Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Pester Brat's Basic Economic Recovery Plan- Modified

Came across this in my computer files from 9 years ago. Even more necessary now due to the national debt that has almost doubled. Slightly modified to get with the times ;-). 

Pester Brat's Basic Economic Recovery Plan

Many experts believe that the economy is past saving. Many Christians believe that our suffering economy will lead to a one world currency and government and is therefore something we should just let unfold as part of God's plan without trying to do something about it. 

I believe that God is sovereign, and that man is responsible, and that until we know what His revealed will is for our country at this time, that we should do what we can by God's grace to repair our failing economy. I claim no expertise in this area. I am just trying to use my experience in manufacturing, supervision, labor relations, banking, local government employment, and a church pastor, along with a little common sense, to try to do what we can to avoid a major economic collapse before the Lord's return. This may seem simplistic, and this would involve a "waking up" of many citizens to hold our elected officials accountable. 

1. Repentance of nationally condoned and accepted sins of abortion, homosexuality, and more.

2. Such repentance including professing Christian Churches (judgment begins with the house of God) repenting of having leaders and members with homosexual lifestyles, and more.

3. Greatly reduce government spending by eliminating the annual deficit that would include such things as eliminating Departments (Energy and Education for example), eliminating or greatly reducing all social programs, closing most if not all of the over 700 military bases worldwide, and generally just greatly reducing the size of the U.S. Government.

4. Major overhaul of the IRS and income taxes. This may involve going to a "fair tax" or "flat tax" and eliminating the IRS altogether, and both the federal government and state governments eliminating all double/multiple taxation. Just reduce if not eliminate federal income tax (you do not that didn't start until the early 20th century, right?)

5. Term Limits for Senators and Representatives in Congress. 

6. Reduce or eliminate the tax burden of small businesses. 

7. Encourage big businesses and perhaps offer tax incentives to them to return manufacturing to the United States and provide more jobs to Americans.

8. Fully utilizing the 10th Amendment principle of State Nullification of all unconstitutional acts.

9. Stop the Biden Administration's open border/catch and release policies and return to a common- sense constitutional immigration policy. In the meantime, states support Texas for doing what the federal government is not. 

10. Return to a constitutional form of money and end the unconstitutional Federal Reserve.

Have any more suggestions? Don't think this is enough or will work? What about details of the suggestions mentioned above? Let's discuss this. We're losing our country- our constitutional republic. Wake up folks!

Monday, January 29, 2024

Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Weekly Video Short 1/29/24 

Pester Brat Endorses David Boyett for Lamar County Alabama Probate Judge

Hi everyone. Pester Brat here, aka Bret Lovitz or Brother Bret. I hope y'all had a good weekend. Did you watch any NFL football? Congratulations to the Chiefs and 49ers for winning their respective conference championships. 

Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America, believe it or not, has been around for about 15 years in one form and name or another :-). The name changes were just about trying to get more people's attention, so they'll hopefully read, watch and share my schtuff ;-). It started as part of Biblically Correct Ministries in 2008, then Pester Brat Dot Com (that's still the website's name and address), then Fellowship of Concerned Christian Constitutional Patriots, then I dropped "Christian" just in the name (still has a Christian foundation to it) because I try to reach out to all concerned American and local citizens, then the current name. I hope it stays that way until I leave this life in God's providence. And if you don't already know, locally it's called La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots (formerly The "La-Fayette Meeting Place :-)).

I don't usually officially endorse political candidates at any level, but due to the District 2 Commissioner situation I have written about and it being local, after some consideration, I reckon I will this time. If you haven't noticed, I already have informally and indirectly endorsed Mitchell Puckett for District 2 County Commissioner. I'm nobody special for sure, and I haven't known the candidates as long as most of you. But perhaps me only being here for 3 years and working in and around the county courthouse for 2 years and 8 months gives me a unique perspective :-) (but remember, I haven't been there since 12/5/23). 

I generally stay with the incumbent unless something happens compelling me to consider any of the other candidates. The best that I can tell, Ms. Sharon Nethery has done a great job in her role as Probate Judge of our county. But as most of us know, in our county the Probate Judge is also Chairperson of the Commission Meeting (to be fair, they only vote in the case of a tie) and Manager over the offices of their responsibility (the Probate Office and Tag Office for sure, I can't remember for sure right now about the other offices). It's nothing personal (I know, I say that a lot), but because of the District 2 Commissioner allegations, and the connection and relationship between the Probate Judge and Commissioners, I can no longer support Sharon Nethery for Probate Judge.

So, I endorse David Boyett for Probate Judge for Lamar County Alabama. The best that I can tell he has done a great job as our Revenue Commissioner. I believe he would be a great Probate Judge, and hope and expect that he would do more in a situation like we currently have with the District 2 County Commissioner allegations. 

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Pester Brat, aka Bret Lovitz

Founder & Director of the 

La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and

Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Weekly Newspaper Article 1/24/24 (CPCO Outline for 1/24)

 Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Presents: Constitutional Patriots Church Online- December 2023

Okay, that's long, huh? I'm trying something different this week that with the help, indulgence and patience of the publisher, I hope will work out. If so, this will be a monthly feature. But you'll have to work with me as well if you're so inclined. Read this through first and see if you will want to get a bible, hymn book, song book, an American Flag, and if you want to do your own praying in the areas I have listed and more. 

You see, this is the outline to my monthly online patriot church service. The church that's not really a church. I'm not the pastor and there's no preaching sermon. It's for Christian Constitutional Patriots and anyone else that may be interested. As I've mentioned in previous articles, it's my hope and prayer that we can return to in-person meetings locally. Also, if you're on the Internet and Facebook, or are willing to get on it, you can watch and listen online live at the time, or the recording of it afterwards, It's unique and I think the first and only of it's kind. Check this out and let me know what you think. 

1. Welcome & Introduction: * Experimenting this month by not adding any commentary, opinions, etc. to see how it works with unconstitutional censorship here and there ;-).

2. Opening Prayer: Praise & Thanksgiving; Country's Protection (Petition of Abraham); Leaders, Restrain Evil, Salvation; Church (including as it relates to submitting to the Constitution under God), Stand on God's truth, Be Salt & Light. 

3. Opening Scripture: "Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’ Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it." ~ Isaiah 46:9-11 NKJV

4. Pledge of Allegience: "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

5. The [One and Only] National Anthem: O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there; O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

6. 2nd Amendmentations: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

7. Notable Quotables: Thomas Jefferson once said: "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."

In July 2021 Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, a cardiologist, said: "For those that won't get the shot for selfish reasons- whatever- I won't cry a tear at their funeral." Sadly he later died in his sleep after receiving his 3rd COVID shot. “Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist.” ~ Edmund Burke

"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance." ~ George Bernard Shaw

"Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity, where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today." ~ Thomas Sowell

"Societies are far gone in depravity when toleration is considered a good in itself, without regard to the thing tolerated." ~ A.K. Chesterton  

8. N.T. Scripture Reading: Rom. 8:28-30: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified."

9. Constitution 101: The 9th & 10th Amendments: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people...The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. 

10. Reading of Part of the Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes DESTRUCTIVE of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the People to ALTER or to ABOLISH it, and to institute NEW Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

11. Patriotic Singing: America the Beautiful: O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain; for purple mountain majesties, above the fruited plain!...America! America! God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea...O beautiful for patriot dream, that sees beyond the years; thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears!...America! America! God mend thine every flaw; confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law.

12. It's Economical Watson: National Debt Update

On 12/5/23 - Over $33 T 891 B; On 1/16/24- $34T 40B (+$149B)

Per Citizen On 12/5/23- $100,847; On 1/16/24  $101,313 (+ $466) 

Per Taxpayer On 12/5/23- $259,949; On 1/16/24 $264,090 (+ $ 4,141)

US Unfunded Liabilities Per Citizen: $630,319 (+$572)

National Debt Rewind: The Natl Debt went from $21.2T in July '22 to over $34T in Jan. '24. Let that sink in.

13. Hymn of Faith: "Oh Worship the King"

O worship the King all-glorious above, O gratefully sing his power and his love:

our shield and defender, the Ancient of Days, pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise.

Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, in you do we trust, nor find you to fail.

Your mercies, how tender, how firm to the end, our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!

14. In Case You Missed It News You Can Use

A) 2023 Assault Weapons Ban S.25. Still in Judiciary Committee. It was introduced on 1/23/23.

B) ABC News reported during one of the Wild Card Playoff Games this past weekend that an Iowa Caucus Exit Poll said that 65% believe that Joe Biden did NOT win the 2020 election. 

C) In the recent Iowa Caucus, Donald Trump received 51% of the votes, Ron DeSantis 22%, Nikki Haley 20% and Vivek Ramaswamy .8%.

D) Fox News reported on 1/14 that a federal judge in Florida ruled that a U.S. law prohibiting people from possessing firearms inside post offices is unconstitutional...U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, an appointee of former President Trump, cited a 2022 landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that expanded gun rights when she handed down her ruling Friday that dismissed part of an indictment charging a postal worker with illegally possessing a gun in a federal facility.

E) H.R. 5561 Protecting the Right To Keep and Bear Arms Act of 2023. As of 1/10/24 there has not been any movement and has bounced to several subcomittess where it remains.

F) In response to the 2021 [so-called] attack on the U.S. Capitol, Democratic congressmen have introduced the “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act.” This legislation aims to establish federal criminal penalties for private paramilitary activities. This will apparently address a legislative gap identified by Georgetown Law. The act seeks to stop people from intimidating officials, disrupting government proceedings, and impersonating law enforcement.

15. Forget Me Nots: 

*Communicate regularly with your State and US Reps. 

*10th Amendment Principle of Nullification [& Secession]. 

*Working towards self sufficiency at local and state levels. 

*The Constitution doesn't give you rights, it protects your God-given rights. 

*You don't need a permit in AL to conceal carry anymore.

*Pray, Plan, Prepare. Stocking up etc.

16. Closing Comments

A) Please follow me on my 2 Facebook pages, Rumble, Twitter, and "work in progress" Substack. And if you're local, look for my regular columns in the West Alabama Gazette, but I also put them on my Blog after they come out. 

B) Please watch/listen live or to the recording of my CCPA Video Shorts most Monday mornings thru Rumble and/or FB. 

C) Next Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship will be Thursday Feb. 15th. 

D)'Till Next Time, Remember- God is in control, and ordains the means as well as the end.

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots & national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America, Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Monday, January 22, 2024

Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important? Part 2

 Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important? Part 2

Do you have a few minutes? This will be a longer article/post. Sadly, I guess this issue will not go away if and until the District 2 County Commissioner is not re-elected this year. Part 1 was in the 11/15/23 edition of the West Alabama Gazette and is on this Blog. I don't know yet if I'm going to put this only on my Blog this time or submit it to the West Alabama Gazette as well. I appreciate the growing number of Blog readers, as well as the West Alabama Gazette's publisher. If you're not already, please buy their paper to show your support and appreciation. 

As I've mentioned before, I haven't been in Lamar County long. Just reached the 3-year mark on January 1st. Some of you I've met by working in the Tag Office for 2 years. My wife having some family in the area and the lower cost of living (at the time at least), brought us here. 

Since we're a small rural county, it's easier reaching out with my Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America outreach. I'm nobody special. Just a regular Christian by the grace of God through the Person & work of Christ that was blessed with various and certain life experiences, and a desire to be used of the Lord regarding our temporary home and keeping our constitutional republic if it's His will. But this and more has also gotten me involved with the issue of the District 2 Commissioner allegedly having his primary residence with his wife outside of the District in Amory Mississippi. I don't pursue this issue lightly and without prayer. State law says the County Commissioner must reside in his district and the normal interpretation of that is where they actually live and sleep. As Christian citizens, does that mean we are supposed to just ignore it in of itself or when said commissioner denies the allegations? Is it a sin or "un-Christian" to try to find out if the allegations are true and what can be done about it (as someone in the county implied through a Facebook post)? Shouldn't all measures to find out if the allegations are true, and if so, this person be declared ineligible, be exhausted? The answer to those 3 rhetorical questions are no, no, and yes, and I hope y'all agree. It's not "wrong" to try to get this situation straightened out. If anything, it's "wrong" to think there's nothing "wrong" if an Alabama County Commissioner is residing outside of his district or at least trying to find out more when you hear about it. And that includes any other elected officials, whether county or any of the cities in the county. Shouldn't the other Commissioners and Probate Judge have tried to do more to find out about the situation, and if it's true, try to get him to step down? Again, I hope you'll agree that they should. By the way, the Lamar County GOP is hosting a candidate forum on Feb. 6, 2024 at 6:00PM. It would be a good time to talk to the candidates about this situation as well. Please plan to attend and spread the word :-).

I've had the privilege of having my articles in 2 of our local newspapers. One of them, the Lamar Leader, started printing my articles in July of 2023. In November 2023, when I submitted my article "Are County Commissioner Election Rules Important?" I was told they would run it as a Letter to the Editor but not as my weekly article. On Dec. 27, 2023, after not seeing my article in that day's edition, when I asked why first, I was told that they would no longer be printing my article. After several attempts asking, I was not told why. It just left me assuming that it was censorship of some sort similar to what happened to President Trump and supporters before and after the 2020 general election ;-). Where is the Lamar Leader located? Where is District 2? Where does the Probate Judge live? Do they care about the truth?

I also just found out while initially working on this article, that due to a misunderstanding or worse between the County and State GOP, the District 2 Commissioner was not declared ineligible and will remain on the ballot in March. That doesn't mean the allegations aren't true, just that no action was taken by the Alabama Republican Party about the issue because someone "dropped the ball." Not that it matters to anyone, but this writer is definitely disappointed. Yet, should it even be up to the political party anyway? What if the candidate is an Independent? Because I lean toward something called the "collectivist theory" (you'll have to research it) and due to the increase of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), I'm an Independent- a Constitutional Conservative Independent. But I digress :-). Someone with the State of Alabama should decide it and stop "passing the buck."

Here is just a basic order of my knowledge of events: ;-)

1. It was told to me through various sources in early to mid 2022 that the District 2 Commissioner lived outside of his District.

2. I shared information about it on my national outreach Facebook page in July 2022 and there was a reply saying that the only recourse is a civil lawsuit.

3. In August 2022, the District 2 Commissioner came into the Lamar County Tag Office and did indeed renew his tags (I didn't wait on him). I asked him where he lives and he said Lamar County and that's why he was renewing his tags there. No mention of a second or primary residence outside of District 2 (If he does have a primary residence outside of his District, doesn't his response contribute to the deception? I wish I would have thought to be more specific with my question).

4. Wrote about it in my Blog on 9/25/22 that was also shared to my national outreach Facebook page. 

5. Contacted the Ethics Commission sometime in 2023 and was told this kind of situation was not in their area of responsibility. 

6. Contacted the Secretary of State's office on 8/28/23 and received a reply the next day from their Deputy General Counsel basically saying to contact the Ethics Commission (see above), Attorney General's office, contact law enforcement to pursue an investigation of suspected criminal violations, report suspected criminal activity to ALEA, or hire a private lawyer.

7. In 11/2023 the current District 2 Commissioner applied to qualify to run again for the same position. 

8. In 11/2023 the Lamar County AL Republican Party received a challenge to District 2 Commissioners eligibility to run again for the position.

9. In 11/2023 the West Alabama Gazette published my weekly article dealing with the issue.

10. On 1/3/2024 my article in the West Alabama Gazette mentions the issue in 2 of the 14 things I would like to see happen in 2024 :-).

11. On 1/8 & 1/9/2024 communicated with the Alabama Republican Party only to find out that nothing more will be done by them because of a communication breakdown including not knowing that an appeal had to be filed that wasn't.

12. Attended the Lamar County AL Republican Meeting on 1/9/2024. The District 2 Commissioner was not there and I've been told on more than one occasion that he hasn't been to no more than one if any meetings since his re-election in 2020. 

13. Carefully :-) working on this Blog post since about 1/5/2024. 

There's an old hard rock song with a chorus that says: "Is anybody out there, anybody there, does anybody wonder, does anybody care" (of course it's talking about something else, but I have been applying to my outreach and now this). I think so. I hope so. A silent majority perhaps? I came in the middle or maybe the tail end of this saga. It's not about trying to hurt somebody. I don't relish this! It's about the rule of law- state law. It's about trying to do the right thing with this. If this issue about the District 2 Commissioner is true, even now I just wish he would withdraw his re-election bid. And I would also say- if it's true- just move your primary residence, wife and family to Lamar County, but should he continue in his position after this allegation if they are indeed true?

But wait, there's more ;-). This is what I have found out according to information I obtained or was given to me:

1. The District 2 Commissioner and his now wife were engaged in Nov. 2020.

2. The District 2 Commissioner's wife is from and lives in Amory, MS.

3. A picture of the District 2 Commissioner and his wife that says they are officially homeowners from March 2021. 

4. Screenshots of anniversary or birthday wishes showing his wife with his same last name.

5. Screenshot of his wife's page showing a different last name that seems to have been changed in the last month or two. 

6. Screenshot from August 2022 of his wife's social media page showing both of them in a profile picture and that she lives in Amory MS. 

7. A paper that says "Property Link Monroe County, MS" that shows the District 2 Commissioner as the owner of an address and property in Amory, MS and that taxes were paid on, as of 11/15/23. This is public information. 

8. Profile and Cover Photos for the District 2 Commissioner changed to pictures of just him recently. 

Look, I can only imagine that being a County Commissioner is a thankless job. I would also imagine it's even harder in a small rural county like ours. I wouldn't even be qualified to be a Commissioner in our county due to the practicality of having to be more "hands on" with the dirt roads, etc. For all I know, the District 2 Commissioner may be doing a great job. But rules are rules.

Isn't politics fun???--- NOT! I would rather none of this happened. I would rather that the District 2 Commissioner didn't run for reelection in 2020 or stepped down when he allegedly decided to move his primary residence outside of his District. I do wonder if he knew ahead of time he was going to move after he won the 2020 election? Regardless, as I have said repeatedly, it is nothing personal. I get that it's easy for me to say that and that he and some others may be taking it personal, but again, rules are rules, or maybe better, laws are laws. I am not any better than him or anyone else is. Even more concerning I guess, is that we're both professing Christians and "roll tide" fans. Since I have only been here for 3 years, I don't even know for sure if his opponent will do a better job ;-) (I don't know his opponent but I hear he would be a good Commissioner and was once before). I wish the hopefully outgoing current District 2 Commissioner and his family the best. If you live in District 2, should you vote for him in light of this alleged situation itself? By the way, while the District 4 Commissioner doesn't have opposition, but the Probate Judge does ;-). 

Sure is a lot of drama, huh? Maybe you're thinking "well, you're not helping any." Perhaps. But again, are we supposed to just let this issue go? It looks like that either the District 2 County Commissioner has been living outside of his district with his wife in Amory, MS for almost 3 years while still owning a place in his district, or he has been living separate from his wife for almost 3 years while living in his district. All I and others want is the truth and the right thing done based on the truth. District 2 Commissioner? How about coming out to the Feb. 6th Lamar County Republican Party Candidate Forum, and explain it all to us please. After all, our county taxes do pay your salary, and you do vote on matters pertaining to the whole county. 

Let's get this resolved and behind us so we can concentrate on much more serious matters in our country that will likely affect our state, county and cities drastically. 

I know this was long. I hope that you will prayerfully consider what I have shared and what you should do. And when it's all said and done, not my/our will, but God's will be done. Feel free to ask questions or comment on this Blog (please keep it civil) or email me at

Thanks everyone!  

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Weekly Newspaper Article for 1/17/24

 Nick Saban vs. the USA

Wow! Last week, I titled my article "Happy New Year Pt. 2 or 2024-The Year of Major Changes?" How many of us thought that one of those changes would be the announced retirement on Jan. 11th of Head Coach Nick Saban? I know some wondered whether it would happen, but I for one was still hoping it wouldn't happen for another couple years if his health held up. I arrived in Alabama before Nick Saban's second season but first winning season. My oldest grandson's age parallels Coach Saban's tenure with us. The end of a era, for those of us that like college football and the Alabama Crimson Tide football team. 

But as I mentioned in the last 2 articles, I'm concerned that this is just the beginning and will be minor compared to what is likely coming. With a national debt that surpassed the $34 trillion mark a couple of weeks ago, huge deficit spending that's causing considerable inflation, what amounts to an invasion at the southern border and who knows how many crossing the northern border, Trump being taken off the ballot in two states and constantly charged with likely bogus charges, a 2020 general election that Joe Biden likely didn't win, and Jan. 6, 2021 so-called insurrection that was not even a riot and more of a protest that was provoked and aided by some feds (have you seen the video where some capitol police say they were set up?), a corrupt president and son that little if any action is taken on, a president that's clearly had real cognitive problems since he campaigned for president in 2018 making him unfit and that both political parties in congress have allowed to continue, constant challenges to the second amendment and other constitutional areas, and more. 

But just our economic woes alone should cause great concern. As I've written about repeatedly, where do you think it'll all end if the Lord Jesus Christ doesn't return for decades or longer? What do you think college and professional football will look like in either a socialistic society or major economic collapse and depression? Reduced advertising revenue for televising the games, people not being able to afford going to the games? But maybe it would be good thing, because after all, it is just a game, right? 

Look, I like football like many. It's a fun form of entertainment that the Lord has allowed us to have in His providence and sovereignty. Nick Saban and others have received reeeeal good moola (maybe he can help with the national debt ;-)). But the whole shabang is coming to an end sooner or later if we don't do everything we need to do to stop the runaway economy freight train and protect our constitutional republic. Sports is one of the distractions used by the earthly 'powers that be'. I for one would rather it all come tumbling down if that's what it would take to wake up, even though I'm interested in the meantime who will be the next Alabama football head coach.

So to Nick Saban, who retired about a month after I did ;-), I wish you and Ms. Terry the best. Thank you for what you did for Alabama football and the state. I would imagine we might see the GOAT on a sports network analyzing a game here and there. To the rest of us, let's be thankful that God has blessed us with sooo much more than our needs and all more than what we deserve, and use this as a reminder that what's happening to our country could cause it all to disappear. If you are on the internet and Facebook, I strongly encourage you to follow me on my Blog and Facebook pages for local, state, national and global issues. Thank you, and--- Roll Tide :-).

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots & national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America, Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Weekly Newspaper Article for 1/10/24

 Happy New Year Pt. 2 or 2024-The Year of Major Changes?

Well, I didn't keep up with the different schedule last week of this newspaper, so if you read it, you noticed I wrote it as if it would be before New Year's- my bad ;-). But here's Part 2 of sorts anyway. I do hope everyone had a safe holiday season, and if not, that things get better for you quickly.

Some people think that something big is going to happen in our country this year. Even the former Fox News guy, Tucker Carlson, has been talking about it. Of course, we should be careful with feelings and emotions, but are there solid reasons why we should be concerned even more this year? Can we still have a Happy New Year in light of these things? I believe that the answer to both of those questions is yes, and here's why:

1. The real deep state and the Democrats likely stole the 2020 general election. They have been trying everything they can to keep Donald Trump off the ballot with bogus charges, and now 2 states as of 1/3/24 (Colorado and Maine) unconstitutionally took him of the ballots there. Time will tell if that will stick, but we've never seen the like in our country. There is reason to be concerned that they will cause, allow, or use just about anything to remain in power. 

2. A few in Congress have been trying to get Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs released. On 1/3/24 it was blocked. God only knows to what length "they" will go to keep that information from getting out.

3. The national debt just passed the $34,000,000,000,000 (yeah, trillion) mark according to Both major Parties have been spending us into oblivion. Yes, I said both! The difference between the Republicans and Democrats on spending is like the difference between fat and obese. They either ignorantly don't care, or it is intentional so that citizens will want to go to digital currency that would give the gubmint control of your finances and life. If you can't see that, you haven't been paying attention :-).

4. The flood of illegal immigrants at the southern border that's really an invasion, has brought us increased crime, drugs, and terrorists. GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy even talked about the how people can get through the northern border. I've been reading how our U.S. Representative Robert Aderholt (he's running again this year too ya know ;-)) made a recent trip to the southern border. I know they probably don't read comments when they post on social media, but I asked him if it was his first trip :-). While the damage has already been done, it still needs to stop. 

5. Aggression by Russia, China, Hamas, and more, could throw us into WWIII, while we have "woke" military leaders that seem to be more concerned about vaccine mandates, gender neutral pronouns, etc. Yet they continue to attempt more gun restrictions. You can't make this nonsense up!

There's more of course. A lot of doom and gloom, huh? God's word says, "fear not he that can destroy the body, but He (God) that can destroy both body and soul in Hell." God's in control. Nothing takes Him by surprise or slips through His figurative fingers. If our sins against our thrice Holy God have been paid for by Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection (born again believers), we don't have to fear eternity. So yes, Happy New Year :-).

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots & national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America, Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Weekly Newspaper Article for 1/3/24

 Happy New Year From Pester Brat & Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America

God willing we'll be celebrating New Year's Sunday night. It's my hope and prayer that everyone will be careful and safe. Please don't drink alcohol and drive a motor vehicle. When I was younger, I stayed up and celebrated the holiday. These days, my wife and I choose not to drink alcohol, and we don't even stay up until midnight every year :-). Remember when Dick Clark did New Year's Rockin Eve?

New Year's is also known for "resolutions." While that might be fine for some folks, I just try to do them throughout the year with some of them being known better by the term "repentance" ;-). But here are some things that I'm looking or hoping for in 2024. They aren't in order of importance and certainly not meant as an exhaustive list. If you'd like, email me some of yours: 1) The Southern Border invasion is stopped through either States working together and with Texas, or the U.S. Congress. 2) States put [a lot] more pressure on the federal government to eliminate the national deficit to reduce the national debt ($33,935,000,000,000 as of 3:15pm on 12/21/23), and prevent them from going to all digital currency. 3) The AL Republican Party declares the District 2 County Commissioner ineligible for allegedly having his primary residence in, and living with his wife in, MS, and more people in the whole county would pay attention to it. 4) If said Commissioner is still on the ballot, that District 2 residents would not vote for him in March just because of the allegations (nothing personal). 5) That more county citizens would come to the Lamar County Republican Meetings including the one in February that should have a forum for the two candidates for Probate Judge. 6) That people who claim to already be "saved Christians" but aren't committed to a bible believing, gospel preaching, grace embracing church, would start going to one and strongly consider my Church (Calvary Baptist Church in Vernon :-)) so we can also discuss the things I write about before and after worship services. 7) Encourage our police officers even more including that they would fully uphold the constitution if they were faced with unconstitutional orders. 8. Hunter and Daddy Joe Biden are convicted of their crimes and Donald Trump continues to be exonerated of his non-crimes. 9. Further and widely accepted proof that Donald Trump did not lose the 2020 elect so that it could not be attempted again ;-). 10) Further and widely accepted proof that Jan. 6, 2021 was not an insurrection so the nonsense of saying it won't be attempted again. 11. More proof in our country (already is outside of our country) and widely accepted that COVID-19 was not a pandemic so that mandates and shut-downs will be resisted or not attempted against the constitution. 12. That more souls would be saved by grace through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of the God-man Jesus the Christ/Messiah. 13. More people contacting our local, state and federal elected officials about economy and constitutional issues. 14. More people reading and sharing these articles, watching and sharing my video shorts and monthly online patriot service (with the hope of going back to in-person services), and remembering the P's: praying, planning, preparing, and [being more] politically proactive. I would rather be considered a fool for preparing and nothing happen, then a fool for not preparing when likely the do-do will hit the fan. Let's make 2024 a great year by God's grace.

Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots & national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America, Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy New Year and National Debt Achievement 2024

 Happy New Year everyone. The best way to keep it happy is to keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ and God's word. 

Especially in light of reaching another National Debt achievement. Sometime during all the holiday celebration, says we crossed the $34,000,000,000.000 (that's trillion in case it's hard to see all of those zeros). That comes out to $101,000 per citizen and $264,000 per taxpayer.

So let's just keep on keepin on with the entertainment, recreation, etc., and do nothing about what's happening to our country and passing on to our kids and grandkids if we last that long, thinking nothing can be done about it.

~ Pester Brat

Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America (CCPA) Weekly Video Short 1/4/24