While we're dealing with the various issues facing us, our National Debt continues to escalate due to dealing with the alleged COVID-19 Pandemic. Of course the recent substantial increases are due to the socialistic "stimulus" packages. As I've share over the last few years, here are the more recent amounts:
Sept. 2017- 20.2 Trillion Dollars
May 2018- 21.2 Trillion Dollars
Jan. 2019- 21.9 Trillion Dollars
Aug. 2019- 22.5 Trillion Dollars.....
April 22, 2020- 24.5 Trillion Dollars!
July 31, 2020- 26.585 Trillion Dollars!!! This comes to over 80 Thousand Dollars per citizen and 213 Thousand per taxpayer and the Federal Government is looking at another "stimulus package."
Paying attention? Head still in the sand? So sure the Lord will come back before a major economic collapse?
Wake up and wise up sheep and goats.
Pray, plan, and prepare for a major economic collapse as if you couldn't go to the store to get enough or what you need, and stay in your rental or mortgaged home, and more.
~ Pester Brat~