Today I am off work to observe the most recently declared holiday Juneteenth (June 19th). Unlike some perhaps, I actually have no problem with this holiday and prefer this one more than MLK Day. Indeed, slavery was a bad time in the history of our country.
I have written numerous times about my interaction over the years with the Black Community. To spare you finding those blog posts for now, I'll remind you: My first career job was with a company that had about a 50/50 ratio of white and black workers. We all got along fine, respected each other, and were even able to tease each other about our ethnicity. About 15 years later, when I returned to supervision at another company in another state, my whole crew on my shift was Black. We got along fine and respected each other. And while we could tease each other, things had changed some and there wasn't much teasing if any about ethnicity. My most recent career job in yet another state before I semi-retired also had mostly black workers as well. And thankfully again, we got along very well, respected each other, and still could tease each other a little, but probably less than the last place and time I mentioned above.
So yes, some things changed because of the pressures of society, but based on my experience, I think the mainstream media is lying for the most part about the Black Community being upset about racism.....sort of. I say "sort of" because I do believe the media lies are affecting some black people. Both me and my wife have seen it in our current lines of work.
But why did I title this post "A White Supremist Faux?" Well, as most of you probably know, "faux" means false or fake, not real. And the leftist loonies in the federal government and some state governments, along with the lamestream part of the mainstream media are successfully convincing, or shall I say brainwashing people into think that if you voted for DJT, oppose certain and various liberal policies and actions, or are even a conservative, you are considered a white supremist- one of the most idiotic things that the government is doing and some people are believing. What it's doing is taking away any credibility left to really deal with the racism we have left.
As I've said before, until sin if removed at the resurrection, there will sadly be racism. Creation and the Cross of Christ should be the great equalizers. I'm asking my black friends, co-workers and neighbors to not fall or stop falling for the bulk of the Democrats and some of the Republicans, and media's lies. There are much more serious problems going on with the constitution and economy that crosses racial, religious, denominational, and political party lines. They are trying to divide and conquer, and sadly it seems like they are succeeding. In the meantime, I reckon I'm considered a white supremist faux, and that is sad and wrong. I would like to think that those who know me, know it to NOT be true.
~ Pester Brat