I reckon I'm an old head-banger rocker from the 1970's. As a Christian, I try to be more selective in what I listen to although so many heavy metal/hard rock songs have innuendos. One of my favorites in the category is Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourn. I know Ozzy had his issues, but the song itself is pretty clean. But I digress, because this post is not about the song itself, but rather I'm just applying the title to the political arena.
In my opinion for what it's worth, politics on the federal level is mostly a joke. While I am not suggesting we stop participating in the election process on the federal level, I think we need to focus more on state, county and city politics. Even if the GOP take over the congress, because of the amount of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) that seems to be increasing, that's just going to slow down the craziness going on in our country. It will be up to the states to hold the line, and if certain states won't do it, it will fall on the counties and cities/towns- and that could be very costly. Being that RINOs are just Democrats in Republican clothing, there will continue to be more and more compromise on economic, constitutional, and biblically moral issues.
As I have mentioned inn early blog posts, State Representatives and Senators, County Commissioners, Sheriffs, Mayors and Police Chiefs, need to not just focus on local politics, but keep an eye on what the federal government and maybe even the state government is doing economically and constitutionally, and nullify when necessary. State and local governments must not compromise constitutionally, and do something about the runaway "crazy train" economy due to federal spending. There are things that can be done. We cannot just rely on elections because of what I mentioned above and more. The federal government is destroying our country, and our country's founding fathers actually addressed it in the Declaration of Independence- having learned from English rule years ago. We need to find out what the Alter and Abolish clause in there means as originally intended and use it, and we better stop dilly-dallying.
I'm not saying there aren't problems in local politics too. If you are local and reading this, you may already know that there may be an issue with the District 2 Commissioner. Supposedly, after his re-election he remarried and allegedly his address is in the district and his wife's is in our neighboring state where he actually hangs his hat. If there is nothing wrong with this, then why all the secrecy and lack of openness about it. We are a small rural county, but we have the right to ask questions. It's my understanding that all 4 of our commissioners vote on matters affecting the whole county. We don't have time for this petty nonsense and should be getting ready for some bad times that could affect us locally. If it is wrong to do this type of duel residence, he needs to do the right thing so we can move forward. It's nothing personal. Contact the State AG's office and see what he says, and let's get this resolved.