The Blog for Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America of which Pester Brat is the Founder and Director. This is the place for all things Pester Brat ;-) including but not limited to his Weekly Video Shorts, Weekly Newspaper Columns, Monthly Patriot Services for Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship, Mr. B's C Away Outreach using vitamins and natural alternatives to battle Cancer and more, and personal and various others posts from time to time.
Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship
Thursday, December 28, 2023
A Tale of a Lamar County (AL) Tag Office Clerk
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Weekly Newspaper Article for 12/20/27
Is Jesus Really the Reason for the Season?
Greetings again all. I was born to a Baptist mother and Jewish father. Those who know the Bible know that a Christian is not supposed to marry a non Christian, but it happened. The best that I can tell, my Dad was not a "practicing Jew" and did celebrate the commercial aspect of Christmas. Sadly, my Dad passed away almost 44 years ago. 37 years ago this month, after being given the gospel in written form, I trusted in Jesus Christ and Him dying on the cross for my sins. It's been quite the journey, and I may write a boring ;-) book about it one day, Lord willing. I've been on the internet and social media for almost 30 years that has included being ministered to, ministering, and mucho discussions about the things of God. I still do, although mostly it's about my Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America Outreach. I prefer the term "Outreach" instead of "Ministry" personally, because it is not overtly Christian yet still has that foundation. Even if I don't always mention it in writing or on video, the most important thing is whether someone has been born again unto saving faith in the Person and work of Christ! Not just because that all I or we may do to try to keep our constitutional republic may be for nothing, but because at any time you and me may take our last breath and enter eternity.
'Tis also the season for various discussions about Christians and Christmas. I've seen positions ranging from only celebrating Christ's birth plus nothing to not even celebrating Christ's birth because we were not "commanded" to in Scripture to anything goes with some folks going in debt over the gifts and celebration-and more. When my children were young, we had a tree, lights in and out, gift giving, and applied Christian meanings to them. We didn't bow down and worship the tree ;-) and kept Christ as the main focus including the purpose of His birth. Matthew 1:21 says "and you shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins." Two gospels record Christ's birth, and believing that Jesus was born of the then virgin Mary is an essential belief as proof of salvation. But Jesus ain't no baby no more :-). Some folks don't have a problem with Jesus as a baby as long as you don't talk to them about His teaching and all-sufficient sacrifice & resurrection to pay the penalty of sins of born again believers. He's the King of kings and Lord of lords whether someone acknowledges or not, who is making intercession and preparing a place for His people.
Jesus should be the "reason for the season" for Christians that celebrate. But here's the thing, if the economy continues on it's current path, it will eventually be the only thing- but maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing :-). My family still exchanges gifts, but the best gifts I would like to see this year is more souls born again and saved by Christ, more people getting involved to help protect this constitutional republic, and for God to bless this Outreach and use me. If you agree, will you pray with and help me please? Merry CHRISTmas!
Pester Brat is a former pastor, the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots & national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America, and member of Calvary Baptist Church in Vernon. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube, Gettr: Pester Brat.
Monday, December 18, 2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Weekly Newspaper Article for 12/13/23
Tax, Tax, Everywhere a Tax...
From time to time, I like to take current events and sit-ee-ations and come up with words to a familiar song. How many remember the old rock song Signs? It was released in 1970 by The Five Man Electrical Band. "Signs, signs, everywhere are signs, blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind. Do this, don't do that, can't you read the signs?" Let's have some fun with a 'not so fun' situation using my title to the song Signs. If you're up for this, email it to me. If you don't know the song and are on the internet, check it out. It's catchy :-).
The day I'm typing this, we received our Alabama 'stimulus' check. I hope you got yours. Ain't that nice of them? Don't get me wrong, they didn't have to do that. They need a certain amount to operate our 'we the people' state government, eh? But where in the 'h-e double-hockey-sticks' were the state citizens back then, when they began multiple state taxation- tax, tax, everywhere a tax...income, sales, additional gasoline, home property, automobile property (aka ad valorem). Disgusting, ain't it? So now citizens start complaining about costs going up, and the Alabama legislature decides to throw us a bone. Oh sorry, they also are gradually reducing the grocery sales tax- another bone from what should never have been.
Some of you may know I have been working in the county tag office :-) (if you want some free tag office tips ;-), email me). Never thought I would have done something that I was opposed to partly, in principle. I had semi-retired from shift work and had trouble finding Mon-Fri day shift work. But now I'm retired from full time employment. Yet this is another tax after we've already been taxed. I don't know how some folks can stand buying brand new trucks, SUVs, RVs, etc. The sales tax on them is bad enough, but then comes the annual ad-valorem that they're so kind to decrease some each year. And some folks will do that every couple of years or so. Plus, every time a vehicle is sold, sales tax has to be paid on it- it should only be on the original purchase if that. Whew! In 2022, my wife and I were able to find a relatively low mileage 2012 SUV to keep the monthly payment and ad-valorem down some. Look, I'm all for supporting our local businesses and keeping the sales tax in our state, county and cities. But double taxation and more, is wrong.
Well, there's a reckoning coming. Inflation keeps going up, closures, jobs and purchases will keep going down, and the state will get less and less revenue. It's doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out if people would just pay attention and think things through. Again, maybe you're thinking 'what can we do?' But there are things we can do. If hundreds of thousands of citizens would contact state government officials and tell them to put pressure on the federal government officials or there will be serious consequences, that would be a good start and might work. The 'spending clause' in the constitution doesn't allow for no limit on the federal government credit card! Practically making them get a balanced budget amendment could help. Then there's the 'grievance clause,' the principle the founding fathers mentioned in the declaration of independence (alter or abolish when the government becomes destructive (read it and weep)), and the 10th Amendment principles of Nullification and as a last resort if absolutely necessary, secession (no I don't want to). We better get on it. God willing, see ya next time.
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America. Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube, Gettr: Pester Brat.
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Weekly Newspaper Article 12/6/23
Roll Tide, War Eagle, Go______________?
I was raised in Maryland. I've been a Washington Redskins fan since I was a kid. Even though Maryland has college teams, I only followed the Terrapins basketball team for a few years in High School. My youngest daughter married a guy living in the Birmingham area in 2004, so we followed 4 years later. My son-in-law told me I had to declare whether I was going to be an Alabama or Auburn fan. Those of you that are Facebook friends know which one it is now :-). I enjoy College Football like many do. We choose not to pay the bigger bucks to go to the harder games, but we've been blessed to be able to go 4 games in the last 7 years. Some of you may even have season tickets. I don't think the Lord minds when we enjoy various sports and teams as long as we don't make an "idol" out of it, or it keeps us out of Church if we're a born again Christian. We're blessed beyond measure, often to our detriment.
Question: Are you ready to lose that? Are you ready for hardly anyone being able to afford to go to games? Are you ready for people to not afford Cable TV or Internet and Streaming TV to watch games? Are you ready for companies to not afford to pay for advertizing so that there is no television revenue for the NCAA, NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, etc., resulting in shutting it all down? Do you think this is all far-fetched? If so, you may be living in the Twilight Zone. According to Sen. Rand Paul's office, Biden is proposing another $106 Billion that will mostly go to Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific. Okay, maybe if I type the actual digits of the national debt, it'll penatrate more brains: $33,834,280,000,000+ at 8:55PM on 11/28/23. Or maybe I should include the national debt in every weekly article? Do you think that it'll just go away? Do you think inflation will just stop? In as much that Trump would be better than Biden or Gov. Newsome, do you really think that he can stop it? Slow it down perhaps.
The thing is, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We've already seen gradual decline. More restaurants and restaurant chains will close along with all kinds of stores. In the early 90s, when I was a union rep, a guest speaker at a conference had the odacity to tell a bunch of us that most manufacturing would go overseas and we would primarily be a service-oriented county. Well guess what folks? We're there! We've been there!!! And if the Lord tarries, when the economic do-do hits the fan, most if not all of these service-oriented jobs will go away. We all better pay attention and think through what this would mean.
We have taken things for granted and been spoiled in our country. Lulled to sleep, distracted, busy, or don't give a rats a$$. Sadly and perhaps worst of all, is so many people won't do or don't think anything can be done about it, when there's more we can do. As I've said before, the Jan. 6th non-insurrection protest followed by going after Trump and few advisers or supporters, was to intimidate citizens from doing what may be necessary to keep our country as we know it. And those 3,000(?) national guard protecting the capitol for months afterwards is because they are scared for what they did and what we might do. The power is still available in the people of our technical "we the people" government.
Join me live tomorrow Dec. 7th at 10am for the Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship monthly service on my Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz Facebook page. It's a time of patriotism, encouragement and information.
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of the local La-Fayette Constitutional Patriots and national Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America (name change). Email: Blog: Facebook: Pester Brat & Bret Pester-Brat Lovitz. Twitter, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube: Pester Brat.