimulus check are people who were working and lost jobs or hours because of the state government restrictions. Those of us that didn't lose hours or jobs shouldn't have gotten or get one. Now, I guess, as one person mentioned to me on social media, that makes me a hypocrite. I didn't cut up or send back my checks. Should I do it on principle? Will it make a difference? 

What I do recommend though is that as much as possible we (especially those of us that were still working) use the stimulus money to pay off or down on things that would matter in a major economic collapse: This EIP will bring the national debt up to about 30 Trillion Dollars! Mortgage, vehicle loan, property tax, generator, stock up on water and short and long shelf life food if you can't live off of the land. Use that money wisely. 

Just food for thought.

~ Pester Brat ~

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