Six Possible Scenarios That Could Unfold Due To An Economic Collapse
By Pester Brat; Director of the Fellowship of Concerned Christian Constitutional Patriots
Greetings fellow citizens. I hope as you read this you and your family are well in the Lord. There is much discussion on websites, blogs and social media about what would happen in the event of an economic collapse. At the time this article is being typed, U.S. Debt Clock Dot Org says that our National Debt is over 18 Trillion 12 Billion Dollars and rapidly rising. That comes out to over 56 Thousand Dollars per citizen and over 153 Thousand Dollars per Taxpayer. My 3 grandchildren owe over 56 Thousand Dollars each along with every other small child or granchild. Why? Because of the type of government we have. Since we are a Constituional Republic we are responsible for the actions of our elected officials. Yet it seems that most American Citizens are complacent or oblivious to what is going on, including the Christian community. Numerous Economists out there believe there is nothing that can be done with this runaway economic train. Indeed we are to trust in the Lord, and only those who belong to Christ have nothing to fear. But does that mean we should do nothing? What if the Lord tarries His coming? If (and I mean if) an economic collapse doesn't happen in our lifetime, or we squeek by the rising costs of what we need to live, what about our children and grandchildren? Does doing nothing mean we are being spiritual or selfish? I believe God's word teaches His sovereign control and man's responsibility. God has ordained all things, but that includes the means as well as the end (Isaiah 46:9-11). Anyway, based on my own research, study, reading, what ever you want to call it, I propose to you the following possible scenarios. This article will be even longer than it is if I show every detail of every scenario, so you will have to mix and match these for other possibilities. For those of you who read this and are not Christian, please keep in mind that this is written from a biblical Christian perspective. This should also be posted on our blog, so if you have any suggestions or corrections, you'll be able to respond there.
Best Case Scenario 1
Growing amounts of American Citizens start paying attention and getting involved so that existing or newly elected U.S. Senators and Representatives make the necessary cuts that are needed to eliminate the National Deficit and begin reducing the National Debt. This may or may not help our economic problems if God is judging us due to nationally accepted sins such as abortion and sex outside the bond of marriage between one man and one woman, and there is no repentance. Remember Israel in the Book of Judges?
Best Case Scenario 2
Due to the complacency of Americans and nothing being done, or things tried but not working, excessive amounts of people can't find jobs, become homeless, and are getting hungry. This is part of or coincides with prophetic events in the bible and the resurrection of the dead in Christ and Rapture of the Church which is pre-tribulational, so that the Lord Jesus Christ raises those who died in Him and Raptures the Church (those alive that are born again and trusting in the Person and Finished Work of Christ with a repentant faith) before His people suffer.
Not Worst But Not Best Case Scenario
Due to the complacency of Americans and nothing being done, or things tried but not working, excessive amounts of people can't find jobs, become homeless, and are getting hungry. There are droves and droves of people that cannot pay their mortgages but the mortgage companies realize that it is neither right or beneficial to foreclose on all these homes. Through the warning and informing by numerous groups including the FCCCP, or common sense by various people, many people stocked up on food, water, other necessities, guns and ammunition for protection and hunting, seeds and tools for gardening, and those who have their home paid for share their property with family, friends and others who have no home. The local, state and federal governments do the right thing and suspend various laws whether constitutional or not when it comes to property taxes, fishing, hunting, getting water, living outdoors, etc., and aid rather than force people that could use shelter and food. This happens before the dead in Christ rise and Rapture of the Church prior to the tribulation period.
Worst Case Scenario 1
The economy continues to worsen. Inflation causes food prices to continue to rise, joblessness increases, and most of the jobs available are service-oriented minimum wage jobs that are also decreasing because more and more people cannot afford to eat out and do the many other services. ObamaCare and Amnesty for illegal immigrants make matters worse and citizens become fed up. Those who are not pacifists or believe in trying to resolves things peaceably if possible, become aggressive and violent, provoking the federal government to declare Martial Law and creating a full-blown police state that makes the Constitution worthless or null and void. There is a rebellion against the "empire" reminicent of the Star Wars movies. Those that are considered trouble makers including Christians will be put to death or in FEMA Centers that are already in place if/when captured. This may or may not take place through individual states stepping up to protect their citizens causing another war between the like-minded states and the federal government who now have the help of the U.N. Many Christians who prefer not be part of such a war will be forced to take sides. People will die from hunger and the war as this happens before the dead in Christ rise and the Rapture of the Church which is pre-tribulational.
Worst Case Scenario 2
The economy continues to worsen. Inflation causes food prices to continue to rise, joblessness increases, and most of the jobs available are service-oriented minimum wage jobs that are also decreasing because more and more people cannot afford to eat out and do the many other services. ObamaCare and Amnesty for illegal immigrants make the economy even worse. The globalists and federal government create a "false flag event," or take advantage of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. The federal government declares Martial Law and the rest of the events described in Section IV above takes place.
Worst Case Scenario 3
The economy continues to worsen. Inflation causes food prices to continue to rise, joblessness increases, and most of the jobs available are service-oriented minimum wage jobs that are also decreasing because more and more people cannot afford to eat out and do the many other services. ObamaCare and Amnesty for illegal immigrants make the economy even worse. To lessen the impact of the sinking U.S. and world economies, the world goes to a common currency which will lead to a one world government during a 7 year tribulation period. Christians will go through this tribulation period because the dead in Christ don't rise and the Rapture of the Church does not happen until the end of this 7 year tribulation period.
Let's continue to hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and pray God's will is done!
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