Greetings Saints and Ain'ts :-)
Sorry I haven't posted on here in a while (but I have many times in Facebook). For those who don't already know, I was laid off by my employer in May 2015, and we moved back to our house in Alabama with our oldest daughter.
In addition to have a face to face with Congressman Daniel Webster in early 2015, I would have had a face to face with the Sherriff of Polk County Florida if we didn't move.
As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I think being a member of the FCCCP may help you get a meeting with various representatives and elected officials at all levels, and encourage you to do so.
On 6/15/15 days that our national Debt is now over 18 Trillion 267 Billion Dollars and still rapidly climbing. That comes out to almost $57,000 per citizen and over $154,000 per taxpayer not counting all the unfunded liability which puts it about a million dollars per taxpayer.
What are you doing in case the doo-doo hits the fan before the Lord returns?
The Blog for Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America of which Pester Brat is the Founder and Director. This is the place for all things Pester Brat ;-) including but not limited to his Weekly Video Shorts, Weekly Newspaper Columns, Monthly Patriot Services for Constitutional Patriots Online Fellowship, Mr. B's C Away Outreach using vitamins and natural alternatives to battle Cancer and more, and personal and various others posts from time to time.