Recently I had some brief interaction with someone I have known through the internet for about 15 years. I had shared a Meme on Facebook showing a guy that says cops have been enforcing unconstitutional laws but they would never enforce gun confiscation. He asked me if I was anti-cop now, and I just responded with asking if wanting cops to uphold the constitution was anti-cop.
We have been and continue to go through Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, etc. Well all lives matter, especially to the Lord. And Blue lives matter too. I respect our police officers and what many have to go through at times. Like in other areas of life, there are good cops and bad cops. But what makes a person a "good" cop?
Not only someone that doesn't abuse authority. Not only someone that understands his/her boundaries and that they are not above "the law." But those that remember they are to uphold State and U.S. Constitutions and does it. This begins with the Chief and Sheriff! Whether it's peacefully protesting (including abortion clinics), street preaching of the gospel, allowing open carry of guns especially when state law already allows it (hello? Alabama?), warrant-less search and seizures, vehicle check points, or the possibility of gun confiscation. I, and all of us, should expect, encourage, remind, and even demand that all jurisdictions of police officers obey the Constitutions (town, city, county, state).
Let's be careful on how we handle this. I'm not advocating violence or necessarily resistance. Be respectful when we talk to police officers. If you're a Christian we should interact with them in a Christ-like manner. Indeed the Bible says we are to obey the governing authority. So since we apply that to today, do you know who, or better what, our governing authority is? The Constitution! Check this Blog for an article or two about that.
Look, we're not to idolize or worship the Constitution. It's our governing authority, but it's still man-made. As with other things, we ought to obey God rather than man, so we follow and obey it as far as we can if or until in contradicts God's word the Bible. But it also doesn't mean we forget about it, let it go, or ignore it. It's not an "evolving" document, and it's still applicable today.
As it relates to our police? I respect them, and will treat them with respect. But a good cop is also a cop that will uphold and obey the constitution. I don't want to see them hurt and I don't want them abusing their authority. I would help them if they needed it and I was in a place to do that. But I would help someone that was being abused if I was in a place to do that too :-). I'm concerned about how many police officers would "rightly" disobey an unconstitutional order to confiscate/seize guns. And you should be concerned too!
For more information, and to remind and encourage our police officers, please check out the Oath Keepers. Their website is Thanks for reading...
~ Pester Brat ~
The Blog for Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America of which Pester Brat is the Founder and Director. This is the place for all things Pester Brat ;-) including but not limited to his Weekly Video Shorts, Weekly Newspaper Columns, Monthly Patriot Services for Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship, Mr. B's C Away Outreach using vitamins and natural alternatives to battle Cancer and more, and personal and various others posts from time to time.