Good Morning:
I'm up early today. Because I have worked nights so much, I'm usually up until 2 or 3am and get up around 10 or 11am. I have a Hiatal Hernia and GERD so some times, like this morning, I get up early. But I do have a job interview this morning as well.
I like to repeat two motto's that I have regarding this ministry and blog: 1) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, pray for God's will to be done; 2) I would rather be a fool for preparing for the worst and nothing happen, than to be a fool for not preparing for the worst and something does happen.
One aspect if this ministry and overall idea of planning for an economic collapse and whether an EMP will accompany that, is if we are out and about somewhere if/when an EMP event happens. Now an EMP event may not happen with an economic collapse, but if it happens it would likely contribute to one. An EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) event can happen one of two ways: 1) Extreme solar flares from the sun which numerous groups have said could happen at any time as reported by even the mainstream media; 2) An attack by any of several countries. Our country's enemies know what would cripple us most. Supposedly, if an EMP device detonates in a strategic location above out country, it would knock out most of the electrical grid in our nation and fry the circuits on our vehicles as well so that we would nit be able to drive our motorized vehicles. Newt Gingrich is one of the people talking about this, but my understanding is that he is also a globalist and possibly a Bilderberger.
I have read from a source or two that certain vehicles that are older that 1980 will restart, but not those 1980 and newer. Now how many of us have a vehicle that old? And since they would not be antiques, how many of us could afford to buy a vehicle that old IF we could find one?
But the point I am trying to get to, and what part of this ministry is about, is what you will do if an EMP event happens while you are away from home? If you work outside of your home, how far away from your home do you go? Whether it is your job, at family or friends, picking up your children from school, going to the grocery store and running errands, on vacation, you would have to walk home if that is your designated location in the case of an emergency. It would be wise, if you're not already doing this, to keep water, some food, and a pair of walking shoes in your trunk if you're not already wearing them. What about small children you may have with you?
Again, many of you out there may think this is extreme and would never happen. Are you sure? What if God already has begun, or begins to judge our nation, thereby withdrawing His hand of protection from our enemies? What if the so called earthly powers that be have an agenda against Americans? What if the many scientists are correct about solar flares from the sun one day knocking out some or most of the nation's power grid. And what if this happens before the Lord's return regardless of the timing of the dead in Christ rising first before the rapture of the church?
I have already been praying that the Lord may be pleased to prevent a possible EMP event in His kindness and mercy. Join me in praying for that, but also prayerfully consider preparing for that if you're able in case it does happen in God's sovereignty and providence.
Love and blessings!
Pester Brat
The Blog for Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America of which Pester Brat is the Founder and Director. This is the place for all things Pester Brat ;-) including but not limited to his Weekly Video Shorts, Weekly Newspaper Columns, Monthly Patriot Services for Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship, Mr. B's C Away Outreach using vitamins and natural alternatives to battle Cancer and more, and personal and various others posts from time to time.
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