Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Generic Outline for a Typical La-Fayette Meeting Place Meetings

We're counting down the days until our first meeting. Here is an generic outline of a typical meeting. Hope you'll join us the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 PM at the Crossville Community Center. 

1. Welcome and Opening Prayer

2. Pledge of Allegiance (if a flag is available)

3. National Anthem and/or Patriotic Song (together or a singer)

4. 2nd Amendmentations :-)

5. Scripture Reading (usually something relevant to the purpose of our meetings)

6. Christian Song (together or a singer)

7. Notable Quotables (from former presidents or founding fathers)

8. Reading of the 10th Amendment

9. News We Can Use

10. Guest Speaker (Hopefully Coming Soon) or Pester Brat's Message

11.   Patriotic Song

12. It's Constitutional Watson

13.   Economy 101

14.    Q & A

15. Prayer for our Nation and Closing Prayer

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Introducing The La-Fayette Meeting Place

 As those that have been following and reading know, the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots (sometimes shortened to Concerned Constitutional Patriots) has had a national presence on the internet for almost a decade.

After we settled down and I partially retired in Lamar County Alabama, I started developing a conviction to do something on a local level. And not just for us, but as an example and hopefully just a beginning for others to do the same thing in counties, cities and towns around the country. 

The La-Fayette Meeting Place is short for The Lamar County- Fayette County Meeting Place. As we know Lafayette is a common name and many places around our country bear that name. Interestingly, we lived in Lafayette Louisiana for 18 months previous to here. And I saw an old map of Alabama that showed Lamar and Fayette Counties as one, called Lafayette. The La-Fayette Meeting Place is the location and meeting name for the Fellowship of Concerned Constitutional Patriots: The Lamar County/Fayette County Chapter. Perhaps one day it'll grow so we can split it into 2 or more chapters. 

It is modeled after a church service, and if allowed, will technically be a church, but biblically it is not. No Pastors, Elders or Deacons. No Bible sermons. There will be some praying, scripture reading and Christian music along with patriotic music, readings from the constitution, our country's founding fathers, and news that affects us. In other words, it will be unapologetically Christian (but non denominational) and constitutional, but the purpose is to inform about unconstitutional and economical issues, and major news, and encourage one another through music and getting to know each other. 

My goal is for our meeting times to not interfere with Sunday and Wednesday Church services, yet be at a time for most people to come. I know that between Church, football, school, and more, there will not be a perfect day and time. Even though I live in Vernon and know more people here, I want to try to be somewhat centrally located for Lamar and Fayette Counties, and it be easy to get to. 

So to start off we will meet once a month on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm at the Crossville Community Center. If you can't come but believe in what I'm trying to do, please spread the word, and if you're a praying person, pray for this.

If you have any questions, you can reply to the posts in the various Facebook groups and posts, Private Message me on either my personal account (BretM Lovitz) or Pester Brat, or you can email me at  

We need to do this more than ever before. There is so much going on that's further eroding our freedom, economy, and country. Let's make this endeavor happen!

Thank you, I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible.

~Bret Lovitz, aka Pester Brat~

P.S. If you are reading this and are not local, I hope that you will consider doing this in your own county, city, or town. 

National Debt Update

 As of the date of this post, out national debt according to is over 28 trillion 672 billion dollars.

That comes to over 86,000 per citizen and over 227,000 per taxpayer.

What we're doing to our children and grandchildren is unconscionable! While one major political party seems to spend more than the other, both parties are culpable. 

Is it too late to do anything about it? What cab be done? Is voting the right people in the only remedy if we even could? There are other remedies, but most people would not be willing to do it. 

Wake up people, before it's too late. 

~ Pester Brat ~