Okay, I admit I'm struggling about why many local church leaders will not talk to their congregation about the possible consequences of an economic collapse if it occurs before the Lord returns. God in His providence and sovereignty had us move back near family due to me recently being laid off by my previous employer in central Florida. I'm thankful that I am now in a church where the pastor does want the congregation to receive information that may be helpful to them in the event of an economic collapse. On July 6, 2015 at 1:20am Central Time, the national debt according to usdebtclock.org is over 18 Trillion 294 Billion Dollars and climbing! I love Christ and His Church. I consider myself to be a sovereign grace Baptist Christian. I believe God's word teaches that He is sovereign and has ordained all that comes to pass, but I also believe His word teaches man's responsibility and that God ordains the means as well as the end. I have pastored for 14 years and I'm seeking the Lord's will about whether He would have me pastor another church or be a fellow elder at my new current church (I have been inactive for 3 years now). So I have a bunch of questions for Church Pastors, Elders, and Leaders (I use 'Leaders' too because of the different types of church government in the various churches) that will also have some comments mixed in with them :-).
Church Leaders will teach/educate/inform about numerous other temporal issues, but for some reason this issue is off limits for most? Why? If you are a pastor reading this, please help me understand. You claim to love the people God has put before you to under-shepherd. Is it because you think it won't happen? Is it because you're sure that the Lord will come back before it happens? Is it because you don't dealing with these issues belongs in the church in any aspect at all?
What if the economy does collapse before the Lord returns regardless of your eschatological view? What if such a collapse results in food not being able make it from producers to stores? What if many cannot live off their land? What if many do not own their home free and clear? Is anyone in the church teaching what they can do at home? Does the church have a plan in place to help in anyway? I'm not talking about doing these things in the place of worship services. Can't the church provide material for their flock? Can't the church have a class during the week dealing with these issues? Should the church also have a food pantry for their members if the economy does collapse and there is not access to food in stores? Does the church have paid-for property for their folks to live on if they can't stay at home? As I'm typing these, I am watching about what's going on in Greece. Do you think that can't happen in our country? Do you believe that power corrupts? Should churches be talking to elected officials now about preventing possible mandatory evacuation to FEMA Centers and Camps? Do you think the would not do that? Do you know what happened in the New Orleans area during Hurricane Katrina? Is the church required to submit to unconstitutional executive orders and actions since we are a constitutional republic and our elected officials swear an oath to uphold the constitution? How do you think the congregation will react if the economy does collapse and the Church Leaders didn't provide any information or talk to them at all? Isn't it better to plan and prepare and nothing happen than to not plan and prepare and something does happen? Is planning for the possibility of an economic collapse unbiblical if it is done with the right motive and biblical balance? Are we to just wait and see if it happens and then deal with it from there when we have so many people living in urban and suburban communities that cannot live off of their land? Does planning and preparing mean that they are worrying and/or laying up treasures on the earth? Was Joseph and Pharaoh wrong for setting aside crops during their plentiful years to prepare for the lean years? Are those that do not provide for their own worse than unbelievers, and would this still apply if no preparations were made in light of what it would be like for people living in urban and suburban areas? What about guns for protection? Is that biblically permissible?
I have the utmost respect for many of my pastor friends, acquaintances, and some I have never met even online. If I can help in anyway, please let me know. I would be glad to speak at your church and/or provide information that I will soon be putting together. Much of it is already on this Blog and our website. I hope those reading this will share it with as many as possible and that pastors and other church leaders will prayerfully consider this blog post. It can be done without making it an idol and disrupting the worship service and existing ministries.
Pester Brat
The Blog for Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America of which Pester Brat is the Founder and Director. This is the place for all things Pester Brat ;-) including but not limited to his Weekly Video Shorts, Weekly Newspaper Columns, Monthly Patriot Services for Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship, Mr. B's C Away Outreach using vitamins and natural alternatives to battle Cancer and more, and personal and various others posts from time to time.
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