Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship

Thursday, December 26, 2019

To Trump Or Not To Trump?

Good grief, you've got to be kidding me. So sick and tired of all the rhetoric, all the senseless finger pointing, all the nonsense, and the dog and pony impeachment show. Then we whine and cry about things and nothing is done about it. I reckon I'm aiding and abetting with this post.

Like the nonsense of the two party- lesser of two evils political system ;-), it seems that people are trying to be put in a category of either hating Trump or loving him- support him fully or don't support him at all. He wasn't a true conservative and yet he appears to be doing more "conservative things" that the so-called conservative Congress.

Then there are the Christians. There are those that say if you voted for and support Trump you are not saved, and those that say if you don't support him you must not be a Christian. Really? Man, I'm sure thankful and glad my salvation hinges on grace and Christ and not whether or not I'm a Trumpite ;-). Let's stop the personal attacks and judging a person's salvation [over this] and stick with the issues.

Me? I'm cautiously optimistic. He seems to be doing many good and right things, and for that I'm glad. But you do know that we have seen that in the past before and it ended up disastrous? I do not blindly and fully support him or not support him. Mr. Trump has helped a segment of the economy when it comes to the job market and Wall Street. But then there is this thing called the National Debt. Perhaps you have seen me post updates about it before ;-). Have you noticed that it is over 23 Trillion Dollars? That each and every citizen including each of my 8 grandchildren, and any children and grandchildren you have, owe over 70 Thousand Dollars. That it comes to over 187 Thousand Dollars per Tax Payer and it doesn't even include unfunded liabilities?

While President Trump may be doing some good things, it may very well be all for naught if he doesn't more aggressively do something about the National Debt by drastically reducing spending. If he really does care and really does want to begin reducing the National Debt, he needs to work towards reducing and eventually eliminating interventionism and policing the world, closing most of the hundreds of bases around the world, shutting down a few federal government departments, further reducing the size of the federal government, and so much more. 

And if Mr. Trump already knows it's too late, and that a major economic collapse is coming that could bring about massive job loss, starvation and death, how can he not help, inform and warn people like me and just a few others are?

The Obama's and Administration was the greatest hoax of our time in our country. It sure does appear that the leftist biased lame-stream media hates President Trump. In the recent past that was a sure sign that the President was doing something right. But the so-called Deep State/Bilderbergers/Illuminati know that too. I sure hope that an even greater hoax isn't going on. We can only hope that Donald J. Trump is like some of the Kings of the Old Testament and for whatever reasons is now trying to do the right things and for the right reasons. When he gets re-elected we may find out for sure. In the meantime, we should continue to encourage him to do the right thing and more that still has to be done, and be praying for him and our other elected leaders.

For your prayerful consideration. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and pray God's will is done. If you haven't already, please read older blog posts and check out my website at 

~ Pester Brat

Monday, October 21, 2019

Who or What is Our Governing Authority

I recently heard a sermon/message on Rom. 13:1-2 that deals with submitting to our governing authority. I thought I had written a blog article dealing with this specifically, but I don't see it.

Sadly, I did not hear the word "Constitution" mentioned one time during the sermon. Shouldn't it be? I mean, if we are going to apply God's word to us today in our country, and we should, shouldn't the Constitution be in a sermon dealing with submitting to our governing authority? After all, who or what is our governing authority in our country? Doesn't the Constitution restrain what the Federal Government is allowed to do? Isn't the Constitution and Bill of Rights our governing authority? Isn't it true that we are a Constitutional Republic, not a full democracy?

Since we are to apply what Paul and Peter wrote on this issue as moved by the Holy Spirit 2,000 years ago and apply it today, then our governing authority includes the U.S. Constitution. Where it's silent, it is the Individual and States, even according to the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that are the governing authority. 

I'm not comparing the Constitutions to God's word. Indeed the word of God is the ultimate final authority. As God's word says twice, we are to obey God rather than man. 

I'm also not saying that Christians are to be so quick to handle possible repercussions for obeying the Constitution over unconstitutional orders and laws, like the world. God's word says if at all possible leave peaceably with all men.

Christians are bible believers. The bible, as the word of God, says we are to obey our governing authority. For us in this time and this country, your state and the U.S. Constitution has the final say. We should not obey unconstitutional orders, and our peace officers should not enforce unconstitutional laws and orders.

Why do I write about this? Because if there is a major economic collapse before the Lord's return, there could be unconstitutional actions following it. We have already seen examples of this in recent years.

Let's pray for wisdom, guidance and direction, regarding this.

Thanks for reading!

~ Pester Brat ~

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

National Debt Update

According to, on 8/6/19 at 3:00PM, out National Debt is over 22.5 Trillion Dollars and rapidly climbing. That comes to over 183 Thousand Dollars per Taxpayer and over 68 Thousand Dollars per citizen from the youngest to the oldest. Our Federal Debt to GDP Ratio has about doubled since the year 2000 at over 105%. This crisis crosses racial, political, religious and denominational lines.

~ Pester Brat

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cops and the Constitution

Recently I had some brief interaction with someone I have known through the internet for about 15 years. I had shared a Meme on Facebook showing a guy that says cops have been enforcing unconstitutional laws but they would never enforce gun confiscation. He asked me if I was anti-cop now, and I just responded with asking if wanting cops to uphold the constitution was anti-cop. 

We have been and continue to go through Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, etc. Well all lives matter, especially to the Lord. And Blue lives matter too. I respect our police officers and what many have to go through at times. Like in other areas of life, there are good cops and bad cops. But what makes a person a "good" cop?

Not only someone that doesn't abuse authority. Not only someone that understands his/her boundaries and that they are not above "the law." But those that remember they are to uphold State and U.S. Constitutions and does it. This begins with the Chief and Sheriff! Whether it's peacefully protesting (including abortion clinics), street preaching of the gospel, allowing open carry of guns especially when state law already allows it (hello? Alabama?), warrant-less search and seizures, vehicle check points, or the possibility of gun confiscation. I, and all of us, should expect, encourage, remind, and even demand that all jurisdictions of police officers obey the Constitutions (town, city, county, state). 

Let's be careful on how we handle this. I'm not advocating violence or necessarily resistance. Be respectful when we talk to police officers. If you're a Christian we should interact with them in a Christ-like manner. Indeed the Bible says we are to obey the governing authority. So since we apply that to today, do you know who, or better what, our governing authority is? The Constitution! Check this Blog for an article or two about that.

Look, we're not to idolize or worship the Constitution. It's our governing authority, but it's still man-made. As with other things, we ought to obey God rather than man, so we follow and obey it as far as we can if or until in contradicts God's word the Bible. But it also doesn't mean we forget about it, let it go, or ignore it. It's not an "evolving" document, and it's still applicable today.

As it relates to our police? I respect them, and will treat them with respect. But a good cop is also a cop that will uphold and obey the constitution. I don't want to see them hurt and I don't want them abusing their authority. I would help them if they needed it and I was in a place to do that. But I would help someone that was being abused if I was in a place to do that too :-). I'm concerned about how many police officers would "rightly" disobey an unconstitutional order to confiscate/seize guns. And you should be concerned too!

For more information, and to remind and encourage our police officers, please check out the Oath Keepers. Their website is Thanks for reading...

~ Pester Brat ~

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2019 New Year's and National Debt Update

A belated Happy New Year 2019. I don't post on this Blog often and stay pretty active on my Facebook page ( New Year's Day 2017, the month President Trump started his presidency, the National Debt was almost $20 Trillion. Today, two years later in January 2019, the National Debt is almost $22 Trillion. 3 1/2 years ago it was almost $18.4. A trillion dollars a year now regardless of who's president? The current National Debt comes to $66,888 per citizen and $179, 466 per tax payer. This does not even include almost $1 Million for unfunded liabilities. Go to for this and more interesting information. Did you know that the median new home cost has more than doubled since 2000 and that there is almost twice as many government workers as there are manufacturing workers? Pay attention folks, and pray, plan, and prepare. Check out my website at

~ Pester Brat ~